On Ghost Island, the originally clear sky suddenly exploded with thunder and lightning!

"Huh, here comes the nasty guy!""Fire Disaster," Jin said displeasedly.

"Go out and meet him! Gudong...gudong……"

Kaido came out with his big wine gourd, looked at the sky and shouted:"Thunder kid, come out when you come!""


A bolt of thunder fell from the sky, and out of the thunder walked out Enelu, holding a golden stick and looking arrogant!

"Enelu, do you want to fight again? I'm here to accompany you!"Yan Calamity" Jin stepped forward and said calmly.

"I don’t have time to fight with you this time!"Enilu glanced at it and said calmly, took out the"wedding invitation" and threw it to Kaido!

Kaido took it and opened it.

"Our captain will hold a wedding on the 5th of next month and invites the Beast Pirates to come!"

Anilu repeated the contents of the"wedding invitation"

"Thistle is getting married, why should we go?"

A crew member behind Kaido shouted dissatisfied. You know, the two pirate groups had just finished a fierce battle!

Enel tilted his neck and looked at the speaker coldly!


The crew member was being watched by Eniru, and when he tried to calm down and was about to say something, he was slapped by Kaido and flew away. He crashed through the wall and fell to the ground unconscious.

"so rude! Are you qualified to speak here? Kaido threw the"wedding invitation" to Jhin, looked at Enel and said arrogantly:"Thisle actually posted a message to me, how brave he is!""

"He's not afraid that I'll crash his wedding!"

Enilu looked at Kaido calmly and imitated Thistle's tone and said:"The captain said that his wedding…"

"Who dares to cause trouble! Destroy their entire group!"

The tone is calm, but he has the domineering attitude to kill everything!

No one will think that Thistle is joking or that he can't do it, including Kaido of the Beasts!

Although Kaido is a reckless man, he can defeat the Beasts Pirates If the group develops and grows, you will never be a fool!

"I have something else to do, so I’ll take my leave now!" Eniru didn't wait for Kaido's reply, turned around and turned into thunder and disappeared into the sky! In terms of speed alone, no one except Kizaru can keep him!

"Admiral, are we going to attend?"Jin asked

"snort! Since I have given the post, I will give this face to Sisir!"

Kaido said with a cold snort. In fact, Kaido himself also understood that he could not refuse this invitation! The reason is very simple, this is stronger than him!

If he angers this, the Beast Pirates will really A catastrophe is coming, and Kaido doesn't want his"dream" to end here!

(Kaido’s dream is to create the world’s number one pirate group composed of animal abilities!)

(Start a war covering the whole world!)

(Suicide is a hobby, not a dream!)

""Fire Calamity" Jhin also nodded in agreement. Currently, he is indeed not the opponent of the Fallen Angel Pirates. Let's develop for a while! In the new world, all the top pirate groups have been invited by the Fallen Angel Pirates. There are royal families from various kingdoms and kings of the underground world!

No one dares to refuse, they all prepare gifts carefully and prepare to attend the grandest wedding among pirates!

Demon King Island, the back garden of the palace!

"Husband, is it okay to make such a big show? Will the Navy……"

Of course Bacara knew that this was Sisir's favor for her, but she was also worried that the navy would take advantage of this moment to do something!

Sisir stroked Baccarat's hair and said confidently:"The world government does not have the courage to make a desperate move, and the navy does not have the strength. They dare not act rashly!"

Sisir knew that the navy alone could not do anything at all. On the day of the wedding, Here is a gathering of heroes!

Moreover, the weather in the new world is bad and there are as many pirates as stars. It is impossible for the world government to invade with its army!

"The captain is right. Based on my understanding of the Warring States period, he will never act rashly at this time! Taotu stepped forward and said comfortingly:"So, just feel free to be your bride!""

"Sister Taotu……"Baccarat acted coquettishly.

Maybe it’s because there aren’t many female members in the Fallen Angel Pirates. Bakala and Momo hit it off immediately, and their relationship quickly warmed up. Anyway, Thistle couldn’t understand the friendship between women.

"However, my husband also invited the Beast Pirates, will they?……"Baccarat was still worried and said

"With Kaido's temper, if he knew that I invited so many famous pirate groups in the New World, but he was the only one who didn't invite him, he would definitely cause trouble! Sisir looked at Baccarat with a smile, and then said domineeringly:"Moreover, as long as I am here, he dares to cause trouble, and suppressing him can only take a moment!""

"If Kaido could see the situation clearly, he wouldn't act rashly!"

""Drought"Jack, wasn't he killed by Waldo? Didn't he want revenge?" Peach Rabbit asked curiously

"Momotu, that’s because you don’t understand pirates yet. Sisir said calmly:"In the fight between pirates, as long as the big one doesn't bully the small ones, life and death will depend on one's own ability!""

"When Jack died, he could only blame himself for being too weak and could not blame anyone else."

"Pirates are not interested in revenge. If Jack was killed by me, Kaido might even mock him. He wouldn't even have the nerve to mention it if my subordinates killed him! Taotu nodded clearly:"This is what the captain has always said, the strong is respected!""

"It would be great!"Bacara smiled reassuringly, looking forward to the wedding!

"I'm here, don't worry!"

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