Three months later, in the new world, a secret naval base.

From the outside, this place looks like a deserted island with very few green plants. This island cannot be found on the sea map, and there is even no pointer to this island in the outside world!

But this is a very important special weapons storage base for the navy, and there are weapons comparable to those of ancient times.——"DYNA ROCK"!

"The weather is so nice today!"A team of navy was patrolling along the coastline. The colonel leading the team stretched out happily.

"Colonel, the defense change is about to take place, we'd better hurry up!"A major urged.

"Don't worry, even if we are news birds, we won't come, nothing will happen!"The colonel said nonchalantly. Except for the navy, you can't meet anyone else here all year round.

When the major saw his superior saying this, he didn't say anything anymore. The work here is indeed too boring!

"Colonel, look! There seems to be a ship coming over there!"A navy soldier suddenly pointed in the direction of the sea and said

"Um?"The colonel curiously looked in the direction of the soldier's finger. All he could see was a black spot.

The colonel immediately cheered up. The"black spot" that appeared on the sea was either a sea king or a ship!

"telescope!"The colonel took the telescope from the soldier next to him and looked at it seriously.

"That's... black wings... skull and crossbones flag!!"

"It's the Fallen Angel Pirates of"Yonko" Sisl!!"

The colonel opened his mouth wide, sweating profusely, his eyes were full of fear, and the telescope in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously, and he was confused!

" did you say? Fallen Angel Pirates?"The major picked up the telescope and looked over in disbelief.

"Oh my god...why are they here?"

"what to do? what to do?"

The patrol team panicked when they heard the news. It's not that they are timid, it's that the vicious power of the Fallen Angel Pirates has been deeply rooted in people's hearts!

The colonel finally reacted and pretended to be calm and said:"Big... don't panic, everyone, contact us immediately Lieutenant General Sniff!"

"Yes Yes!"

The communication soldier immediately took out the phone and started to contact, but…………No matter how hard I hit, there was no movement!

"Go, response!"The signal soldier looked at the colonel in panic.

"It must be the fault of the Fallen Angel Pirates. Let's report it to Lieutenant General Sniff!"

The colonel said with certainty. After speaking, he immediately led the patrol team and ran towards the base. They wanted to tell the news to Lieutenant General Sniff at the base as soon as possible.

"Really, isn't it just disturbing a date? As for sending me out to do such a boring task!"

Enilu was lying listlessly on the deck chair, complaining constantly.

"Boss Enel, who asked you to borrow money while the captain and Miss Baccarat were having a candlelight dinner? If the captain hadn't stopped you, Miss Baccarat would have killed you!"

In the past few years, as the Fallen Angel Pirates have been fighting in the north and south, the"Ghost King Kong" Akin has grown very rapidly, complained.

"Who knew that lighting a candle and having a meal is a date?…………"Enelu said with a guilty conscience, he was frightened when he thought about Baccarat's eyes at that time.

"Why did Telef ask you to follow this god? Are you unable to survive in the first team?"Enilu casually changed the subject.

"No, the captain wants me to be on my own as soon as possible!"Ajin said calmly

"oh? It seems that you want to seize the position of captain!"

Anilu said with a faint smile. Although Ajin and Becky are not core cadres, like Bacara, they are partners who have followed Sisir for a long time.

"Come on! God is optimistic about you!"So I still approve of Ajin and Enilu!

"Lord Enel, the navy is signaling, let us leave!"

"oh? Signal language? When did the navy learn to be polite before fighting?"Enilu stood up and said jokingly

"Let’s respond politely and ask them all to surrender!"

"yes!"The pirates all laughed evilly!

"Lieutenant General Sniff, they want us to kneel down and surrender!"The naval soldier looked at a tall middle-aged man holding two swords and said, he is the highest officer of this base!

"It seems they are really here for us. How did they know this place? Sniff asked with an ugly face:"You still can't contact the headquarters?""

"I have tried all the phone bugs, but none of them can get through!"The soldier beside him said helplessly.

"Get ready to fight!"Sniff flicked the robe behind him and looked firmly at the pirate ship that was getting closer and closer.

"Boss Enelu, their turret has been aimed at us!"

The pirates at the observation deck used binoculars to observe the navy's movements!

"knew! Then send them on their way!"Enilu's intelligence has already"seen" every move of the navy, and the thunder on his body began to flash!

"God’s sanction!"


A thunder column struck directly from the sky, and the violent thunder destroyed all the cannons on the coast without any reaction from the navy, and the surrounding navy was also electrocuted into charcoal!

"No need to fire, just dock directly!"Anilu ordered


One by one, the pirates jumped off the pirate ship and rushed towards the navy with weapons in hand.

"For justice! Destroy these nasty pirates!"

"Come on!!"

"Stupid mortal! See the power of God!"

"Thousands of thunders!"

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