"hateful!!"The ground cracked open in the big tree that Basas was holding, and the tree roots were sucked up into the sky.

Just when Basas was about to be swallowed into the black hole, a black light suddenly appeared on his body, and the gravity of the black hole pulled him into the sky. The body disappeared and fell from the sky in a free fall!

"Boom!!"Create a huge human-shaped pit.

"what happened?"Bashas climbed out of the pit with a confused look on his face, looking at the city that had turned into ruins.

Suddenly he saw Sisir and Van Oka in the distance among the ruins, standing calmly and calmly, and hurriedly walked towards them. The two of them ran towards each other.

"Captain, what is this?"Bashas asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, it's just that the vacation here ended early."Thistle shrugged and said regretfully.

"What did the captain do? Weihahahaha, it’s so powerful!"Bashas raised his arms and laughed heartily. There is a strong captain on the sea. What is more reassuring than this?

"So now the question is, where do we sleep at night? Haven't had dinner yet."Fan Oka said calmly.


The desolate land suddenly began to shake. After a while,"Bear... roared"……"The volcano suddenly erupted!

The gravity of the black hole created by Sisir caused the extinct volcano here to erupt again!

"Weihahahaha, run away for your life first!"Bashas laughed and ran away.

The magma surged and splashed, and Thistle and Van Oka followed closely behind, returning to the ship in the port.

"Boom boom!!!"

In just a few moments, several volcanoes erupted together, covering the hot spring island with magma, and the island was about to sink and disappear!

"Let’s go back to the new world!"

Navy Headquarters, Marine Fando!

After several days of investigation, Sengoku and the others got the worst information - Momo Usagi is in the hands of the Fallen Angel Pirates!

"It turned out that it was really the Fallen Angel Pirates who did it! hateful!!"Sengoku took the information in his hand and slapped it on the table angrily.

Lieutenant General He who was sitting on the sofa next to him also had an extremely ugly face. He was trying to save people from the Fallen Angel Pirates. To be honest, it was too difficult!

"Huh, I'll go ask for it myself!"Garp stood up and walked outside.

"Stop Cap! If you go alone, you won't be able to save others, but you will get yourself involved!"Lieutenant General He said seriously. She was the only one who could persuade Garp at this time. Even the Warring States Period couldn't do anything about Garp's temper!

"What does the government say?"After Lieutenant General He stopped Garp, he asked Xiang Warring States

"They won't go to war with the Fallen Angel Pirates, the price is too high! Moreover, we have no advantage and no chance of winning in the new world!"

Sengoku said slowly. He had already thought of this answer, but he could also understand that the climate of the new world was unpredictable. It would be too disadvantageous for the navy to enter the new world and start a war! The world government would not consume itself for a mere lieutenant general. Deep knowledge!

This is the difference between politicians and heroes of the sea. If it were Sisir, how could he think so much? Let’s fight first.

"However, the government has agreed to send CP to organize people with special abilities to go to the Demon King's Sea to try to rescue Gion!" Warring States added, this is already the government's greatest support!

"Isn’t Thistle still in paradise? I don’t know where Ryder is, so we can just call him right now, that’s all!"

Garp said while staring at Warring States!

Lieutenant General He patted Garp's shoulder. Garp turned to look at Lieutenant General He. He's eyes were reddish and he shook his head.

"Useless Garp,"God" Barrett and the"Seven Lords of Hell" alone need all the navy to have a chance of winning!"

"And we also have to ensure that the other"Four Emperors" don't take advantage of the situation, and Thistle and Ryder won't have time to support him!"

Lieutenant General He closed her eyes helplessly. She understood what it means to have more than enough ambition but not enough power! In the final analysis, the navy is still not powerful enough!

"It is unrealistic for the navy to go to the New World to rescue people. Now we can only see whether the people sent by the government can do it!"

"If that doesn't work, we can only negotiate with Sisir!"

Warring States is also unwilling. As a naval marshal, he also wants to rescue his subordinates at all costs, but in reality, he has too many responsibilities, concerns and pressures! On

Demon King Island, Peach Rabbit was pushed back by Lafitte himself, After treatment, Taotu has recovered more than half of his body, but his whole body is tightly bound by sea tower stones.

"Bastard, let me go, or kill me if you can!"

In the special cell, Taotu looked at Lafitte angrily. He was captured alive by pirates. This is a shame for the navy!

When he thinks of the greed, cruelty and lust of pirates,…………She was a little panicked. She was not afraid of death, but as a female navy, after being captured,…………

She would rather die than be insulted by pirates!


Outside the silent cell, there was only the sound of Lafitte's dancing footsteps, coupled with his face like a drama actor, it looked sinister and terrifying!

"Beautiful lady, as long as you are willing to cooperate, I guarantee that you will not be harmed in any way! We, the Fallen Angel Pirates, don’t like bullying women either!"

Lafitte said with a smile.

"Don't even think about it!"Peach rabbit refused, she would never compromise with the pirates!

"Don't rush to answer, think about it for two days, I hope you will make a smart decision before our captain comes back!"

Lafitte turned his cane gracefully

"Oh, I forgot to mention that the navy already knows that you are in our hands, but you should also know that they can't save you, and they won't come to save you! Think about it!"

After saying that, Lafitte left the cell, with only Peach Rabbit's stubborn eyes in the darkness!

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