"Boom boom!!"

Sisir's left hand collided with Sengoku's, and the dark light wave in his right hand shot towards Kaido's mace.

"Kaido!"Garp angrily punched Kaido from behind.

"boom……"Kaido turned around and blocked it with a stick. The short confrontation was frightening. The air waves of the battle alone caused the ice in the bay to break and crack!

"Pirates really can't be trusted."Garp said disdainfully. Just now Kaido clearly wanted to kill Sengoku as well.

"When did I say that I wanted to cooperate with you? It’s me who wants to kill Sisir! Stay out of the way, Navy!"Kaido said arrogantly

"Kill me?"Sisir suddenly appeared behind Kaido, with black light condensed in his palms!

"Um!! Kaido was shocked and quickly turned his head to defend himself, but the moment he turned his head, Sisir's long-awaited"Magic Light Wave" hit Kaido's face.

"ah……"Kaido was blasted to the ice again

"Haha, haha, such a scene is really rare, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts would be so embarrassed!"Doflamingo said with a smile while standing at the naval position. He knows Kaido's strength!

"Kaido!"Moonlight Moria's eyes were red, and he looked at the fallen Kaido with hatred, but his trembling body still made him dare not face the nightmare he once had!

"It can only be said that Thistle is stronger than Kaido! Xiong said calmly while holding the Bible.

"Boom boom!!"

The battle in the sky is still going on. Garp and Sengoku teamed up to suppress Thistle. Kaido stood up unsteadily. A large piece of his face was corroded. It was terrible, but he was recovering quickly.

However, the battlefield has changed. Led by Katakuri and Siya, the captains have approached the execution platform

"kill!! Save Smoothie!"

"For justice!!"

There is already a river of blood under the execution platform, and the fiercest battle has begun!

"I'll stop them, go and save Smoothie!"Xia, who has fully transformed into a beast and turned into a giant saber-toothed tiger, said.

"please!"Katakuri didn't show any pretense. After repelling his opponent with all his strength, he jumped to the execution platform.

"Don't even think about it!"Lieutenant General Stoloberg, who had a long skull, held his sword, covered with domineering energy, and jumped up.

"Stay out of the way, meow""The King of Evil, Abarro Pizarro, stopped Stoloberg in mid-air.

"Go, Katakuri!!"The captain of the sixth team,"Emperor Crocodile" Cage, was also blocking a lieutenant general. The lieutenant general of the navy headquarters was completely suppressed by the Fallen Angel Pirates.

"Smoothie!"Katakuri jumped up to the high platform, killed the two executioners one by one, and looked at Smoothie with concern.

"Katakuri brother!"Smoothie's eyes were red with tears, and he was a little choked when he spoke.

Katakuri helped Smoothie up, and the index finger of his right hand was wrapped in glutinous rice, and he inserted the sea floor stone handcuff. (Same as Mr. 3's wax wax fruit, with Unlock abilities and save people!)

"Don't even think about leaving!"Warring States looked back at Smoothie, who was about to be rescued, and angrily slapped the two of them, and the shock wave was sent out loudly.


Thistle resisted Kaido's punch and used his strength to appear in front of the execution platform.

""Darkness, Disappearance"

Thistle moved forward with one hand, darkness erupted, blocking everyone's sight, and the shock wave hit the dark barrier, all silently, without a single wave.

Garp followed immediately, with top-level armed domineering The covered fist hit the dark barrier


The dark barrier shattered and disappeared. Thistle looked at Garp with blood on the corner of his mouth and said,"All things are led by heaven." Garp was caught by Thistle out of control. He made a fist with his left hand and hit Garp in the chest.

"Kid!"Garp's rich combat experience then kicked Cecil in the abdomen. When Cecil's fist was less than one centimeter away from Garp's chest, he opened his fist and the"gravity seed" in his palm hit Garp's chest!


Thistle spit out a mouthful of blood and retreated to the execution platform. I have to say that Garp's physical skills are too strong!

Sisir is confident that if he is covered with domineering power, with his physique, he can withstand even a full blow from a general without any injuries, but he cannot block Garp's fist. You can imagine how far Garp has cultivated his physical skills and domineering power. Such a situation.

But even if the body is injured internally, with Sisir's physique, it won't take half a minute to heal!

"hateful……"Garp, who was moonwalking in the air, looked at the execution platform unwillingly. He was so nervous that he didn't even care about what Thistle did just now!

Warring States' expression was extremely sad. Everyone stopped at this moment and looked in the direction of the execution platform.

I saw Thistle standing on the execution platform, with Katakuri and Smoothie standing behind him. Smoothie's handcuffs had disappeared.

"Really...really did it!!"

"No...it's a lie!!"

"Did the Navy lose?"

"how come……"

People all over the world watching the execution couldn't believe it! With such a powerful lineup of the Navy, the Fallen Angel Pirates actually did it and rescued people!

"I knew that"Devil King" Thistle would be able to do it!"

"I want to join the Fallen Angel Pirates!"

Of course, there are countless admirers of the Fallen Angel Pirates who cheered at this moment!

"Captain Smoothie!!"

"Very good!!"


The morale of the Fallen Angel Pirates was greatly boosted, and all the members shouted excitedly. They publicly executed the people they captured at the Navy Headquarters. They, the Fallen Angel Pirates, made history!!

"It seems we did it, Red Dog!"Barrett looked at Sakaski with a provocative smile.

"Damn pirate!"Akainu wanted to go to the execution platform, but Barrett didn't give him a chance at all, and punched him with a powerful and domineering fist!

"Go for it!"Sisir nodded calmly, and Katakuri and Smoothie immediately jumped off the execution platform and returned to the bay battlefield!

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