"昳hahahaha, it’s nothing, it’s just that your strength is still a little bit behind."Thistle patted Lafitte's shoulder to comfort him.

"Captain, I regret it now. Can I get off the ship?"The corners of Lafitte's mouth twitched, with a serious look on his face.

"昳hahahaha, once you become my partner, you can’t even think about running away, 昳hahahaha!"Thistle laughed.

"Then Captain, what kind of pirate group are we? How many crew members do you have left?"Lafitte put away his embarrassment and asked

"There are more than thirty crew members. There are now three core crew members, plus four of you. They are all practicing in the Windless Zone. They will take you there with them in a few days. Your strength will also improve. Now you are one of the core crew members. The weakest."

Thistle also said seriously.

Lafitte is not too old now, only 20 years old. He already has the strength of a rear admiral. He is no weaker than Taylor, who broke through the swordsman. But Taylor has now learned domineering, which is better than the current one. Lafitte is on the front line.

Not to mention Eniro, Lafitte who is not domineering will definitely be beaten. Although Enero is not a lieutenant general, he is definitely better than a major general.

(What is mentioned here are general standards, excluding special character abilities)

Like Telef, Eniru is also between the strength of a major general and a lieutenant general.

Xia is now the strongest among the three, and is definitely a lieutenant general. With his ability, he will have no problem entangling the veteran lieutenant general.

Therefore, it is absolutely correct to say that the current Lafitte is the weakest among the four.

Sisir's strength is a little stronger than Peach Rabbit, but he is also the top veteran Lieutenant General. He is a little weaker than Lieutenant General He, but with his abnormally strong physique, even a general can escape unscathed.

"The three of them are, the wind-slaying swordsman - Telef, the natural-type thunder fruit user - Enel, and the animal-type ancient saber-toothed tiger fruit user - Xia."

Thistle began to introduce it to Lafitte in detail. For a moment.

Lafitte's eyes were bright and firm as he said:"The swordsman, the natural type, and the ancient species are really an amazing pirate group. But captain, I will definitely catch up and I will never be weaker than them.""

"Hahahahaha, then you have to work hard, you can't be a strong person on the sea, but you can't do anything!"

After Sisl finished laughing, he said to Lafitte extremely seriously.

"But I have confidence in you, you are my personally chosen partner! 昳hahahaha"

"Of course, how can you kill people in the sea without getting stronger?"Lafitte also laughed, but his words were full of cruelty.

"Okay, pack up, we will set off to practice in the windless zone tomorrow."Sisier said to Lafitte in a calm tone.

"So fast? asked Lafitte

"Hahahahaha, you don’t know, I am currently being hunted by Lieutenant General He, the chief staff officer of the Navy, and Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit. They should have arrived at Modia Fei Island by now, and it is not the time to get entangled with the navy yet."

Sisier said with a calm smile, not caring at all that he was being hunted.

"Step... step……"

"Then I really have boarded a pirate ship, Captain!"

Although Lafitte said this, he said without any nervousness.

"There is nothing to prepare, just set off tomorrow, after all we are being hunted."Lafitte said with a smile.

"Then let's go have a drink to celebrate your joining. Let's go!"Sisir also said with a smile, and after speaking, he took the lead and walked out.

The next day, the Royal City of Mordia Fei Island.

Compared with the bustling yesterday, the streets today were a bit deserted, and the sun was also obscured by dark clouds. There was a sense of The depression of coming rain

"According to reports, most of the people have been evacuated, but some residents are still unwilling to leave, especially……"When the adjutant Nefemi said this, he hesitated to speak.

"What's special? Lieutenant General He asked calmly.

"In particular, the royal family and nobles here require us to protect their safety closely and ensure that their palace properties are not damaged."

Adjutant Nefemi said with a somewhat angry tone.

"Oh, don't pay attention to them, they are reluctant to leave, just let them fend for themselves."

Lieutenant General He snorted disdainfully, waved his hands and refused to pay attention to those disgusting nobles.

"But after all, they are a member of the World Government, and the king is already preparing to protest to the World Government."Adjutant Nefemi said with some worry.

"Become a franchise country and be protected by the World Government. If there are disturbances by pirates or revolutionary troops, the World Government needs to send troops to protect it. Lieutenant

General He spoke lightly about the rights and interests of the franchised countries, and then changed the topic:"Aren't we protecting the franchised countries?""

"But there is no instruction that soldiers must be sent to protect the personal safety of individuals, even the king."

"As long as this country still exists and can continue to pay heavenly gold, as for who is the king and who is the noble, the gentlemen of the World Government will not care at all."

"Oh, if he wants to protest, let him protest."

The more he spoke, the more disdainful Lieutenant General He became. I don't know whether he was towards the king here or the world government.

"Sister He, it’s almost done."Taotu jumped down from the tall building at this time and nodded to Lieutenant General He.

"Set off."

Lieutenant General He took Taotu and a team of navy and walked towards a hotel.

"Sister He, shall we arrest Lafitte as well?"Peach Rabbit asked suddenly.

With the navy's intelligence capabilities, Sisir did not hide anything. The navy even found the small town attendant who brought Sisir to the royal city. Of course he knew that Sisir came to Mordia this time. , just for the security officer Lafitte here.

"If he appears with Thistle, capture him. If not, forget it. Our main task is Thistle."

Lieutenant General He thought for a while and said, after all, Lafitte has not committed any crime yet, and he is also Mordia Fei's security officer. Even if they deal with prisoners brutally, it is their internal matter within Moria Fei.


You can already see the hotel where Thistle stayed last night.

"Finally it’s here, I’ve finished eating my breakfast."Of course Sisir discovered the navy's actions early on, but since he has been caught up, he might as well let the navy clean up the battlefield.

"Ka... Ka..."

Thistle stood up, moved his body, opened the hotel door and walked out.

"昳hahahahaha, the future of Hezhong is really fast."Sisier said with a laugh, and then smiled at Peach Rabbit and said:

"Miss Peach Rabbit is getting more and more beautiful. What do you think? Think about it and become my partner. It would be a pity for a beauty like you to be a serious marine."


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