A small voice of ridicule sounded from the direction of the navy warship, but many people on the battlefield were shocked. They stopped and looked towards the warship.

Akainu's warship was originally filled with navy corpses hanging on the deck, railings, bow, stern and even flags. Scarlet blood covered the entire warship.

At the very front of the bow of the warship, there were three men standing. The one on the left, three meters tall and thin, was holding a smoking sniper rifle. It seemed that he had fired the shot that had just shot Aokiji..

The man on the right is strong, muscular, and over three meters tall. He is raising his arms and laughing boldly.

The man in the middle is well-proportioned and slender, nearly three meters tall, and handsome in appearance. He is the shortest among the three, but his calm and intimidating aura is full of oppression. Even with a smile on his face, he is intimidating!

At this time, all the eyes looking over were looking at the man in the middle, with fear, awe, anger, and distress in their eyes.……

""Demon King"……Thistle!!"

"Thistle boy is back at this time!"

"It's Xi... Thistle!!"


"Hahaha...the captain is here!"


"navy! You were really taken care of during my absence!"Sisir glanced at the whole place and said calmly.

His tone was calm and no emotion could be heard, but all the navy on the battlefield felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts!

"Thistle, we have no intention of being your enemy this time. As long as you let Taotu go, we will leave immediately!"

Qingzhi put his hands in his pockets and said slowly. As for Bruno, I'm sorry, the navy doesn't know who the World Government sent, let alone cares about his life or death.

"Hahahahaha... You came to my territory to cause trouble, and you still want me to let you go? Does your navy take itself too seriously?"

Sisir didn't know anything about Taotu's capture, but he didn't care. Those were not important. What was important was...kill these navy!

"Guys, kill this group of marines for me!"Sisir opened his hands and shouted, and the crazy voice spread throughout the battlefield!


"Navy, die!"

"Just the navy, since you are here, please stay!"

"The captain is here and you all must die!"

"Since Sisir wants to keep you all, it seems that I have to take it seriously, no matter what.……"The Red Earl's rich domineering energy covered the umbrella sword and stabbed Garp's throat with a fierce momentum.

"He is the captain!"

"Come on if you can, Ryder!"Garp was not afraid at all. His dark iron fist took the Red Earl's sword. The shock wave at the collision shattered the ice and pushed everything around him away!

Sisir's words brought the battle to a climax. Everyone Everyone started going all out!

"Don't die, you two."Sisir said lightly, jumped off the warship, and slowly walked towards the center of the battlefield.

"Wei ha ha ha... I just came to report to the pirate group and encountered such a fierce battle. I am really worthy of being a Yonko!"

Bashas laughed generously, and the noisy sound made Van Oka jump on the sail pole and stay away from him.

"Got it!"

Thisir was walking on the battlefield, and several rear admirals sneaked closer. Less than three meters away from Thisir, they suddenly jumped out together and slashed at the surrounded Thisir with their domineering long knives!


Sisir's footsteps did not change, and he still moved forward slowly. A black light appeared in his right hand. He raised his arm slightly, and all the major generals who had sneaked up stopped in mid-air. They kept chopping and couldn't move at all!

"what happened?"

"Why can't I move? what happened?"

The major generals looked frightened. The sudden inability to move made them frightened and panicked, especially when there was a"Four Emperors" in front of them! After

Sisir walked slowly for a while, the right palm of the black light suddenly a grip




The bodies of several major generals seemed to be squeezed by something, shrinking and concave...the muscles, skin, internal organs and bones were severely squeezed together!

The bones kept making the sound of breaking, the skin was squeezed and cracked, and blood continued to leak out. The miserable wailing made people's scalp numb.

The surrounding navy watched helplessly as these major generals floated in mid-air, twisting into a ball like rags being twisted. They were shapeless, bloody, and cruel to watch!

At this moment, all the navy saw Sisir, as if they were seeing the most terrifying devil, and kept retreating away. The fear in their eyes and fear in their hearts made them dare not get even closer to Sisir.

Such a strange scene appeared on the battlefield. Wherever Sisile walked, there became a vacuum zone.

"Cecil, you bastard!"Sakaski used the awakened lava giant to block Barrett, and his whole body turned into lava and rushed towards Thisisle!

The cruel method just made him furious! Not only him, even if he had never meant anything, Garp, who had lost his lungs, now also has murderous intent in his eyes, and his moves against the Red Earl are becoming more and more violent!

"Red dog, actually I don’t hate you, but! Since you are looking for death, let me help you!"

Sisier looked at the rushing lava and said quietly.

"Armed: Fist of Oblivion"

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