"Dad, what was that just now? so hot!"

Xiao Zixi hugged Bakala's neck and asked with shining eyes.

"Overlord color and domineering! A domineering one."Sisier said with a smile, which is completely different from his attitude towards the villagers!

"Zi Xi also wants to learn."Xiao Zixi said enthusiastically, it's rare for a little guy to tell himself what he wants to learn.

"There is no need to learn this, Zi Xi will definitely learn it in the future!"Thisisle said with a confident smile.

Of course his daughter, thisisle, has the qualifications to be a"king"!

"Yes, great!"Xiao Zixi laughed happily. She didn't question Xisir's words at all.

Here, Xisir happily chatted with her daughter and walked slowly towards the seaside.

In Aaron Park, Nami was covered in blood. He walked out. The steel dagger in his hand seemed to be soaked in blood. There were many gaps on it. You can imagine how hard he used it!


Nami walked out of Aaron Park, her body softened and she sat on the ground, crying loudly!


There is sadness, relief, and joy in walking out of a dark life in the cry!

Who knows how a little girl like her could endure the humiliation and burden for so many years!

To steal money from bullies and pirates, how many times has she experienced life and death escapes!

Now all this is finally over!


Nami cried and laughed again, a relaxed smile she had never seen in so many years!

After standing up, Nami walked towards the village with a happy smile. She wanted to tell everyone the news!

She was also going to share the treasures she had stolen over the years with everyone, but since she was leaving with Thistle, she still had to take some things with her.………

However, before she walked for long, she saw villagers lying on the ground motionless.

"Big... family... how could this happen?……"

Nami ran over in fear

"Ah Jian! Ah Jian! Nuo Qi Gao! Nuo Qi Gao!"

"Doctor Nake... wake up, everyone!"


Fortunately, Nami could see that the villagers were not dead, just unconscious.


Jian was shaken by Nami and regained consciousness. He rubbed his head and woke up.

"Ajian, are you okay? what happened? How come you all fainted here?"

Nami helped Ajian up and asked several questions in a series of concerned questions.

"………"Ajian had not yet recovered from his dizziness, and looked at Nami in confusion.

"I... yes... we met a group of pirates, and then we stopped them and wanted to ask them what their purpose was, and then... and then... we fainted………"

Ajian shook his head and said intermittently

"Pirates? You stopped them with these things?"

Nami looked at the farm tools on the ground and asked with her eyes wide open.

"It's...ah." Jian didn't know what Nami meant.

"……Forget it, as long as you are fine, wake up all the villagers and go back!"

Nami shook her head helplessly and said. The villagers don't know, but Nami, who has been in the sea for many years, knows that stopping pirates on the sea is a kind of provocation!

Generally, when they meet on the sea, the weaker party will choose to avoid them!

After the villagers were woken up one after another, Nami immediately announced the news of the destruction of the Arlong Pirates!

"Really...really? Aaron is dead!"The villagers cried with joy and couldn't believe their ears!

"Yes, it was the group of pirates you met just now who did it, and I also agreed to join them and become their navigator!"

Nami said with certainty.

"So...so good!"

"We are free!"

"Woo woo………"

"Aaron is finally dead! Aaron is finally dead!"

"Nami, have you thought about it? Nokigao looked at Nami cautiously:"They are more terrifying pirates than Aaron!""

"yes! Nami!"Ajian also said solemnly.

"Don't worry, they are not pirates like Aaron, they are big pirates who rule the sea!"

Nami thought of Xisier's confident smile and said with relief.

"Sigh... Now that you've decided, go for it!"Ajian also knew that he couldn't stop it and sighed.

"Don't worry, Ajian! I'll be fine!"Of course Nami knew that Jian was worried about her, so she smiled and said in a positive tone.

An hour later, Nami was escorted by a group of villagers, carrying luggage, orange tree seedlings... and arrived at the beach.

"Nami, too slow!"

"Sister Nami, Zixi has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Come up quickly, Nami!"

Sisir and the others were waiting for Nami at the bow of the boat. Little Zixi was sitting on the edge of the boat, swaying her little feet, holding a bottle of milk and drinking.

"You are Lord Sisel of the Fallen Angel Pirates. How offended you were just now! On behalf of Cocoa Nishi Village, thank you very much for helping us eliminate the Arlong Pirates!"

Ajian thanked Xisir loudly, and bowed deeply after speaking. The villagers behind him also bowed to Xisir!

"No, if I want to thank you, just thank Nami! I'm not doing this for you."

Thistle said lightly. He just wanted to conquer Nami, but he never thought of helping these villagers.

The Aaron Pirates have done many evil things, and it's none of his business!

If it weren't for Nami, as long as the Aaron Pirates didn't provoke them He, he won’t meddle in that business

"Are you ready? Nami."Cesir looked at Nami


"Then let’s go!"

Immediately there were crew members helping Nami carry things.

"Everyone, I'm leaving! I will definitely draw a map of the world!"Nami smiled firmly.

"come on! Nami!"

"You must live happily! Nami!"

"Nami, take care!"

Amidst the blessings of the villagers, Nami stepped onto Sisir's pirate ship.

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