"Bang...bang bang!!"

After the violent thunder disappeared, all the pirates on the ship were emitting black smoke, were chopped into coke, and fell on the deck.………

"Boat ~ long……"

After the thunder disappeared, the pirates of the Princess Pirates dared to climb onto the ship. They looked at the charred corpses on the first deck in horror, swallowing with fearful expressions.………

"Ouch……"The red panda beeped and called twice cutely.

"What are you waiting for? Move all the valuables away!"

"Ah~Yes! yes!"

"The captain is really awesome!"

"I don’t know how much treasure there is!!"

Awakened by Zeus, the pirates immediately cheered and began searching for the treasure on the ship!

"Captain, this boat should sell for a lot of Baileys too!"A crew member said flatteringly

"Then sell it!"

"Captain, Carrera Company buys ships. We might as well gather the looted treasures on this ship and give them to Espagu together tomorrow!"


Xiao Zixi doesn't understand these things at all, but she is still willing to listen to the crew's suggestions.

"Little princess, I will watch these people this time, if they dare to defect, hum……"

Zeus looked at the crew collecting treasures and said, his voice was not quiet at all, he was obviously warning these people!

"Gudong~" The crew members moved, sweating on their faces, swallowing their saliva, and secretly decided in their hearts that they would never do anything stupid!

"who are you? Why are you on my ship and what did you do to my crew?"

A tall and thin man with yellow hair and a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks shouted, followed by a group of pirates armed with weapons who boarded the ship.


Xiao Zixi pointed to the charred corpses on the nail plate:"They are all dead!"

"I'm here to steal money, who are you?"

"I am the captain of the Fox Pirates,"Fire Fox" Saudi! The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks roared angrily:"You dare to cause trouble for me, you kid, go to hell!""

Saudi's body changed, his eyes turned fiery red, his body grew red fur, and his face turned into a fox.

"I am an esper who ate a devil fruit!"

"The great pirate with a bounty of 46 million Baileys!"

Saudi transformed into a human-animal form and rushed towards Xiao Zixi, his palms showing sharp claws. Looking at Xiao Zixi who was"scared" and did not dare to move, he cruelly showed his white sharp teeth.

"It's too late to regret, go to hell to repent!"

"Ugly, so noisy!"Xiao Zixi waved her white and tender palm, white regular cracks appeared, and her palm collided with Saudi Arabia's sharp claws!



The Saudi smile on the fox's face slowly disappeared, and his expression turned into one of disbelief, fear, and pain.………

Traces appeared on the body along the arms,"Wow!……"With a sound, the body broke into several pieces and fell, and the deck area was stained red with blood.………


The pirates who followed Saudi Arabia on board the ship all looked at Saudi Arabia's broken body in horror and couldn't believe what happened.

"Let them all die!"

Zeus flashed a bolt of thunder, and charred corpses fell down one after another!

"Captain, the treasure has been counted, about 100 million beli! Would you like to take a look?"

A crew member came over and said cautiously, looking at Saudi Arabia's broken corpse with fear in his eyes.

"No, clean this place and come with me to grab the next one!"

Xiao Zixi is in high spirits. It seems that she is already very interested in grabbing money!


Saudi's broken and charred corpses were all thrown into the sea. They were all pirates. They couldn't use Saudi's head to collect the bounty, and they didn't want to go to a"middleman." In Xiao Zixi's words, there were At that time, it is better to rob a few more pirate groups!

On this day, the pirate groups in the Seven Waters City faced a nightmare!

From time to time, there were thunder roars, flashes of lightning, and explosions, and several pirate ships in the port were even more violent. Flames bursting into the sky………

Espagu returned to the headquarters of Carrera Company, which was the chief minister's residence, and looked at the explosion in the distance through the window with confusion.……

"That guy Franky is leading people to fool around again!"

Such explosions occur from time to time in the Capital of Seven Waters, and the initiator is the"Frankie Disintegration House""

"Boom ~ boom"

"Please come in!"

"Mr. Director, port……"A man in a guard uniform gave an urgent report.

"It's Franky again, no need……"Espagu calmly accepted the words

"No...it's not Franky's group, it's...a little girl who calls herself the captain of the Princess Pirates and robbed several pirate groups' treasures at the port!"

"What...a little girl? Princess Pirates. Espagu said in surprise.

He thought of the girl he met at the No. 1 Dockyard. She seemed to have said that she was the captain of the Princess Pirates?


"Ah~ We don't have to worry about the battle between pirates, as long as they don't affect the city!"

Aisba Gu reacted and said calmly, as if he was thinking about something in his eyes.………

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