A few days later, Marine Headquarters, Marinevando, welcomed a special warship.

This is an escort ship for the New World G5 branch. The escort ship is none other than Momo Gion who left Demon King Island!

Taotu stood on the deck. Although her freedom was not restricted, there were always two soldiers watching her. The people on the ship also pointed at her, saying she was a traitor, shameless, and spy.………These ugly words are always heard.

Taotu looked lonely, looking at the navy headquarters in front of him with his back.

She originally returned to the G5 branch happily, but instead of being greeted by enthusiastic companions, she was greeted with wary eyes and swords!

When Taotu finally said that she was not a traitor, the Lieutenant General of the G5 branch came and said that he would take her back to the Navy headquarters and let her explain clearly, but before that, she must be under surveillance!

"Phew... I hope Sister He can help me!"In the Navy, the person she trusts the most is Lieutenant General He, and she also believes that Lieutenant General He will definitely believe in her!

"Get off the ship, Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit!"The soldier behind him said politely, but his tone was quite distant and businesslike.

"knew!"Taotu got off the ship with the Lieutenant General of the G5 branch. Sengoku, Lieutenant General He, and Sakaski had been waiting on the dock for a long time!

"Marshal, Commander Tsuru, General Akainu, why are you all here!"The lieutenant general said flattered, and immediately raised his hand to salute!

"Thank you for your hard work, Lieutenant General Nishimura Sawada!" Warring States said with relief.

"No hard work, everything is for"justice""!"G5 Branch Lieutenant General Nishimura Sawada said excitedly

"You have worked hard all the way, go and rest, leave Gion to us!"Warring States looked at Taotu and said


For the first time, Taotu felt uncomfortable at the Navy Headquarters. He felt a little guilty for no reason, even though he had done nothing!

"Gion, are you okay? Lieutenant General He stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Sister He……"Taotu's eyes were a little red, and his face showed a child-like grievance!

"It's okay, it's okay, just come back! Go, go back and speak slowly."He said comfortingly, she is the one who has never doubted Peach Rabbit!

"snort!"Sakaski snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the marshal's office, where they wanted to figure out Peach Rabbit's problem.

"Don't worry about going to Gion, Sakaski has such a temper!"Seeing Sakaski's unkind attitude towards Peach Rabbit, Warring States immediately comforted him and said

"It's okay, let's go, Marshal!"Taotu tried his best to show a smile and said

"Look, that’s Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit!"

"I didn't expect that she would dare to come back!"

"There may be some conspiracy, this traitor!"

"No, there may be some misunderstanding here. Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit should not……"

"Nothing! You know shit, but tell me, how did she escape from"Devil King" Thistle? Even Lieutenant General Garp can't do it!"

"Even so, I don’t know what the marshal and the others thought, that they would believe this traitor.……"

"I heard that she and General He are sisters and have a very good relationship! and……"


Along the way, Taotu felt countless hostile, mocking, and contemptuous glances around him. Although their whispers were very low, Taotu's domineering attitude could still be heard.

Taotu lowered her head, feeling panicked. She knew it was useless to say anything now. General He shook Taotu's hand hard and gave her a firm look in Taotu's eyes!

Taotu felt a warmth in his heart, put away his mind, raised his head and walked away!

"Give me time and I will be able to prove it to you!"Momotu thought secretly in his heart.

In the Marshal's office, there were only Sengoku, He, Sakaski, Momo, and Zefa who came to inquire. Kizaru went to Vegapunk's scientific research team, and Aoji went to the Holy Land... Marie Joa

"Gion, tell us now, how did you escape? In the end what happened?"Warring States asked seriously.

"I...actually I don't know. Thistle just kept me locked up. In that dark dungeon, I had no idea of ​​time. I only know that just a few days ago, Thistle came suddenly. He... … He didn’t make things difficult for me and just let me go. I was also very surprised!"

Peach Rabbit didn't know what to say. She couldn't even explain Sisile's behavior.

"What nonsense! Sisir let you go without any difficulty? Who are you kidding?"

Sakaski didn't believe it at all and looked at Peach Rabbit coldly.

When Warring States and Lieutenant General He exchanged glances, they guessed it!

"It seems that Thistle wanted to put the blame on Gion on purpose!"Lieutenant General He said calmly.

"Commander Tsuru, although you have a good relationship with Gion, please don’t be deceived! Putting the blame on Gion? What good does that do Thistle?"

Sakaski folded his arms and said in a low voice. What can Sisl gain by blaming a person who has been captured?

"Maybe he just wants us to doubt each other and destroy the unity within the navy!" Lieutenant General He argued a reason, but she couldn't figure it out. What's the benefit of doing this to Xisier? He has already captured Taotu, and life and death only depend on his thoughts. There is no need to let Taotu go, just for There is no need for the navy to be suspicious of Taotu!

"Thistle said...wanted...wanted me to be his crew member! However, I didn't agree!"Taotu thought for a while and said

"Um?"Lieutenant General He was thoughtful, and she vaguely thought of Sisir's purpose.

"What did you say?"Sakaski was immediately alert and looked at Peach Rabbit with murderous intent in his eyes. He was even more suspicious now that Peach Rabbit had rebelled!

"Calm down, Sakaski! I believe in Gion. It seems that Thistle’s purpose... is probably... Gion!" Warring States speculated with a glint in his eyes.

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