"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.………It's a suffocating battle, each one is terrifyingly strong!"

Doflamingo was sitting on a revolutionary soldier, moving his fingers randomly, and there were several uncontrollable revolutionary soldiers around him who were shouting and fighting with swords.

Whether it was the swordsman duel between Hawkeye and Koushiro, Kizaru and Kara The confrontation between light and darkness, or the battle between Warring States and Dragon in the sky, are all so thrilling!

It also gives the people a real insight into the power of the sea!

"Is this a battle between top powerhouses?"

Zauron was already scarred from fighting all the way. Looking up at the battle in the sky, he felt how small he was now!

How ignorant he was about the sea before! It was like sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

But after a while, his eyes were hot, His blood was boiling all over. As a swordsman, this was undoubtedly the power he yearned for and the goal he pursued so hard!

"Got it!"

Just when Sauron was distracted by this peak battle, a rear admiral jumped up with ferocious eyes and raised his knife to chop Sauron's head.


A pair of large black scissors lay across Sauron's head, blocking the major general's sneak attack.

"Thanks, Lightning."

Zolong couldn't help but feel a little scared when he came back to his senses, he turned around and thanked

"Three-sword style·Ghost slaying"

""Cut the feathers!"

Zoro immediately counterattacked, and Lightning followed immediately.……

"Don't be careless, this is a battlefield!"

I didn't know where to pick up the red wine glass, and Lightning stood beside Zoro and said calmly.

"Um! Zoro nodded heavily and looked around with alert eyes.


A huge shadow enveloped Sauron, and his sharp laughter couldn't help but be a little creepy!

"The King's Seven Martial Arts, Moonlight Moria!"Lightning was holding a red wine glass with a serious look on his face.

"Your shadow is mine!"

Moriah, who was like an evil ghost, reached out to grab the shadow on the ground. His huge body did not affect his movements at all.


Suddenly, a violent sandstorm rolled toward Moria, and the violent sand seemed to tear everything apart!

""Shadow Warrior"

Moria immediately changed places with the shadow to avoid being crushed by the sandstorm.


Moriah's bloodshot eyes looked to the opposite side. It was Crocodile with a slicked back hair, a long transverse scar on his face, a cigar in his mouth, and a black coat. He looked very imposing.

"You want to intervene……"Moria asked warily

"I just can’t stand you! Crocodile blew out the smoke ring with a casual and calm expression, and then said impatiently without looking back:

"Don't get in the way, get out!"

"Thanks. Sauron said softly and immediately continued to move towards the execution platform!

"Bang bang bang!!"

Suddenly, due to the aftermath of the battle between Sengoku and Dragon, the sea outside Crescent Bay was rough and the navy's line was somewhat scattered. A pirate ship ran rampant among the warships.

"Break it for me!!"

It was a pirate ship that was entirely white with purple patterns on both sides. It looked noble, mysterious, and extremely beautiful. It smashed the warship and rushed into the Crescent Bay!

It was Xiao Zixi's Venus Goddess of Victory. ——Princess Pirates

"Little... little princess, this war is too terrifying, we'd better not participate!"

Thunder Cloud Zeus urged hard. Seeing the thunderous roar, the devastating collision, and the extremely bloody scene, he couldn't help but retreat.

"Just... just... captain... we'd better... go back!"

"Captain... they are all monsters... let's go!"

"I've never... seen... so many marines. If you don't leave, you'll die!"

The crew members were all crying and almost crying!

Not to mention the naval elites all over the battlefield, just looking at the aftermath of the battle with those monsters made them feel numb and terrified!

"A group of cowards, Zi Xi's crew members should not be afraid of death, even if they don't get better, they will get better. If anyone dares to back down from the battle, Zi Xi will kill him!"

Xiao Zixi raised her fist and glared at everyone fiercely. The cracked light shield that appeared on her fist made the crew swallow their saliva.

Xiao Zixi's willfulness and arrogance can be said to have impressed Sisir. If it were true, if it were placed in Cecil's original world, he would be an out-and-out naughty kid, and the most lawless kind!

If it were in football, Cecil would also hate such a naughty kid, but It's completely different in the pirate world!

The pirate world is about the law of the jungle and the law of the jungle. A good girl may be lovable, but she cannot be awe-inspiring. She has no majesty or deterrence!

*The laws of the world can still restrain most people, but in the world of pirates, it all depends on strength!

Whoever is strong enough can make the rules!

The rules of survival in each world are different... so Sisir has only one request for Xiao Zixi, to work hard to improve her strength and become stronger! Become stronger than everyone!

As for how bad his character might be, Sisir didn't care at all. Which of the strong men on the sea has a good character?

Even with red hair and white beard, he only shares weal and woe with his companions. If you try to kill one of his companions, he can destroy an entire country!

Under Xiao Zixi's coercion, the crew had to take up arms and rush to the battlefield!

"Zeus, let's go too!"

Xiao Zixi looked at the battlefield, her blood was boiling, and her fighting spirit was rising.………

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