Ace looked at Whitebeard with an insulted expression and shouted loudly:"Are you kidding, who will be your son!"

"With your power, trying to seek revenge against the Fallen Angel Pirates is nothing more than a daydream!"

Whitebeard looked at Ace and said seriously.

"Not to mention Sisir, you should have seen the forces under his command today. What can you do on your own? Ace lowered his head with reluctance on his face, but quickly raised his head and said loudly:"I will definitely become stronger. One day, I will kill Thistle and Bashas with my own hands.""

"innocent little devil……"

Whitebeard smiled faintly with disdain

"What did you say!"Ace looked at Whitebeard angrily.

"You don't even know how strong this is, so you can only shout slogans."

Whitebeard looked at the sea and said calmly:"Thistle is a real monster!"

Whitebeard seemed to have thought of the scene of fighting with Thisir, and thought of Hisr's achievements after reaching the top!

"A brat who can't even be domineering, stop talking nonsense!"

Ace gritted his teeth and wanted to argue, but he didn't know what to say. Finally, he looked down at his hands.

"Think about it carefully, bear my name, and make as much trouble as you want on the sea!"

Whitebeard grinned, picked up the wine next to his seat and drank.

Everyone on the ship ignored Ace, began to treat the wounded, and returned to Whitebeard's territory.

At the same time, hundreds of sea miles away from the Whitebeard Pirates' fleet, three Navy headquarters warships are staying here

"how's it going? Sakaski asked in a low voice.

Lieutenant General He smiled lightly and said:"Be prepared, Whitebeard has retreated!""

"The battle is over so soon? Kuzan asked doubtfully.

"According to what the intelligence officer risked his life to see, Whitebeard had the absolute upper hand, but unfortunately, his"sons" were no match at all. Lieutenant

General He slowly explained:"So Whitebeard has to retreat, otherwise his pirate group will be wiped out.""

"Unexpected! Sakaski crossed his arms and said in a deep voice:"Except for Whitebeard, not many of the Whitebeard Pirates are on the stage!""

Lieutenant General He looked up at the sunset in the sky and said:"According to the speed of the Whitebeard Fleet, we will almost be here tomorrow morning."

"Um!"Sakaski nodded in a low voice, with murderous intent in his eyes, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"Ah la la... Then I'm going to take a nap first. Kuzan yawned listlessly and walked to the room.

The next day, the sky was covered by dark clouds, violent storms hit, and the waves continued to surge.

"Quick, reef the sails...Quickly reef the sails……"

"Turn the wheel, turn the wheel quickly!"

"Damn the weather……"

On the deck of the Whitebeard Pirates fleet, everyone was busy, struggling to control the swaying ship in the heavy rain.

It didn't take long for the wind and rain to stop and the waves to calm down. However, hailstones fell again, and they were not ordinary hailstones. Each one was several meters large. If it fell, it could destroy the ship instantly.


"fire punch"

"Double Sword Style·Dragon Tooth Flash"


The fleet was full of eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and they were intercepted before the hail fell!

The climate of the new world is so unpredictable and full of dangers!

Whitebeard didn't make any move, holding the wine, and the old god was sitting on the throne on the deck, without any panic at all.

But if you look carefully, you can see that Whitebeard is a little uneasy, with uneasy thoughts deep in his eyes.

"I always feel like something is going to happen, what is it?"

Whitebeard took a sip of wine and thought to himself.

However, after a long time, he kept using his knowledge and knowledge to explore, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

"Am I too worried?"Whitebeard thought with relief.

After the hail, the sky finally cleared up, cloudless, the breeze was gentle, and the temperature was suitable!


"This damn weather is finally over!"

"You obviously didn't do anything just now, why are you tired?……"

"Nonsense, that hailstone just now, if I hadn't cut it in half, the ship would have sunk!"

"You still have the nerve to say that cutting them in half is of no use, why didn’t I blast them to pieces?……"

The deck was full of crew members, all bragging, chatting, and gossiping with each other, and it became noisy in a relaxed manner.

The fleet regained speed and began to return.

""Meteor Volcano"

Suddenly, a large number of huge lava fists fell from the sky towards the fleet like a meteor shower.

"Look, heaven……"

"what is that?"

"The lava... suffered... Admiral Akainu's lava!"

"Despicable, that bastard Akainu is here!"

The fleet watched in horror as the lava came. Of course they would recognize such an iconic move.


On the Moby Dick, the atmosphere shattered and huge cracks spread.

"Bang bang……"

"Bang...bang bang!!"

The giant fist of lava in the sky began to shatter one by one. After a while, the sky shattered into sparks. After the lava dissipated, black rocks the size of pebbles fell down.


In the distance, three warships rode the waves and came towards us quickly...

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