The two sides fought for three days and three nights, and finally ended in a draw. Barrett and the current Shanks were almost equal, and it would take at least five or six days to decide the winner.

But when they were surrounded by enemies and it was difficult for other members of both sides to decide the outcome, the two of them were unwilling to fight to the death.

In the end, when the desert island was torn to pieces by the battle, both sides chose to give up and retreat!

Although the Red-haired Pirates blocked the attack by Barrett and others, the whole world knew that the Red-haired Pirates were no match for the Fallen Angel Pirates.

Just one"Celestial God", two"Seven Lords of Hell" and one captain of the Fallen Angel Pirates can tie up with one"Yonko"!

The strength of the Fallen Angel Pirates is simply terrifying. They are worthy of being the number one pirate group in the world, and may be comparable to two or even three"Four Emperors" forces.

This also led to the fact that in the future, the other three"Four Emperors" were often challenged by others, but only the Fallen Angel Pirates, no one dared to take a step beyond them!!

The Fallen Angel Pirates have also become the default on the sea - the leader of the four emperors!

"Never mess with the Fallen Angel Pirates!"

This has become the consensus of New World Pirates!

"hateful!!"On the way back, Enel was sulking while forging his body with lightning.

He didn't expect that he would be stopped by Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the red-haired pirates! After three days of fighting, he Although he had the upper hand, he still failed to win. This was a great setback for the proud man!

"Okay Enel, don't be upset. That guy Ben Beckman is really powerful. Even if West Asia comes, it won't be that easy to defeat him."

Lafitte put down the coffee in his hand and said calmly.

With their strength, unless there is a dimensional gap, it is not easy to defeat them. For example, it may be easy for Sisir to defeat them, but if it is replaced by Ba It will take a while for Leiter and Red Hair to defeat them.

Enel did not speak, but continued to practice hard. There was only one thought in his mind:"Become stronger!""

"The mission wasn't completed perfectly, and the captain didn't know if he would be blamed."Clicker said a little worriedly.

"Don’t worry, the captain didn’t think about asking for the red-haired pirates, otherwise he wouldn’t have let just a few of us come, at least he would have asked the Red Earl to follow. Lafitte replied calmly, their goal has actually been achieved, which is to let the world know how powerful the Fallen Angel Pirates are!

After all, the Fallen Angel Pirates have not made any big moves for five years, so let the world know the Fallen Angels again. The pirate group is terrifying, and it will also reduce unnecessary troubles in future development.

Especially the world's number one entertainment city owned by the"Golden Emperor" Tezoro. Anyone who wants to cause trouble there in the future or who is greedy for money must carefully consider falling. The strength of the Angel Pirates



"This is Barrett, what's up?"After answering the phone, Barrett asked casually while drinking red wine.

"Barrett, it's me."Thistle's voice came out, and the phone bug also imitated Thistle's indifferent and evil expression.

"captain!"Everyone on the boat came over and looked at the phone bug.

"You should be on your way back, right?"

"Yes, I will go back in a few days, this time……"

"You did a great job this time, thank you for your hard work! Since you are on the road, there is one more thing I would like to ask you to stop by."

"Captain, you say"

"The Vinsmoke family and Doflamingo in the North Sea want to cooperate with us. I'll ask them to wait at Guladuclon Island. You go and bring them together."

"cooperate?"Everyone was surprised. Are they worthy of it?

"Let you go, just don't let the fat sheep in your mouth escape."Sisier laughed jokingly.

"We get it, captain, don't worry!"

"Thank you for your hard work, click……"

After Thisl hung up the phone, Barrett smiled disdainfully:"What a bunch of guys who don't know themselves!"

"Come on, let's"welcome" them!"Kilijia laughed a little wildly. This was brought to their doorstep by themselves!

Graduklon Island is a large island near Dressrosa in the Demon King's Sea. The island has a population of more than one million.

It is rich and harmonious, and there are few Pirates are invading! Not only do they have tens of thousands of troops, but they are also protected by the flag of the Fallen Angel Pirates!

"Hey, hey, Gaji, I didn’t expect to meet you, it really surprised me."

Doflamingo said to a burly middle-aged man wearing a battle uniform marked with"66" and with waist-length blond hair. He was the commander-in-chief of the Vinsmoke family - Vinsmoke Gar. rule!

"You also surprise me, JOKER, what is your purpose?"Vinsmok Gaji asked calmly.

"If you want to continue doing business in the new world, of course you have to say hello to the monsters in the new world! do you think so?"Doflamingo said with a smile.

"Yeah? Are those weapons of yours acceptable to the Fallen Angel Pirates? They are not short of money. With the Golden Emperor here, there are plenty of people selling their things!"

"This, who knows?"Doflamingo smiled indifferently, his smile was mysterious and confident.

"Is it you? What are you here for?"

"Talk about marriage!"The calm words of Vinsmoke Gaji really made Doflamingo's eyelids jump, and he looked at Vinsmoke Reiju next to Vinsmoke Gaji in surprise.

"Hey, hey, hey... then I wish you success!"

Doflamingo doesn't even know what Vinsmoke Gaji is thinking. Will a man like Thisl be short of women? Will he be tied to a chariot with you because of a woman?

Both of them are They stopped talking and waited for the arrival of the Fallen Angel Pirates.

Two days later, the Lucifer appeared at the dock.

Doflamingo and Vinsmoke Gaji did not expect that the person who came to pick them up would be"God of Heaven""Barrett, the Seven Lords Lafitte and Eniro, and the captain of the Ninth Team, Charlotte Cracker.

Such a lineup makes them a bit"flattered"!

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