Thistle has no ability to use, and can dodge all the light bullets by flashing in the air. This is the combined skill of"Shaving" and"Moon Step", and he can also move like"flash" in the air!

""Armed, Judgment"

Thistle's powerful and heavy fist hit Kizaru, and before he got close to Kizaru, he felt a strong sound of breaking through the air. Kizaru quickly turned around, with a dazzling light on his right foot.

"light speed kick"


The deafening collision caused a deep crater to appear in the sea water. The Lucifer quickly retreated under the control of Keris. The war house was overturned. Countless soldiers fell into the sea and rolled in the waves like floating corpses. During the collision,

Thistle was stunned. At every turn, Kizaru felt as if his right foot had been kicked on the hardest metal, and he stepped back continuously and lost consciousness for a moment.


Sisir didn't give Kizaru any chance to breathe. He appeared above Kizaru's head again and swept over with a sudden kick.

"Your physical skills are really not good enough, monkey!"

"I don’t need you to teach me a lesson!"Kizaru turned into photons and disappeared. Thistle only kicked away the afterimage of the light.

"I don't have time to play with you anymore, you stinky monkey."Thistle's eyes condensed, and the dark light gathered in the palm of his hand, shooting in the direction where Kizaru's photons were condensed.

Now that Thistle uses the power of darkness, there is no need to enter the"Fallen Angel" transformation!


As soon as the photons condensed into Kizaru, the dark light came to his eyes. Kizaru formed the"Ama Congyun Sword" in his hands. Without enough time to cover the domineering force, he waved his hand and slashed at the black light.

The naturally opposing light and darkness exploded, and the sky They were all dyed into the light and dark sides.

Kizaru emerged from the explosion with a disgraced face. The"Ama Cong Yun Sword" in his hand had disappeared, and his body was in tatters.

"hateful!"Kizaru turned around and raised his hands to block, but was kicked away again by Thistle who suddenly appeared.

"Too weak, monkey!"Thisir caught up with Kizaru, and his fists were like machine guns, turning into afterimages to hit Kizaru.

Kizaru could only barely keep up with the rhythm of Hiser's attack, but he was still beaten until he vomited blood, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen!

"How could he be so strong!"Kizaru knew that he would be defeated! But he never thought that he would be defeated so quickly. He could only parry against Thistle! In five years, although he has not caught up with Sengoku and Garp, he has only been able to catch up with Sengoku and Garp. He was just a hair away. He was confident that even if he faced Garp, he could fight for a whole day and remain undefeated.

But against Thistle, he was just like when he was a general candidate and faced Garp at his peak. He was beaten! There was no way to fight back. room!

"With such strength, the three generals might not be able to win together! In five years, this monster has become so much stronger!"

Kizaru was heartbroken and was hit by Sisir again!

""Pfft..." spitting out a mouthful of blood, Kizaru's eyes turned fierce! His whole body was glowing!

"The field of light!"

The sky, the sea, and everything around him are emitting light. The light is getting stronger and stronger. Nothing else can be seen anymore. Everything is covered by light! The intense light makes it impossible to open his eyes. Kizaru's injuries are The light quickly recovered, but with Sisir's knowledge, he could feel that these lights contained destructive power!

""The sun is shining"

The surrounding light is getting brighter and brighter, and it seems that nothing exists except light in the space! The sky and the earth are filled with destructive yellow light. Thistle can feel that the light here is expanding. Is Kizaru going to Let the light that covers dozens of nautical miles explode!

Such a terrifying explosion is enough to destroy a very large island. It is more terrifying than the power of ordinary nuclear bombs!

"The fruit is awakening! not bad!"Sisir actually had the leisure to comment.

Then, the wings behind Sisir spread out, and the ten-winged fallen angel form was used for the first time, and dark light emerged behind him.

"Darkness, Swallowing, Starry Sky."

Thistle moved his hands up and down, drawing a"circle" in front of himself, and a dark round hole appeared, like a drop of ink in the white paper!

The darkness began to absorb the surrounding light, and the darkness"Reproduce" in the yellow light!

And it is very fast. In just a few seconds, half of the surrounding area is occupied by darkness. The yellow light is"retreating" quickly! The power inside is also being swallowed up!

"how come……"Kizaru watched in horror, his"light" would be swallowed up!

When the surroundings completely turned into darkness, Kizaru no longer had any thoughts of fighting. His body turned into photons and flashed into the distance, disappearing in front of Sisir's eyes. He didn't even dare to leave a word!

Thistle didn't care about Kizaru's departure, and the darkness dissipated with a wave of his hand!

Gaji, who was on the war house in the sea below, was already blind. He was slumped on the deck, looking at Sisir in the sky.

Many soldiers and several of Gaji's children woke up. Although they had their"emotions" wiped out, they also understood the gap between themselves and Sisir!

When Sisir withdrew his power and appeared in front of Gaji, Gaji had fear and regret in his eyes, but he couldn't say a word.

Sisir slowly walked up to Gaji, grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

"Spare... spare my life, Captain Thistle, I don't dare anymore, I am willing to surrender, please, give me another chance!"

Gaji had difficulty breathing and begged desperately. He just wanted to live now! Only when he truly saw Sisir's power did he realize how ridiculous he was for provoking such a monster!

"I said, I want you to see your Germa destroyed with your own eyes!"

Sisir looked at Gaji coldly, without any warmth in his eyes.

"Let go of father!"Iji, Niji, and Yuuji have been implanted with the first order of"loyalty to Gaji" since they were born!

Seeing Gaji in distress, they rushed over without hesitation. (Reiju and Sanji because of their mother The impact of taking drugs retains"emotion".)

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