"Thief hahaha...it's so powerful that it makes people despair!"

Looking at the invincible Thistle on the battlefield, a strong desire flashed in Blackbeard's eyes, but he suppressed it rationally.

Since Whitebeard appeared, Blackbeard has been hiding and minimizing his presence. , hiding in the corner of the naval force.

He was sneaking towards Akainu's body, with fiery greed in his eyes.

"Moria, don’t you want the shadow of Master Thistle? Why don’t you try?"

Doflamingo sat casually on the pile of dead people and laughed teasingly.


Moriah's face turned slightly red, and he turned away from the center of the battlefield without speaking rudely.

After witnessing the horror of Thistle, he didn't dare to speak out loud anymore. If he was overheard by Thistle's domineering attitude, he would probably die in an ugly way.

Except for Hawkeye, who has long since left, the other six Shichibukai have restrained themselves a lot since Sisl's appearance, and they occasionally make mistakes on the battlefield.

Among them, Xiong did not kill a revolutionary soldier on the spot, but just photographed the person and"disappeared"!

Even if a naval general saw it, he just thought it was Xiong's ability. He thought that those revolutionary troops who were shot away were"certain to die", but they didn't pay much attention to it and did not attract the attention of the navy!

"Dragon, that’s it!"

The dragon had just come out of the pit, and Sisir's cold words sounded from behind him.

The dragon felt that the blood in his body had turned cold, his hair stood on end, his pupils opened to the maximum, and cold sweat broke out. He only had time to cover himself with a layer of domineering energy, and his waist was covered with a layer of domineering energy. There was a sharp pain and he was kicked out!


"Mr. Long!"

"Damn it... get away!"


Seeing that Long was also helpless in Sisir's hands, the cadres of the Revolutionary Army immediately screamed in surprise, but those who wanted to step forward were blocked by the navy and suffered heavy losses!

"God's Heavenly Gravity"

Sisir stretched out his right hand, dark light shone, and the strong gravity caused the dragon that was blown away to stagnate in the middle, and then floated towards Sisir at high speed.

"Damn it, let go of my dad!"

With a sudden roar, Luffy appeared behind Thisisle, stretched his arms back, and hit Thisisle with strong elasticity.

Although this was the first time he saw a dragon, he didn't even know it before. He still had a father, but the feeling that blood was thicker than water made him take action against Cecil desperately!

"no, do not want!"

Long's eyes showed panic, and he shouted

"Luffy!!"Ace yelled anxiously.

Sabo, who was organizing the revolutionary army, also changed his expression!

Many people looked at this scene in surprise. There were still people who dared to take the initiative to take action against Cecil. How courageous!

"baa baa baa……"Doflamingo laughed mockingly:"You are still an innocent kid who has not grown up at all! You still don't recognize the ocean!""

"Is this your new partner?"

Doflamingo turned his head and looked to the side, a man with a cigar in his mouth and a menacing attitude:"Crocodar"

"I just see you unhappy! Crocodile said lightly.



Thistle was not moved at all by Luffy's"slow" attack. He still looked at the floating dragon, but there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.


A large shadow blocked Luffy's face. He was wearing black and white spotted clothes and the same spotted hat. He held a Bible in his left hand and had a cat's paw-like pad in his right hand.

"Straw Hat Luffy, you're being ridiculous. If you want to travel, where do you want to go?"

The one who appeared was the"King Shichibukai" tyrant bear. After speaking in a low voice, he clapped his hands and disappeared directly in Luffy's panicked eyes!

At this time, the dragon was already close to him. , but with a"boom...", the bear's figure teleported to the dragon's side, and quickly took a picture with his right palm.

""God's Tiangang"

Sisir's eyes narrowed slightly, and the gravity turned into a huge repulsive force in a blink of an eye. The glaciers spread outwards layer by layer. The dragon and the bear were hit by the huge repulsive force at the same time, and were knocked away one to the left and the other to the right!


Sisir quickly caught up with the dragon. The speed of a sonic boom caused the glaciers along the way to break. Dozens of people were killed in the aftermath. The top-notch"Liu Ying" armed color affected the surrounding air and distorted it.

"I want to kill you, who can save you!"

Sisir appeared proudly and domineeringly above the dragon, and stepped on it hard!

"Damn it... the storm!"

The huge roaring tornado quickly took shape, flying sand and rocks, and everything within a hundred meters was affected. Ice, sea water, combatants... were all shattered by the tornado!

Sisir, who was in the center of the storm, ignored it and endured everything that seemed to be swept away. The tornado stepped directly on the dragon's belly, stepping on the dragon all the way out of the storm!


The dragon felt that his internal organs had been trampled to pieces, and he kept vomiting blood in his mouth, with fragments of internal organs, and his eyeballs bulged. Once again, a huge crater was made on the glacier!

Thistle was in the huge crater, and with a handful of He grabbed Long's neck and lifted him up, and said coldly:"Go see your father, Long!"


"Mr. Long!"

"Get out of the way...chief!!"


Sisir ignored the dragon's resistance and directly broke the dragon's neck. The dragon's head tilted, his eyes widened, and he lost his life full of unwillingness!

Within the cloak, another fruit disappeared from Sisir's left hand.

After jumping out of the giant pit, he threw the dragon's body on the ice and looked around indifferently.

Everyone who was swept by Sisile lowered their heads in fear, not daring to look directly at his face!

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