Ten thousand meters above the sky in the new world, there is a large floating island.

Thistle folded the wings behind him and set foot on this seemingly desolate island.

"Lord Thistle, you are here. This way, Dr. Vegapunk has been waiting for a long time!"

A man wearing a white scientific research uniform is here to guide Thistle. This is an experimental base of Vegapunk. This is really the first time for Thistle to come here.

"Everyone move faster, hurry up……"

Walking into the island, a large group of scientists wearing scientific research uniforms were busy packing their things, and a large number of clone soldiers were carrying equipment, research materials and other items.

"Vegapunk, are you moving?"

Thistle saw Vegapunk in the crowd who was directing the transportation, and patted him on the shoulder and asked funnyly.

Vegapunk rolled his eyes at Thistle and said angrily:"It's not for your experiment, this building The island cannot be saved. These research materials and experimental equipment cannot be destroyed!"

"oh? So you succeeded?"Sisier showed an expectant smile.

"Although the technology is not yet mature, it can be considered a success, otherwise I would not have let you come over, Captain!"Vegapunk puffed up his chest proudly.

"Yes, as expected of you, Vegapunk!"Thistle praised

"Come with me for a drink first, and then start again after everything here has been moved……"Vegapunk suggested

"昳hahahaha………no problem!"Thistle laughed generously, and walked into the lounge with Vegapunk. The chef had already prepared the delicious food.

Vegapunk poured a glass of wine for Thistle, and he also had a glass. The two of them drank and drank at each other. Been drinking for more than an hour…………

"Captain, have you really decided to do this? To be honest, it’s too risky!"

After putting down the wine glass, Vegapunk looked at Thistle, his face was tangled for a while, and finally he couldn't help but persuaded.

Xister looked at Vegapunk's worried eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned up, confident and proud. He said:"Don't worry, Vegapunk. If you can't become stronger and fail and die here, it will only prove that I am nothing more than this!""

Looking at Sisir's confident smile, Vegapunk unconsciously chose to believe it. He picked up the wine glass and poured the wine again. He raised his glass and said:"Captain, if you die, I can't guarantee whether you will return to the world. government. Thistle smiled lightly, raised his glass and touched Bega Punk, and said:"I won't let you go. Once you get on my boat, you are ready to work for me for the rest of your life!""


Both of them had smiles in their eyes, saying nothing. They raised their heads and drank the wine in their glasses.………

Thistle originally thought it would not take long, but he underestimated the importance of this experimental base. It was not until dusk that all research materials, equipment and scientific personnel were evacuated, leaving only a few clone soldiers.

"This is it!"Thistle followed Vegapunk to the laboratory in the center of the base.

Most of the research equipment inside has been moved away, and it looks empty. There is only a transparent glass container that occupies the entire central area. Inside Full of strange liquid, soaked in the liquid is a stone that shines with the ultimate purple light

"This is the inspiration I got from the"Pluto Design Drawing", and after purification, the power rock has a destructive power that surpasses ancient weapons!"

Vegapunk stood in front of the glass container, boasting with pride in his eyes.

As for the"Pluto Design Drawings", Sisile got it from Franky very early. A domineering domineering stun, and he took it easily Got it.

Except for Franky himself, no one knew that the"Pluto Design Blueprint" had changed hands, and the World Government's CP organization was still stupidly monitoring Espagu.

"Beyond the destructive power of ancient weapons……"There was a strange light in Sisir's eyes:"Don't let me down!"

"Captain, are you ready? asked Vegapunk

"What else do you need to prepare? You can do it at any time.……"Sisir waved his hand and said calmly.

"Then I'll leave first, wish you good luck!"Knowing that Thistle would not change his mind, Vegapunk didn't waste any time and immediately left the island! Only one phone bug was left behind.

"Gudong~ Gudong~"

Sisile sat down on the ground, picked up the wine bottle and started drinking, looking expectantly at the transformed power rock!

"Captain, that's it!"

The phone bug, which was casually placed next to Thistle, imitated Vegapunk's tone and said

"Go for it!"

Sisir stood up, waved to the few remaining clone soldiers, and his eyes became sharp.

The clone soldiers immediately took their positions and pulled down the gate on the console next to the glass container!

"Click... click……"


The glass container was slowly opened, and the strange liquid inside flowed down the river. The power rock emitted a breathtaking and dangerous light. Sisir's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his expression was a little crazy!


The power rock shone with light, which was a sign of an imminent explosion. The atmosphere was filled with destruction. Sisir didn't show any panic, nor did he use his abilities or domineering defense. He just stood there straight.



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