One month later, Demon King Island

"Dad, help...come and save Zi Xi……"

On the soft beach, Cecil was lying on a beach chair wearing sunglasses, basking in the sun comfortably. From time to time, Gion would feed him a sip of fruit drink.

Little Zixi was being held in Baccarat's hand, spanking her buttocks, and she was screaming"miserable".

Cecil felt"heartbroken" for his daughter and was about to plead for mercy. Baccarat glared at him and immediately swallowed his words and continued to bask in the sun.

"Baby girl, it’s not that your father won’t save you, it’s because the"enemy" is too powerful!"

Sisile silently mourned for his daughter for a second in his heart. He was still not as good as Baccarat in educating Xiao Zixi, so he didn't get involved. After a month of training, Sisile's injury has healed and his shoulder is back as before!

, right arm, and body have all regenerated, but there is a permanent scar from the right shoulder to the lower abdomen, which proves how serious this injury was!

"Baccarat, okay, Xiao Zixi already knows she was wrong."Nami begged in distress.

"Oh...Mom, Zixi knows she was wrong……"The little guy cleverly shed two tears

"Huh, if you dare to sneak out next time, your mother will never forgive you!"

Bacara looked at Xiao Zixi fiercely, but her eyes still flashed with distress. After all, she was her own pet peeve.

"No, Zi Xi will definitely tell her mother to take her with her next time she goes out."

Little Zixi grabbed Baccarat's big hand in a sensible way and shook it coquettishly.

"Does it hurt……"Baccarat's serious pretty face couldn't hold back for a moment, and she asked softly

"It doesn't hurt, as long as mother forgives Zi Xi."Xiao Zixi said with a smile.

"Zixi is so good!"Nami picked up little Zixi and kissed her

"Sister Nami, please forgive Zeus, it was Zixi who pulled him out."Xiao Zixi blinked her big watery eyes, not forgetting to plead for her"comrades"

"With one kiss from my sister, my sister spared Zeus."Nami's heart almost melted and she said with a smile.


"Zixi is so good~" Nami smiled from ear to ear and said to"Tornado" Aiolos on the side:"Go and release Zeus!"

"Yes, master!"

Aeolus responded gently and flew to the small dark room where Zeus was imprisoned.

Thistle glanced at the released little Zixi and smiled relaxedly.

"Husband, Vegapunk is here."Gion on the side said.

"Well, I'll talk to him."

Thistle nodded lightly, and Gion went to look for Bacara and Nami in a sensible manner.

"Mr. Thistle."Vegapunk said hello calmly.


"I heard from Enilu and the others that you left with them voluntarily and came here?"Sisier asked casually


"Why?"Cesir suddenly turned his head to look at Vegapunk.

Vegapunk calmly pushed up his glasses and looked at the blue sea. There was a slight curvature in the corners of his mouth, and he said in a calm tone:"Perhaps, it's because of what you said."Be free"! Thistle looked at Vegapunk for a while, then turned back to look at the sea, and said:"What, isn't there freedom in the world government?""

"How can there be freedom if there are restrictions on what you want to study?"Vegapunk said angrily.

"Are you sure that I can give you freedom?"

"If you would limit my research, you wouldn't be"Demon King" Thistle!"Vegapunk turned to look at Thistle and said with certainty.


"You are right, just do whatever you want to do! As long as you get on my boat, no one can limit your research!"

Thistle and Vegapunk looked at each other and suddenly laughed proudly.

"Thank you very much……"

"captain! Sisir waved his hand and suddenly asked:"Vegapunk, based on your research on Devil Fruit, is there a higher level after awakening?""

"Captain, are you talking about the Im you met?!"

Sisir has told everyone about the battle with Im, and of course Bega Punk also knows that the"King" behind this world government"!

"Yes, her fruit ability clearly surpasses the level of"awakening"!"Thistle nodded seriously.

Begapunk picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup. After taking a slow sip, he began to think quietly.

Thistle was not in a hurry and looked at the blue sea. , blowing the sea breeze pleasantly………

For a moment, the place fell into a quiet atmosphere, with only the sound of the waves rolling.

"Captain..." As if he had organized his language, Vegapunk asked:"Do you know the blood factor?"

"have no idea!"Sisier replied simply.

"That can be said about the mystery of the human body and Devil Fruit. Although I discovered it, my research on it has not been truly thorough."

Vegapunk said slowly:

"When the power reaches a certain level, the bloodline factor will no longer be active, which means it has reached the bottleneck of potential, or perhaps... the bottleneck of the world. It is almost impossible to make further progress in strength!"

"Perhaps, Im she has found a way to break the restriction of the blood factor!"

Vegapunk analyzed it from his scientific point of view.

However, as a person who has traveled through time and space and lived in an era of information explosion, Vegapunk has a clearer understanding of Vegapunk's words. Know………

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