"It's quite powerful."Oka saw that several of them blocked his sniper attack twice.

"No matter how you put it, they are all great pirates who are famous in the New World, and they must have some strength."A Jin said hummingly.

"Ah Jin, kill them!"Oka then said calmly, as if these famous pirate captains in the new world were not worth mentioning in front of him.


"I have long been impatient!"

Ah Jin beat his chest, roared bloodthirsty, raised the iron crutch and hammered it down!

"Get out of the way!"


Skuard shouted sharply, and several people quickly stepped aside. The hammer of the iron crutch hit the ground, and the earth collapsed, rolling up countless sand and rocks.

"Bang bang……"

Oka followed closely and quickly drew his gun and fired. This time he only aimed at Makugai. It would be better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of his fingers!

"Don't underestimate me!"

Maku Guy's expression was solemn, and the hairs all over his body stood up. He used his domineering power to the extreme. He cut off the shot from the front and quickly turned around to block the bullet fired from the hole behind him!




Three more gunshots were fired, this time targeting the back of Makugai's head, heart, and thighs.………

"Damn it...don't forget there are us!"

The Dekalban brothers, Doma, and Scuyard, unable to support Markuguay, immediately attacked Oka and Akin, trying to ease Oka's offensive!


Makugai was sweating profusely and did not dare to slack off at all. He changed the trajectory of the bullet fired at his heart with one knife, and then quickly raised the knife backwards without looking back to block the bullet fired at the back of his head, but the last bullet It was too late, he was shot in the thigh!


Makugai broke out in cold sweat and pressed the wound, blood was flowing from his thigh, but such an injury was nothing to a pirate.



Before Makugai could catch his breath, another bullet shot at his temple. Makugai gritted his teeth and raised his knife to slash, and the bullet was split into two.


Before Makugai could react, a bullet passed through his chest from behind, and blood immediately dripped from his chest and back!

"Can't keep up……"Makugai thought with some despair that the injury to his thigh prevented him from keeping up with the speed of the bullet!

"hateful!"Doma and the others were so anxious that their teeth were bleeding, but the four of them couldn't even deal with the King Kong in front of them, let alone hurt the Oka on King Kong's shoulder. They couldn't even touch him!


There were two more gunshots, and in Makugai's desperate eyes, they shot directly through his throat and heart!

Makugai's eyes were empty and he lost his energy. He fell down with a"plop..." and was lifeless!


Oka filled the bullets and glanced at the four Scuyards calmly. Anyone who was swept by Oka's gaze would have a look of fear in his eyes and a chill in his heart!

After fighting until now, it can be said that the Whitebeard Pirates, except for Whitebeard himself, are all at a disadvantage!

Although Marco was unscathed, his physical exertion was huge, and Katakuri's domineering attitude meant that he had made no achievements so far. Although he would not be defeated, he could not win!

Jozi was completely beaten unilaterally by Waldo. In terms of speed, dominance, physical strength, skills, and experience, he was not as good as Waldo, who had been traversing the sea for many years. He relied entirely on his fruit ability to carry him until now. However, before his physical strength was exhausted, Waldo also got He couldn't help it.

Compared to the first two captains, the situation of the other captains is even more difficult!

Although Bista is also a great swordsman, he is still far behind Gion, who has the strength to be a general candidate. Now he can only barely hold on, and defeat will be a matter of time.

Due to the poisonous fruit, Basas fell into a completely uninhabited state. The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates had no way to deal with him.

Bramanc and Clayo were poisoned. Although they haven't died yet, they will soon! Sachi and Fossa are also in danger now!

Other captains and their pirate captains were also suppressed by their pirate groups led by Oka and Ajin!


Long-term defense is bound to fail. Although Sachi and Fossa tried their best to resist, Bashas still seized the opportunity. A stream of venom spurted out, killing Fossa who had just stood up and was unable to dodge!

Fossa also had despairing eyes. Just look at Bramank and the others to see how strong the poison of Bashas is. If they come into physical contact, they will probably be poisoned and die!

"fire punch!"

A fist-shaped flame struck from Fosa's side and collided directly with the venom. The venom and the flame were entangled.


The venom is constantly being burned and evaporated, and the poisonous gas rises and spreads. Fortunately, everyone here is wearing a gas mask.

"who……"Fossa looked at him in confusion.

"It's you!"

Bashas looked at the person with a ferocious face and gritted his teeth.

"You damn guy, you actually dare to appear in front of me, I will definitely kill you this time,"Fire Fist" Ace!"

Yes, the man wearing a gas mask walking slowly beside Fosa is none other than"Fire Fist" Ace!

"It’s me who should say this, Bashas, ​​I won’t let you go!"

Ace was full of murderous intent, with veins bulging on his fists, and he stared at Bashas with hatred.

"Just because you are a lost dog? A waste that can't even protect its own crew? Wei ha ha ha... don't laugh to death!"

Bashas laughed heartily and mocked unscrupulously, looking at Ace with disdain.

"It was my arrogance that harmed Deus and the others! Ace's eyes showed remorse, but he immediately said with hatred:"So let me make up for the mistakes I made!""

"Take your head to make amends with Deus and the others!"

Ace stepped on flames under his feet and sprayed them towards Bashas, ​​wrapped in flames!

"Flame Ring·Pillar of Flame"

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