Among the country roads.

Lilia's carriage was walking on the road and suddenly stopped

"Marquis Qiao, why don't you leave? Has it already arrived?"

Lilia opened the door curtain of the carriage and saw the horrified face of Marquis Joe and thousands of enemy troops in front.

"Female...My Lady Queen, there is an ambush among us."March Joe said tremblingly

"Take up arms and prepare to fight!!"The soldier captain shouted.

Facing so many enemies, he was a little scared.

Hundreds of troops protected the carriage in the middle. They would face enemies that were nearly 10 times more than themselves.

"Marquis Joe, how could this happen?"

Lilia's hands began to tremble. She didn't understand how her news was leaked.


Nearly a thousand soldiers began to draw their bows and aim at the convoy in front of them.


Suddenly, countless sharp arrows covered the sky, and then hit Lilia's motorcade like raindrops.

They were not worried about accidentally injuring Lilia. After all, the carriage was made of metal, and even arrows could not penetrate it.

But those soldiers were not so lucky.

After a round of arrows, one-third of the people on the field died immediately. The remaining people were more or less hit by a few arrows, but fortunately they were not at key positions..Marquis

Qiao hid under the carriage and escaped death.

"God bless, God bless."

Qiao stretched out his hand tremblingly to take out the cross in his pocket, but unexpectedly touched something.

The flare Zhang Jianguo gave him last time seemed to be still there.

He tremblingly picked up the flare gun and pointed it at the sky

"Your Excellency Zhang Jianguo, come and save us."

Marquis Joe waited silently, hoping to move God to get help.

A red flare flew into the sky and then exploded.

"what is that?"

"What a beautiful color?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the flare in the air, not knowing what it was.

All they knew was that it was very beautiful and the sound was quite loud.

"Eagle 1 saw the flare and began to head to the target location. It is expected to arrive at the destination in three minutes."

"Eagle 2 saw the flare and started heading to the target location. It was expected to arrive at its destination in three minutes."

Two military transport helicopters began to head towards the signal flares.

There were 50 people on each plane, led by Zhang Jianguo. They were now checking their equipment.

"Everyone, listen, your goal is to rescue Queen Lilia of the Erduwa Republic. They are important partners of the Dragon Kingdom."

"This mission must not fail, even if it costs your lives"

"yes!"The paratroopers shouted in unison.

The Erduwa Republic will be an important partner in the development of the Dragon Kingdom's other world, and it must not be destroyed in its own hands.


Zhang Jianguo faces the front

"There are still 60 seconds to reach the destination and open the hatch."

The cabin door at the rear of the transport helicopter was wide open, and the howling wind came over it.

"There are still 30 seconds to reach the destination, everyone is ready."

Following Zhang Jianguo's instructions, all the paratroopers stood up and prepared to start parachuting one after another.

"10 seconds left!"








Zhang Jianguo took the lead in the charge and jumped out of the plane.

The paratroopers behind him jumped out of the plane one after another like dumplings.

At the same time, the leader of the rebels below was riding on a horse, with the long knife in his hand moving forward. wave

"kill! Capture Queen Lilia alive."

After the order was given, the sound of killing suddenly shook the sky.

Thousands of soldiers began to charge towards Lilia's convoy.

"If you capture Queen Lilia alive, you can get an official title!!"

"Capture the Queen!"

The momentum of the rebels is very huge. Facing the protection force of the Republic of Erduwa that is ten times smaller than their own, they have an absolute advantage.

This Queen Lilia is the mobile honor value.

"Marquis Joe, what do we do?"

Lilia asked Qiao tremblingly.

She didn't regret coming out, but it was a pity that the kingdom was destroyed in her own hands.

"I...I don't know either."

There are only less than twenty or thirty people left on Lilia's side, tightly surrounding Lilia, looking at the people rushing towards her with trembling eyes.

Unless the gods come down to earth, there will be no suspense in this battle. Even if these two Thirty people have already reached the level of great warriors, and it is impossible to defeat the only thousand people now.

It can be said that there is no suspense in the battle.

If there were not Zhang Jianguo and others

"Huh? What is that on the ground?"

A lot of black shadows suddenly appeared on the ground, and then the shadows got bigger and bigger.

The rebels who were charging just now raised their heads and looked at the sky.

In the sky, there were parachutes opening and falling slowly.

"Look, there's someone up there."

The sharp-eyed people were surprised when they saw the people under the parachute.

What kind of person would actually fall from the sky? Could it be a god?

At this time, everyone had forgotten what they were doing and just looked up at the sky blankly..Until

, Marquis Qiao saw his familiar figure

"That's His Excellency Zhang Jianguo!!"

"We are saved. Someone comes from heaven to save us."

After hearing this, Lilia poked her head out of the carriage.

Then she saw Zhang Jianguo floating to her side, and she cried with joy.

"It was actually him, and this Dragon Kingdom was actually able to send troops from the air."

Zhang Jianguo and others were led by elite paratroopers, and the landing error was extremely small. At this time, almost 30 people had landed on the ground, and the remaining people were still landing in batches in the air.

"Mr. Qiao, what are you doing hiding under the carriage?"

Zhang Jianguo looked at the stunned Marquis Qiao under the carriage and asked in confusion.

Does this person have any special hobbies?

Marquis Qiao lay on the ground with some embarrassment and said:"It is convenient for observation."

"No, I discovered you first."

Seeing Zhang Jianguo and Marquis Qiao chatting, the rebel leader not far away finally understood.

These people who landed from the air in front of them are all enemies.

"What are you still doing? Come on, come on."


Thousands of rebels came to their senses and then launched a charge.

They held spears and shouted

"Everyone fights back and must hold the line"


Da da da~

Dozens of Dragon Kingdom soldiers clicked the triggers in their hands.

Bright blood splashed on the rebels not far away.

"What's going on?"

The enemy was confused.

The rebel leader didn't understand why this was happening.

The soldiers who were charging just now fell down in rows. They didn't know how to find a bunker or what Zhang Jianguo was holding. It was just a mindless charge.

This was simply a one-sided massacre.

After one or two hundred people were killed, the rebel leader felt something was wrong.



Before he finished speaking, a huge gunshot sounded, and the head of the rebel leader riding on the white horse was bombarded.

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