"Zi Xi, come back, they are not worthy of you!"

Gion's cold eyes looked at Ilica and the others, causing Xiao Zixi to stop her movements and turn her head to look over in confusion.

"Bear, get rid of them!"Gion ordered in a cold voice.

The bear standing behind Muna's eyes flashed red, and his huge body slowly stepped forward with strong oppression.

After Xiao Zixi returned to the dining table obediently, she saw that Xiao Ye had already After he was comforted, he immediately came forward to feed him and make him happy!

"Kill him... kill them quickly……"Ilica's voice was fierce, and she yelled while retreating. She really felt the fear she had never felt before!

The atmosphere in the restaurant was depressing and tense. The soldiers looked at the tall bear and felt uneasy for no reason.



The soldiers nervously grasped their weapons, swallowed, and rushed towards the bear with all their strength!

"bang...bang bang……"


The bear was like an emotionless machine, with an expressionless face, and his hands turned into afterimages, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. When the last soldier was lifted high by him, there were already corpses lying on the ground, and only The pale Ilica is still standing


The bear gently crushed the last soldier's neck, discarded it on the ground, and walked towards the frightened Ilica with heavy steps.

"No...don't come over...ah...don't come over!"Ilica was so scared that her tears and nose ran out, and she collapsed on the ground in panic.

The bear didn't have any mood swings at all, but still approached her step by step. The shadow of death enveloped Ilica, making her about to collapse. , a puddle of water on the lower body wetted the ground

"quick!! quick! Right inside!"

"You idiots must rescue Ilica!"

"Elika, my child……"

"Rescue the princess!"

"Go... we must not let anything happen to the princess!"


There was a noise outside the restaurant, as if a large number of people were arriving, and the king himself could even be heard giving orders.

When the two soldiers protecting Ilica were killed, someone went to report it to the king, that's why it came so quickly! It can also be seen that the king’s doting on Ilica

"Father……"Ilica's originally frightened eyes suddenly lit up with hope, and she turned to look outside the restaurant.

"Elika, my child!"

A middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing luxurious clothes and a crown, rushed into the restaurant with an eager and worried look, and a large number of soldiers poured in together.


When he saw the corpses of soldiers lying around in the restaurant, the king was also shocked. However, seeing that Ilica was okay, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly ran to help Ilica up, followed closely by the soldiers behind him. , guarding the king, watching the bear warily

"Father...wuwuwu……"Ilica was helped up by the king in embarrassment and leaned in his arms

(Originally I wanted to call him father, but in the comics, Weiwei and the others all call them father!)

"How dare you make trouble in this country! And hurt my child……"The king stood in front of Ilica and said angrily

"Father, kill them!"

The arrival of the king made Elika no longer afraid, and she looked at Gion and the others with malicious eyes.

"step on... step on……"

Gion glanced at everyone coldly without saying a word, with an arrogant aura that looked down on everyone, which made the king feel embarrassed and his face couldn't help but look a little ugly, but the tall figure of Xiong suddenly enveloped them.……


The king pretended to be calm and was about to say something, but the bear's big paw suddenly clapped it down!



Several embarrassed figures flew out of the restaurant. It was the king, Ilica and some soldiers. The bear followed closely and slowly stepped out. A deep pit appeared in the ground behind him, and a group of soldiers fell in the pit.!

"King, are you okay?……"


"kill! kill! Kill him for me!"

"He actually attacked me, killed him, and captured the women inside as slaves!"


The entire food street was densely packed with fully armed soldiers. It seemed that the king was also well prepared!

The red hair in the bear's eyes flashed a few times, but his face remained expressionless. He slapped away a piece of the soldiers with one palm and mouthed laser condensation……


"Bang bang bang!!"


"How can it be! This is the best soldier in the kingdom!"

The king and Ilica opened their mouths wide, with deep disbelief in their eyes. They looked at hundreds of soldiers falling. The combat power of thousands of people was not a single enemy of this man!

No! It was completely a single enemy. The overwhelming massacre!

This expressionless man was not harmed at all!

"Is this the end?"

Gion walked out with the two little guys who had already eaten. He was still so cool, elegant, full of arrogance, and should not be blasphemed!

"You...you...who are you?……"

"Don’t you know that this is Lord Kaiyun’s territory?"

Knowing that he had kicked the iron plate, the king immediately moved out King Kaiyun, one of the kings of the dark world, in order to make Gion and others have some scruples!

After all, the king of the dark world is the leading power even in the entire sea.!

In the new world, only under the"Four Emperors", even the"Four Emperors" will give some thin noodles...

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