Thistle was unmoved, and the others were not nervous at all.


Darkness appeared under Thistle's feet and expanded like a floor. After a while, the floor of the banquet hall was covered in darkness, and all the incoming seawater flowed into the darkness.

Neptune and Jinbe looked at their feet The darkness is like a bottomless dark abyss, swallowing everything!

"It's up to you to kill them until they kneel down and surrender!"

Thistle said casually, but the strong murderous intention made Jinbei unable to speak.

"It's trivial."

Enilu and Telef smiled lightly, and then walked out together. They stepped on the darkness, just like an ordinary floor, without any impact.

"Dad, I want to go too!"Xiao Zixi wiped her little hands and said

"Go for it!"

Little Zixi immediately jumped on the back of Zeus, who was dozing, and patted Zeus on the head."

"Zeus, get up, let's go fight the bad guys! Zeus opened his eyes drowsily and said in a naive tone:"Little princess, I want to sleep.""

"No, hurry up!"Little Zixi refused.

Zeus reluctantly flew out with the little guy.

"I'll drain out the sea water first, and you can play with it first."

Telef said while looking at the seawater that was already up to his knees.

The"bubble coral" on Fishman Island can create bubbles and isolate the seawater. The large"bubble coral" can completely drain away the water.

"Uncle Enelu, Uncle Telef, and Zi Xi also came to help."

Little Zixi sat on Zeus's back and flew over from behind with a smile.

"Little Zixi is so good, but having uncles here is enough. Go and play."

Telef said with a smile on his face.

"No, Zi Xi also wants to help."Xiao Zixi seems to have a lot of violent factors.

"Then go play with Uncle Enelu!"Enilu said with a smile. To him, this is really just a joke.

"good!"Xiao Zixi agreed immediately.

"Take good care of little Zixi."Telef shrugged and didn't object. He gave the instructions and flew away.

(Those with the Piao Piao Fruit ability can fly. )

Enilu and Xiao Zixi quickly headed to the palace hall. The new fish-man pirate group had already invaded. Most of the guards were taken to the Mermaid Bay by the three princes to appease the survivors. Those who stayed behind were no match at all.


"The palace is ours!"

"Kill Neptune and those humans, and Fish-Man Island will belong to our new Fish-Man Pirates!"


When Anilu and Xiao Zixi appeared, the sea water in the hall was scarlet, and the corpses of the guards were floating there.

"Damn humans, finally appeared!"

"Just a man and a kid, here to die, haha……"

"We have brought in 10,000 troops!"

Although the New Fishman Pirates were established only a short time ago, Hody Jones' reputation in Fishman Street is second only to Jinbe's, and racial extremists make up the majority.

In a short period of time, Hody Jones has gathered 50,000 people. Troops!

There are currently more than 10,000 fishmen rushing into the palace, and there is a steady stream of troops behind them!

"No matter how many miscellaneous fish there are, they are just a group of miscellaneous fish!"

Enilu's eyes were cold, and he turned the golden stick and pointed it at the fish people.

"See the power of God!"

""God's Judgment"

The terrifying thunder descended from one end of the golden stick! It fell into the sea under the fearful eyes of those fishmen!


"Bang...bang bang……"



The seawater produced a violent explosion, and violent thunder and lightning spread with the seawater. All the fishmen were instantly struck by lightning. In just a short while, the hall was full of charred corpses floating, and a strong burning smell filled the air. middle

"Uncle Enelu, so awesome!"

"Come on, there are a lot of miscellaneous fish out there!"

(Thunder and lightning can also be conducted at a certain distance in sea water. Enelu only solved the fishmen in the hall.)

"what happened?"Hearing the violent roar of thunder and lightning, Hody Jones and others looked towards the palace hall

"It should be a human being." said Toss, who was holding a hammer.

Before they could react, Enelu and Xiao Zixi flew out and looked at the many fishmen below.

"Wow, so many ugly things!"Xiao Zixi said, looking at all the fish-men

"Human beings, be afraid!"Jie Ou, who has many black and white stripes on his body and has a strong self-esteem, said confidently

"We are a new fish-man pirate group born from hatred, so be prepared to wake up! Humanity!"


The fish people shouted fervently and looked at Anilu and Xiao Zixi ferociously.

"Hahahaha... There are only two people here, and there is a kid. Are they here to surrender?"

Hody Jones said sarcastically:"I am the captain of the new fish-man pirates, Hody Jones, but it is a pity that I will not accept the vote.………"

"It's so noisy."Hody Jones laughed proudly and before he could finish speaking, Enelu struck down with a thunderbolt with an impatient expression.


"how come……"Hody Jones felt the violent thunder, his pupils shrank, and his confident smile turned into panic



Thunder and lightning directly covered Hody Jones, and the shrill screams made people's hearts tremble. Hody Jones instantly turned into charcoal!

Ambition is over before it even begins!

In front of Enelu, even if he took"strong medicine E".S", can’t resist even one move!

"Let them all die! Thousands of thunders!"

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