Although they were all dreaming of the"Four Emperors" just now, when they actually faced the"Four Emperors", they only had fear in their hearts and could not think of any resistance!

What's more, the person who appeared in front of them was still known as the"Head of the Four Emperors""、"The man who is the"strongest monster in the world"——"Demon King"Sisir!"

"West…Lord Sisir!"

Now that the ship has been destroyed, there is still a terrifying sea king in front of him. No matter how scared the pirate captain is, he has to ask for help from Thistle.


Thistle looked forward and showed a smile. As for the captain's flattering voice, Thistle didn't pay any attention to it and completely ignored it.


After a while, a submarine came quickly, and the rippling water splashed on the sea surface.


The submarine stopped in front of the Neptune class, the hatch opened, and Vegapunk, dressed in white scientific clothes, walked out, ignoring the huge and terrifying Neptune class, as well as the pirates soaking in the sea water around him, calmly and calmly Smiled:

"Captain, I am becoming more and more curious about your physique!"


Thistle laughed and jumped down from the head of the Sea King, stepped on the submarine with ease, patted Vegapunk on the shoulder and said:"I won't be your guinea pig, so give up!"

"From the looks of it, I have to congratulate the captain for his improved strength!"Vegapunk said with a slight smile.

Thistle looked at Vegapunk and saw the deep dark circles on his face and the tired look on his face. He knew that he was worried about his"reckless" experiment. I followed the life card left for him and found it, and I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Thank you so much this time, Vegapunk!"Sisier said seriously, his tone extremely serious.

"Come on, if you really want to thank me, just let me study for a while."Vegapunk slapped off this big hand and said jokingly


Thisl laughed disapprovingly and said:"This can't be done, but I can ask you to go to Tezzolo's place to relax for a while, and all the expenses will be mine!"

"Captain, this is what you said!"

"I said!"

Thistle had never thought before that a scientist like Vegapunk would actually have a hobby of gambling! When he first saw Vegapunk gambling, even he was surprised.

In Vegapunk's own words He said that scientific research and experiments are about being bold and careful, trying all possibilities, and gambling can cultivate a"mentality", although Sisl thinks he is just"a good gambler"…………

While Thistle and Vegapunk were chatting and laughing, the pirates on the water nearby and the giant Neptune didn't dare to take a breath for fear of angering Thistle.

"Captain, your life card is burning, but it scares Miss Baccarat and the others, and the phone bugs are calling me."

Vegapunk thought of something and returned the restored life card to Thistle.

"You didn't spill the beans, did you?……"Cecil asked, because this experiment was too dangerous, Cecil didn't want Bakara and the others to know that their group outing this time was exactly what Cecil wanted.

"Don't worry, I'll just tell them, Captain, you are practicing in the deep sea."Vegapunk said proudly

"Help me prepare some clothes, and I'll talk to Bakara and the others, otherwise they won't be relieved."

Thistle walked slowly into the submarine, and Vegapunk shrugged and followed closely.


The pirate captain who was soaking in the sea saw that Thistle and the others were about to leave, and hurriedly called out respectfully. Unfortunately, Thistle didn't pay any attention at all, and walked straight away with Vegapunk. After a while, the submarine left at high speed.

"No...Lord Sisir, help……"

The pirates still wanted to call for help, but the submarine had disappeared from their sight. From the beginning to the end, Sisir never glanced at them.

"Wow!! Roar!!"

With a roar of a ferocious beast, all the pirates' eyes turned dull. They turned their heads mechanically, only to see a bloody mouth, and a pungent fishy smell rushed towards them.………



The Neptune species, which had been"wronged" all the way, swallowed whole and went back to the bottom of the sea with satisfaction.

And just after changing clothes and finishing the video call with the Baccarat girls, Sisile stood on the submarine alone, Breathing the salty sea breeze, enjoying the rare relaxation.

A few years ago, Sisir would have immediately gone to Im to compete with him, but now, although Sisir is still bellicose, he has become more stable. A lot!

To be honest, there is no one in this sea worth looking forward to, and Im can be regarded as the only opponent.

In this case, let her stay at the end! This may be what Thisil gives himself Keep the last hope in your heart. The opponent who is most worthy of fighting must of course be at the"most exciting" time.


On the other side, after the video, the girls who knew that Sisir was safe breathed a long sigh of relief, and Sisir's life card on the table returned to normal.……

"I knew dad would be okay, that’s great!"Xiao Zixi returned to her smiling appearance.

"Hehe~" Xiaoye followed everyone and clapped her hands happily.

"Then our plan remains unchanged! Baccarat laughed relaxedly:"Continue to take risks.""!"



The Venus Victory resounded with laughter, changed its course again, and set off towards a new goal………

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