"If we don't remember the losses, it is not impossible for us to unify the new world, but that will only give the world government an opportunity to take advantage! I don’t want to be the next Rocks!"

Thistle said with a glint in his eyes. Rocks was an overlord in an earlier era than Roger. Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mom were all his crew at the time. He was even more powerful than Roger. Like One Piece, he became the only overlord of the New World at that time!

But so what? It's not a failure! Being too eager for success will only make the world government have no worries and nip the threat in the bud! With one more force to contain the world, The government has more worries, and the World Government also knows that as long as the sea exists, the pirates will never be wiped out. As long as it does not affect its rule, it is not willing to waste its resources and fight with a group of desperadoes.

Therefore, Thistle is in its own strength Before he ignores everything, he doesn’t want to go to war with the World Government!

If he unifies the new world, the World Government will definitely not be able to sit still, and it will definitely destroy the Fallen Angel Pirates with all its strength!

Although he is not afraid, his pirate group may It will be destroyed in one day. Although he is arrogant and domineering, he is not brainless, and he will not risk the lives of his own cadres, so now is not the time!

In addition to practicing this year, Anilu has made up for the history of Qinghai , culture, knowledge of strong men, of course you know who Locks is

"What does the captain mean?"Enilu understands a little bit.

"Strength always comes first. Don't be in a hurry to expand your territory. You can expand slowly, but you have to control it within a certain limit. As long as you give me some time, I will take you to the holy land of the world government!"

Sisier said calmly, with a domineering and confident tone.

"Understood! captain!"

Soon after, Sisir stood up and ended today's practice. Compared with a year ago, Sisir is now taller and more resolute in appearance! He also wore a ring, with the black ring engraved with A red word"Devil" is the symbol of all the cadres of the Fallen Angel Pirates.

Red Earl Ryder and"Descendant of the Devil" Barrett both have a ring with the word"God", and each of the Seven Lords of Hell also has one. oneself"arrogant""、"anger"、"greedy"……ring.

The captain of the Ten Fallen Heaven Squadrons also has"a"、"two"、"three"、"Four"……Except for these senior cadres, no other seat personnel have rings, except of course special personnel such as Baccarat.

Because this ring is not only a symbol of status, but also a symbol of life. Although it is black and red, it is"pure gold" inside, yes! It’s the kind of"pure gold" that delays aging!

Six months ago, Sisir took Bacara around to look for lantern fish. It took him more than half a month to find them and got a lot of"pure gold".

Except for the leaders of the Fallen Angel Pirates, no one else even knows about the existence of pure gold. This also makes the leaders more aware of the Fallen Angel Pirates!

At night, before Sisile entered the restaurant, he heard the noisy sound inside.

"Yeah, hahaha, that red-haired guy actually lost one of his hands, in such a weak place like the East China Sea, it’s so embarrassing!!"

"Now in the new world, there are many pirate groups who want to use the red-haired pirates to rise to power."

"Even several of our subordinate pirate groups are looking for trouble with the red-haired guy! Hahaha!"

"This time the red hair is going to fall! Hahaha……"


When Sisl walked in, he saw Eniro, Shiliu, Lafitte, and others chatting happily inside, and the atmosphere was lively!

"Did the red-haired man come back after breaking his arm in the East China Sea?"Sisier sat down on his seat and said with a smile.

"Yes Captain, just returned to the New World yesterday!"Bacara replied with a smile while drinking a drink.

"Captain, why don't we go see him too."Anilu asked maliciously.

"Where are the Earl and the others?"Thistle asked

"In addition to the Ten Fallen Heaven Team leading the guard outside, Earl and Barrett have traveled around the world and may not come back for some time."Bacara said.

Thistle cut a mouthful of steak, and after eating it, he said calmly:"Don't worry about the red hair now, it would be good to have one more person to contain the world government."

"Captain, do you mean that Red-haired Shanks will not be overturned by the"wave" of this new world?" Shiliu bit his cigar and drank red wine.

Thistle also shook his red wine glass, drank it all and said with a smile:"If breaking an arm can make him capsize, he is not worthy of such a strong overlord. So sexy!"

"We don't have to do anything. Let's get our intelligence system and economic problems sorted out first."

Compared with Whitebeard, Kaido and other overlords who have been traversing the sea for decades, the intelligence agency of the Fallen Angel Pirates is still just in its infancy.

"Tesoro's"Gran Tesoro" has been completed and will be opened soon. Tesoro said that he would never let the captain worry about money."Baccarat said with a smile.

Gilder Tezzolo was the man who attacked Doflamingo's auction house and robbed the superhuman-type fruit that was not for sale. He was chased by the Don Quixote family and fled into New Zealand. The world was accidentally saved by West Asia!

After taking it under his command, he didn't know if he was naturally suitable for this Devil Fruit. The fruit was developed very quickly, and his strength also increased by leaps and bounds. Although he was not yet the captain, Thisisle allowed him to establish"Gran Tesoro". He even asked Baccarat to help him from behind

"How is Katakuri's intelligence being established?"Thistle asked

"Don’t worry, Captain, the Big Mom Pirates have long been known as the industry’s most powerful intelligence force! Although the losses were huge, the establishment went very smoothly."

Lafitte answered elegantly, raising his hat and turning his cane.

Thistle did not kill them all. When Katakuri and the others saw that Bigumum had captured the souls of a large number of their brothers and sisters, they had already raised their eyebrows. Big Mom gave up. They originally feared Big Mom more than they loved her!

Katakuri offered to join the Fallen Angel Pirates for the sake of his surviving brothers and sisters. Although there was some turmoil in the process, in the end The surviving Charlotte family have all joined the Fallen Angel Pirates!

Pirates have never been particular about repaying debts from father to son. With Cecil's magnanimity, of course he can accept them. Don't worry that they are pretending to surrender. Cecil is confident. Suppress all their thoughts, not to mention the red count's domineering attitude of hearing what is inside!

Katakuri relied on his own strength and his achievements over the past year to obtain the title of Seven Lords of Hell.——"Greedy Monarch" position!

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