One month later, in a certain area of ​​the West China Sea.

The storm had just passed, the sky finally cleared, and the sun shone on the sea again.

On a small sea ship, Sissler sat on the wet deck and drank while reading the newspaper in his hand.

"The sea has been really peaceful and boring recently, so the battle between Whitebeard and Kaido was somewhat interesting."Looking at some boring reports in the newspaper, Sisir was a little bored.

After destroying Bika in Enero, Sisir really found good things in Bika's treasure house, including some blueprints of ancient technology. and spaceship design drawings.

After Cecil and the others returned to Angel Island, Jean-Gan Fore immediately began to find the best shipwrights and began to use the drawings to build and improve his future main ship.

Then he left his younger brothers on Angel Island to supervise Management, took Siya who had conquered Sandia, and returned to Qinghai with Telef and Enel.

After defeating a large sea king, he used it to bring Siya and the others to Ruska in the Windless Zone. Ina Island, the Beast Island where Luffy trained for two years, allowed them to start training there.

Thistle came to the West Sea from the windless belt alone, and came here to find a crew member he liked.

"It's been so many days and I still haven't heard from him. It's really hard to find him!"Sisir, who has been in Xihai for a few days, has not found any news after asking many times. After all, it is still more than ten years ago when the plot started, so he may still be a minor figure.

"There is an island in front of you. Let's rest for a while before looking for it."Thistle looked at the island appearing in the distance. He didn't have much food stored and needed to replenish it.

It was a small island with only one town, no country, and no army. But because it was close to the navy branch, Relationship, the town is quite harmonious

"Guest, what do you need?"Thistle walked into the only tavern in the town. There was only a young girl working at the bar, and there was not a single customer.

"All the food was served, along with a few barrels of wine. Sisir said after sitting down.

"OK, guest, please wait."The girl smiled and served Cecil a glass of wine, then went to prepare

"昳hahahaha, I’m full, I’m full. Your food tastes really good!"After Sisile paid the money, he stood up with satisfaction.

"Thank you and hope to come again next time!"The girl said politely with a smile, and after speaking, she was ready to start cleaning up.

"Boss lady, I want to ask you about someone. I wonder if you have heard of one.…………"


Before Cecil could ask the question, the door of the tavern was kicked open, and several tall men with evil smiles walked in.

"Miss Biweimi, it’s time for you to pay your protection fee this month!"The leading man said with a smile on his face. After speaking, he walked forward and looked at the girl Bi Weimi, his eyes full of evil.

"'t you collect it a few days ago?"Bi Weimi said nervously and fearfully.

"That's your tavern's protection fee. What I'm collecting now is your own protection fee."The leading man laughed slyly,"This beauty is so unsafe, she must be protected, brothers, are you right?"

"right! Hahaha!"

"That’s it, only our big brother can protect you on this island! Hahahaha."

Hearing the responses from the boys behind him, the leading man became even more proud,"That makes sense. If you don't want to pay the protection fee, Biweimi, that's fine. As long as you follow me, you'll be absolutely safe. How about that? a ha ha ha."

As he said that, he wanted to step forward and grab Biweimi's little hand. When he passed by Xisier, he pushed him casually, trying to push this"little shrimp" blocking the way aside.

"Bang... click……"

But before his hand even touched Thistle, he was kicked away by Thistle, and he was knocked out of the tavern along with several other boys along the way.

"you you……"


The boy next to him who had not been knocked away finally realized what he was doing. He pointed at Thistle in fear, but his body was trembling. He couldn't say a word and slowly backed away towards the door of the tavern.

"big………Big brother"

"Brother, are you okay?"

Seeing that Sisir didn't take action again, several people immediately ran out and helped the leading man up. There was also a group of pointing residents standing outside the tavern.

"Look, isn't that Will?"

"Someone finally taught him a lesson. If he still dares to be arrogant, it's best to beat him to death."


"Sir, please leave quickly. That Will is the son of the mayor and the biggest gangster here. He has many people under his command. If you beat him, he will not let you go."After the tavern girl Bi Weimi was surprised, she ran over and said anxiously.

"Boss, prepare some more food and drinks for me... I'll pick them up in the evening. Here's the money."Sisier ordered Biweimi calmly, not caring about what happened just now.

"Then sir, go and hide quickly. I will help you prepare your things. You can pick them up in the evening. No, I will help you take them to the beach.……"Boss Biweimi thought this was someone who was planning to run away, so he agreed immediately.

"Excuse me, my boat is at the beach."Of course Sisile understood what the girl was thinking and didn't explain. After saying that, he picked up the unfinished wine and walked out.

At this time, Will had already stood up with the help of his younger brother and looked at Siss who walked out. Er said fiercely:"You brat, you dare to kick your uncle Will, you are dead, kill him and feed him to the fishes."

Hearing Will's words, a large group of gangsters had gathered from the small town and rushed towards Thistle with weapons in hand.

"Go to hell, kid"

"kill him"

"What a hassle."Sisile said impatiently, then opened his eyes slightly and walked over with murderous eyes.

"Devil... Devil..."

Outside the tavern, there were already corpses and blood on the ground. The surrounding residents had long since disappeared. Only Will collapsed on the ground in fear, watching Sisir casually strangle the last boy to death. Throw it aside and come over

"'t come...come, please, let me go! Walking up to Will

, Thistle looked at Will who was kneeling and begging for mercy and asked calmly:"Have you ever heard of Lafitte?""

", no! Please let me go. My father is the mayor. He can give you a lot of Baileys. Please……"


Will was kicked to death by Cecil before he could finish his words.

Cecil's purpose of coming to Xihai this time was to find Lafitte. He didn't kill Will in the tavern, he just thought he was a local snake and wanted to ask. Since he didn't know, he had no interest in listening to him.

At this time, there was a burst of neat footsteps not far away from the pub street.

"Um? Did the navy come so quickly?"Sisir's domineering look has already spotted the navy coming from a distance.

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