Big Mom's piercing screams sounded, and this time the screams even used a"strange sound". The nearby buildings that were already in ruins cracked and shattered.

A large number of people on both sides of the battle closest to the battlefield covered their ears and looked in pain.

This time, the Red Earl successfully stabbed Bigum in the right eye. Blood spurted out, the eyeball burst, and the blood stained Bigum's entire face red.

Big Mom, who had never suffered such a serious injury, had a painful expression on his face. He tightly covered his bleeding eyes with his right hand, and punched the Red Earl angrily with his left hand.


The Red Earl who retracted the Bat Umbrella Sword only had time to raise his arm to block. His left arm made a bone-breaking sound and was blasted through several walls and fell to the ground.


Bigum did not pursue him this time, but put down Napoleon. He covered his right eye tightly with both hands and kept making painful screams.


The Red Earl pushed aside the rubble that was pressing down on him and stood up. There was still blood on his chest, his left arm was bent irregularly, his face was pale, and he was not in good condition!

"Humph, this kind of thing is the overlord of the sea in the new era? It's still far from being a pirate!"

The Red Earl used his physical skills to stop the bleeding, and looked disdainfully at Bigum, who was screaming repeatedly. The

Red Earl recognized Bigum's strength, but looked down on Bigum's will. He only had one eye. It's so embarrassing to scream like that after being stabbed blind.

Really powerful pirates have long been accustomed to these physical pains, just like the golden lion!

He cut off his own legs, and before the wounds healed , he inserted his two knives into his legs roughly, and that was it. Still smiling, the heroic Qianyun just said lightly,"This way I have legs.""

If you can't get used to the pain, why are you a pirate?

"It's really embarrassing. Big Mom doesn't have Whitebeard's belief in risking everything for his family."

Thistle appeared next to Red Earl Ryder, and looked at Big Mom and continued calmly.

"There is no craziness of Kaido challenging the Navy Headquarters alone, and there is not even the red-haired Shanks who has not yet reached the top, and has a mind that embraces all rivers."

"She is just a lucky person who only has ambition and relies on talent!!"

Sisir is also quite disdainful of Big Mom. In his heart, Big Mom is not as good as the red hair of the Four Emperors. In the original book, talent is discussed. In the world of pirates known to Sisir , Big Mom can be said to be the strongest, with steel skin, natural supernatural power, and a completely natural monster.

She also has a dream: to make all races in the world become family members, and then eat together around the table as equals, which is great dream.

But what did she do? She kept giving birth to children and eating desserts. She had forty-three ex-husbands; she was pregnant continuously for forty-three years from the age of eighteen to sixty. , gave birth to a total of eighty-five children.

How long has she really practiced? If Big Mom's talent is cultivated seriously, she will definitely be able to defeat even Whitebeard at his peak. You must know that she is now His strength was obtained without much practice.

This is why Big Mom is called the"natural destroyer" by the giants."、"The reason for"Born Evil God"

"Such a waste doesn't deserve to be on the same level as that old guy with Whitebeard."

The Red Count stepped forward in two steps, looking at Bigum with murderous intent in his eyes.

After saying that, the Red Count turned into an afterimage and disappeared. When he reappeared, the dark bat umbrella sword stabbed Bigum in the head.

"Ryder, I want you to die without your body intact."Big Mom also noticed the Red Earl's offensive. His furious face was terrifying. He grabbed the Napoleon giant blade and chopped it off with one blow.


Anger has made Big Mom lose his mind a little. After the collision, he continued to carry the terrifying giant flame blade and rushed towards the Red Earl.

"Click... click"

Zeus and Prometheus also released thunder, lightning and flames constantly. Although they could not hit the Red Count, they could still limit the Red Count's range of action.

"Captain, won't we help? The count is not in very good shape right now."

Bacara and the others also got off the Lucifer in the sky, walked to Sisir and looked at the battlefield and asked

"No, Ryder will not agree to our intervention, and we must know that the injured tiger is the most ferocious. How can the"Aloof Red" who is as famous as One Piece and Whitebeard be so easy to defeat!"

In the battle between the two, Sisir still had confidence in the Red Earl. Although the Red Earl was seriously injured, his fighting consciousness, experience and will were not comparable to Bigum.

Besides, couldn't Biguma Mu's injury is minor? Although the Red Earl's physique is not as good as Big Mu's, but the attack strength, the Red Earl, as a great swordsman, is definitely stronger!

"And, we also have guests coming."Sisier then said calmly

"guest?"Except for Enel and Lafitte, everyone else looked puzzled. Even Barrett was puzzled. Obviously compared with his strong and perverted armed appearance, his sense of knowledge was much worse.

A ship on the sea. The pirate ship appeared at the mouth of Cake Island, with two swords crossed behind the skull, and three red-striped flags in the right eye of the skull.

"That's the red-haired pirates!"

"Why is the red hair here?"

Even the kings of the underground world in the distance and some pirates fighting in the new world were surprised by the sudden appearance of the red hair!

"The red-haired guy couldn't be here to stop the war again."As an intelligence tycoon, Morgans analyzed unhappily.


The red-haired man took the lead to disembark, followed by other cadres.


"Damn the Fallen Angel Pirates!!"

"Boom boom……"

The ordinary crew members who had already killed each other on both sides had not yet noticed that a third party force had arrived on the battlefield, but the ministers and captains had stopped and looked at the red-haired group of people walking towards them.

"Stop it all!"Walking into the battlefield, the red-haired and powerful overlord-colored domineering energy spurted out, soaring straight into the sky, covering the entire place. The whole place suddenly fell silent.

But those who could persist for three days were the elites of both pirate groups. Although they were all beaten. The shock stopped the fight, but neither fainted or fell.

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