"Get lost, Navy!"A huge dinosaur rushed over, its body covered with powerful domineering force, with two bull-like horns on its head.

"It's the captain of the second team, the animal type - dragon fruit - ancient species - carnivorous minotaur form ability user,"Big Wine Barrel" Bacchus Choate!"

The navy who wanted to get close to Telef were knocked away by Choate, and even a rear admiral was bitten to death in his mouth. After spitting out the body, the dinosaur showed a ferocious smile.

"Taylor, he's not dead!"Jotte asked casually

"Still not dead!"Telef replied unhappily. He didn't expect to be saved by Choate. He was already thinking about what kind of wine he should buy to repay the favor.

"Die, pirate. Lieutenant General Ghost Spider suddenly appeared, slashing at Taylor with the long knife in his hand.


Choate noticed the Ghost Spider's actions and swung his tail. The Ghost Spider immediately felt the pressure of the wind and had no choice but to return his knife to defend.


The ghost spider was knocked away and took a few steps back. Fortunately, he reacted in time and was not injured.

"It's okay, Ghost Spider!"The mustachioed man with many scars on his face stood behind the ghost spider and asked with concern.

"It's okay, Dauberman, I'll hold Joe back later... Poof!!"When the ghost spider saw that it was Dauberman, he stared at Choate and began to plan in a low voice. But before he finished speaking, a long knife passed through his heart from behind.

"Dauberman...why?"Ghost Spider turned his head to look at his long-time comrade in disbelief.

"Hey, hey, you're careless, you ghost spider. Dauberman smiled sinisterly.

"You...you...are not Dauberman, who are you?"Ghost Spider suddenly said with certainty. Although he didn't notice any difference in Dauberman's aura after seeing Se Baqi, he was sure that this person was definitely not Dauberman!

"Mu Lu Hu Hu……"Dauberman pulled out the long knife with all his strength and laughed, jumped towards Choate, and changed his appearance in the air.

She turned into a very tastefully dressed female pirate with heavy makeup, fancy clothes and a tall nose, who looked like a witch.

"The captain of the fourth team - Caterina Depen! Animal type—Inu Dog Fruit—Phantom Beast Species—Nine-tailed fox form ability user!"

When the ghost spider saw the true form of Caterina Deppon, he knew that he was not unjustly attacked.

The nine-tailed fox's ability can completely transform into the appearance and breath of another person, and he can't tell the difference even if he sees, hears, looks, or looks domineering ( Except for those who develop something like"Hearing the Voice"), with the strength of Caterina Depon, it is unrealistic to attack a general by surprise, but there are absolutely few lieutenant generals who can prevent a sneak attack!

"Hey, hey, the blood of the strong is really fascinating!"Katerina Depen licked the blood on the knife, closed her eyes and thought about it.

The ghost spider's vision became increasingly blurred, and with his heart pierced, he had no chance of survival. He looked at the dinosaurs and katana opposite him. Terina Depon finally fell down unwillingly!

"Lieutenant General!"

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!"

The surrounding navy looked at the ghost spider's body with fear, and for a moment they didn't even dare to step forward.

"You take Telef to Soraka, and I'll have a good time here."Putting Taylor on Choate's back, Caterina Depen looked cruelly at the stunned navy around her.

"Don't die!"Jote said something and ran towards the 7th team. Soraka is the"nanny" of the Fallen Angel Pirates."

"Boom boom……"


A large vacuum area appeared under the execution platform, and there was no one there, because this is the most intense place in the entire battlefield!

Thistle fought Garp, Sengoku, and Kaido alone, for the sake of the reputation of the navy, and in order to keep the fallen angels The pirates, Sengoku and Garp try not to provoke Kaido when fighting.

Kaido just wants to kill Cecil now, as long as it doesn't hinder him, he has no time to care about Garp and Sengoku.

This makes it strange In the battle scenes, Thistle would often challenge Kaido in a one-on-one fight, and after knocking Kaido away, Garp and Sengoku would appear immediately. When

Kaido came back to fight again, Garp and the others would escape and wait for the opportunity, which made Thistle can't relax at all.

The Warring States Period is all about spending Thistle here. After fighting for so long, he knows very well that Thistle's physique is more terrifying than Kaido!

It can be said that only Garp can seriously hurt Thistle. He and Kaido's attack did little damage to Thisi'er! But even if Garp injured Thisi'er, Thisi'er could recover in a short time!

He couldn't kill Thisi'er! This is the answer that Sengoku knew clearly in his heart! But At the very least, he must be kept. Even if he cannot be locked up later, he must be captured temporarily in front of the whole world!

It’s not that Sengoku has not thought about killing the rest of the Fallen Angel Pirates, but as long as he and Garp take other actions, Thistle will attack him at all costs!

If Garp doesn't come to support, he will definitely be attacked by Thistle and Kaido together! To be precise, Kaido will attack both of them together, while Thistle will not dodge. , he will resist Kaido's damage and kill Sengoku.

"Thistle!"Kaido's fierce fists also carry thunder and lightning.

"Back off, Kaido!"Sisir showed no sign of weakness, and his domineering fist collided with Kaido's.

"boom! boom!!"

The roaring atmosphere stirred up shock waves, and the execution platform collapsed.

Kaido was once again defeated by Cecil and was knocked out. Before Cecil could react, Garp and Sengoku immediately appeared on the left and right.

"Bone Fist·Meteorite"

"Big Buddha·Shock Wave"

"Hum, the time is almost up, it’s time to end."Thistle snorted coldly, and shook his left hand slightly. Garp immediately felt the weight of the mountain, and his body froze, and he fell straight down.

"Cap!"Warring States shouted worriedly.

"Do you still have time to care about others?"Sisir's right fist was covered in darkness, and his powerful domineering energy was even more powerful, and it collided with Warring States' giant palm.

"boom!!"The Warring States Tiger's mouth exploded and flew out. No one was able to challenge Thistle in a one-on-one fight. Perhaps only Garp's fist could touch him.

"Thistle! Die!"

《Here is an explanation of the many"昳hahahaha" reactions from readers: This is the characteristic of pirates, and it is also the courage of big pirates! If it were other novels, these modal particles could be omitted, but not Pirates!

Each pirate I want to write about has his or her own character, like Garp’s heartlessness, Lafitte’s elegant cruelty, and Enel’s arrogance.…………

The heroes of the sea in the world of pirates, no matter what kind of situation they are in, they always face it with laughter, like when Doflamingo was captured, the golden lion broke his leg, the red hair broke his hand, and the white beard went to the navy headquarters with a desperate attitude.…………

So laughter is inevitable! Not only is it a character, it is also an expression of courage and mind. No matter in good times or bad times, even in desperate situations, he always smiles with courage and no fear! 》

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