"Wow... Wow... Wow..."

Cake Island disappeared! All traces were erased, and a deep pit appeared in the sea. The sea water was drawn into the pit, forming a huge whirlpool!

Thistle spread his black wings and floated In the air, holding Bigumam's body in his hand

"Captain, are you playing too hard? We almost couldn't leave."The Fallen Angel Pirate Fleet floated back, and Bakala complained. If Enel hadn't taken her away just now, she would still be entangled by the Big Mom Pirates.

"Really? Hahahaha, sorry, I didn’t pay attention! Sisir threw Bigumam's body to Becky.

After taking it, Becky asked strangely:"Captain, why are you keeping Bigumam's body?""

"Keep it, it might be useful later."Thistle said calmly, and then flew over the Lucifer.

"Guys, this war! we won! From now on, we are the new overlords of the sea!"

Sisier shouted to everyone!


"Hahahaha, I didn’t expect me tooOne day you can become a member of the Overlord of the Sea!"

"Long live the captain!!"

"We, the Fallen Angel Pirates, are the strongest. Big Mom is nothing in front of us. We also have Whitebeard and Kaido. We will kill them sooner or later!"

"昳hahahaha! Hey guys, take down all the original Bigumum territory first, and then we’ll have a banquet!!"


The fleet of the Fallen Angel Pirates made a loud cry, and everyone was extremely excited!

Although the Big Mom Pirates have been defeated, there are still remnants stationed on their island, and these are all going to the Fallen Angel Pirates. The group went to capture it!

However, the Bigumam Pirates Group, which no longer had Bigumam and its cadres, was a piece of cake for anyone, and anyone could eat it. Thistle would not let others take advantage!

"Big Mom died like this?"Although he saw Sisirti's body with his own eyes, the loan shark king still couldn't believe it. Such a monster fell like this.

"All I can say is"Devil King" Sisir, he is a more terrifying monster than Lingling!! Stussy held down her hat that was blown up by the wind, and whispered with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Not only Cecil himself, but his Fallen Angel Pirates are also terrifyingly powerful, even the two monsters Red Earl Ryder and Barrett are under his command."

The King of Sea Transport said in a hoarse voice. Everyone who has seen this war knows that the power possessed by the Fallen Angel Pirates is so terrifying. Even excluding Cecil himself, they all have the strength of the overlord of the sea! What's more, there are Thistle can suppress these monsters!

"Big news, hahaha! Big Mom was killed in battle, Cake Island was destroyed, and a new overlord was born!!"

Big News" Morgans flapped his wings and looked very excited.

"Now is not the time to talk about this!"Otote Funeral House suddenly looked at the sky seriously, the fleet of the Fallen Angel Pirates was coming towards them!

"This is trouble!"The warehouse king also had a solemn look on his face.

"The kings of the underworld! What a big shot."Sisir said with a faint smile.

All the kings of the underground world were ready. Stussy said with a cautious smile:"Master Sisir is joking. Compared with you, we are just little people."

"Do you have any orders from Lord Sisir?"

"That's right, just tell me what Lord Sisel has ordered! Thistle looked around and looked at"Big News" Morgans with a slight smile.

"Morgans, come, let the world know my fallen angel pirate group, hahahahaha!"

The next day, News Bird flew to all parts of the world with newspapers!

Naval Headquarters, Marineland.

In the large conference room, the generals of the Navy Headquarters, including lieutenant generals and above, except for those guarding important branches, were basically all present. Everyone was present. They were talking with a serious face.

After Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General He arrived, the conference room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Sengoku

"I believe everyone already knows that just yesterday, the Fallen Angel Pirates formed by Cecil defeated the Big Mom Pirates."

After sorting out the documents, Warring States pushed up his glasses and continued solemnly.

"Although we anticipated Bigumam's defeat three days ago, we did not expect that it would be such a disastrous defeat. The entire army was wiped out and not a single person escaped!"

When the war on Cake Island first started, the Navy had already received relatively detailed intelligence, but it only thought that the

Big Mom Pirates would be defeated. However, they did not expect that even monsters like Big Mom would die in battle!

"Now the Fallen Angel Pirates replace the Big Mom Pirates and rule the new world!"

"And it was also confirmed that he was the one who attacked Impel Down, and now a group of demon kings has been established."、"gods"、"Seven Lords of Hell"、"The overlord force composed of the"Ten Fallen Angels!"

Sengoku pulled out the latest newspaper, which contained the detailed names of the fallen angel pirate group's cadres, and a photo that took up half the page!

Thistle was sitting in the middle of the row on a gorgeous throne, with Red Earl Ryder and"Descendant of the Devil" Barrett standing next to him. The Seven Lords of Hell were behind him, and the captains of the Ten Fallen Teams stood in the front row. Only the"giant battleship" San Juan Wolf showed a big head at the end!

"Damn pirate!"Akainu Sakaski clenched his fists and looked at the photo angrily! Thistle, who he was most worried about when he was on Black Rock Island, has now become a serious problem for the navy!

"With Sisir's ambition and the strength of the Fallen Angel Pirates, there will be a conflict with Whitebeard and the others sooner or later. For the time being, we can only increase the bounty of the Fallen Angel Pirates."

Lieutenant General He said lightly. Now that Sisir has full wings, he is no longer a being that the Navy Headquarters can encircle and suppress.

Although he is unwilling to do so, the Navy has to accept the reality. The Fallen Angel Pirates have no one to claim the new supremacy of the sea. It can be denied.

At the end of the meeting, the meeting discussed the follow-up impact of this incident, the new bounty amount of the Fallen Angel Pirates... and so on.

And the world is also boiling because of the Fallen Angel Pirates!

"Big Mom is dead, and the new overlord of the sea,"Demon King" Thistle!!"

"Oh my god, the one who attacked Impel Down was not the Golden Lion, and the criminals from Impel Down actually joined the Fallen Angel Pirates!"

"Hahaha, the overlord of the sea is nothing more than that, a kid can defeat it, I also want to go to sea, the Pirate King belongs to me!"

"I want to join the Fallen Angel Pirates!!"


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