
Colonel Mouse's face changed greatly as he looked at Xiao Zixi who was walking among the crowd. In his eyes, the cute and beautiful face became a beast that he couldn't avoid!

Even the Aaron Pirates on the side looked at him in horror. This scene is so unbelievable!

A little girl of four or five years old is slaughtering a group of marines! And the power of each punch is extremely terrifying!

"Let Zi Xi disappear!"

The cowardly and incompetent navy are no match for Xiao Zixi!

In a moment, the broken bodies of the navy were all over the ground. It looked like a Shura field. The scene was a bit scary. Xiao Zixi's ability was killing people. It’s a bit gory in this aspect!

"Ah...no...don't kill me!"

"I am...a naval colonel. Kill...me...the navy will definitely not let you go!"

The only remaining captain in the Navy was Captain Mouse, with snot and tears streaming down his face, and he kept retreating.


Xiao Zixi said nothing and punched the mouse colonel. The mouse colonel's chest was dented and he was directly blown away and shattered into pieces in mid-air.

But at this moment, Aaron grabbed Xiao Zixi In the gap between the shots, there was no time to react. He appeared behind Xiao Zixi and punched her in the back.


Xiao Zixi screamed in pain and was knocked to the ground somersaulting several times, knocking down the wall and falling into the rubble.



Both Bacara and Nami screamed, and Bacara was even more worried and wanted to check, but was stopped by Cecil.

"It's okay, it won't hurt Zi Xi, just give Zi Xi a chance to fight."

Xisir said consolingly, but his eyes were already filled with cold murderous intent!

Although he knew that Xiao Zixi would be fine with her physical condition, but seeing his daughter being punched, one can imagine Xisir's anger..

Not to mention Sisir, even Anilu and Taylorfu were full of murderous looks. If it weren't for the growth of Xiao Zixi, how would Aaron have the chance to take action? They would have cut him into pieces!

"When you go back, go to Fishman Island! Thistle said calmly, but his tone was extremely cold:"If the fish-men tribe cannot satisfy me, let them disappear!""


Enilu and Telef's eyes flashed violently, and they nodded in agreement!

As for the fact that this has nothing to do with Fish-Man Island, do they not know at all?

Sisir and the others will not care about this. If they dare to hit his daughter, he will kill him!

If not If you satisfy him, then destroy his clan!

As for whether he is innocent or not, it has nothing to do with them!

Do pirates need a reason to kill?

The original Big Mom would destroy a country just for dessert, let alone Thisisle!

A member of the fish-men clan punched the daughter of"Four Emperors" Thistle. This is reason enough!


In the ruins, Xiao Zixi's small body pushed away the stones on her body and stood up. Apart from her clothes being a little dirty, she could be said to be unscathed.

"how come……"

Aaron looked at Xiao Zixi in disbelief. The punch he just punched could break even a half-meter-thick stone pillar. But nothing happened to a little human girl!

"No one dares to hit Zi Xi except Dad! You ugly monster, you dare to hit Zixi, Zixi will break you into pieces!"

Xiao Zixi's eyes were red, and she said in a fierce tone.

She made fists with her two little hands, and the cracked light mask appeared, and she walked towards Aaron step by step.

Aaron took two steps back involuntarily. He had just seen this inconspicuous cracked light. The hood is terrifyingly lethal!

"Baby, this fish man bullied your sister Nami, just beat him until he can't move and leave it to sister Nami!"

Seeing that nothing happened to Xiao Zixi, Bacara finally felt relieved. Seeing Nami's hateful eyes, she understood and said loudly.

"OK, Mom! Leave it to Zi Xi."

Xiao Zixi nodded obediently, patted her chest with her white and tender hands and promised generously.


Xiao Zixi rushed to Aaron very quickly and punched Aaron's chest with her small fist.

Aaron's reaction was not slow, his eyes revealed a cruel smile, and the big saw blade slashed across Xiao Zixi's body.

Xiao Zixi's expression was serious, the cracked mask on her left hand reappeared, and she turned her fist into a palm to grab the big saw blade.


The moment the big saw blade hit the light shield, countless cracks appeared on the blade. Xiao Zixi squeezed it hard and broke it into countless pieces!

"Ugly monster, watch the punch!"

Because of her height, Xiao Zixi lowered her head to dodge. Aaron couldn't hold back his chopping gesture. His right fist without a crack mask jumped up and punched Aaron on the chest!



Aaron's eyes bulged and he vomited blood. He was blown several meters away and hit the wall of the castle, leaving a"human mark""



Xiaoba, Croobie, and Jiu, the three cadres of the Aaron Pirates, angrily attacked Xiao Zixi.



Suddenly, the three of them tripped over stones falling from the ruins and fell to the ground. Another stone fell from the sky and hit the three of them on the head! The head was smashed and bloody!

Nami looked at Baccarat in shock. She just saw that Baccarat threw a coin casually, causing the"accident" just now."!

"My baby is a person blessed by luck! Baccarat said with a smile.

"hateful……"Aaron stood up again, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xiao Zixi murderously.

"Human brat, I'm going to crush you!"

Aaron's mouth widened, revealing a mouth full of fangs, shining with cold light! He supported the ground with his hands and rushed over in a rapid rotation. His sharp fangs were like spiral knives!

(Aaron's strength is mentioned in the comics, and he escaped unscathed from the hands of the branch brigadier general! )

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