In the early morning of the next day, the three people in West Asia started their own training. Sisir took Enilu to the depths of the island and also started the thunder and lightning training plan.



""Five thousand five volts, discharge"

Thistle is receiving all-round electric shocks from Enel. It's not that the electric shock is from a certain part of the body and then spreads to the whole body. It's the method that Enel has summed up himself to receive the thunder and lightning in all directions. Baptism.

All the muscle cells in the whole body were shocked at the same time. This was a great test of Anilu's domineering power and control of thunder and lightning. Sisir's hair stood on end, and some muscles all over his body were shaking, as if they were being poked by countless needles. The same thing gave him a strong sense of paralysis, but under this sense of paralysis, Sisir felt the difference in his body.

That feeling was that the cells were reborn from destruction and were getting excited! The cells kept getting stronger, The skin of the body is tougher, and the body is changing bit by bit.

Two years later, the Grand Route to the Shampoo Islands.

Area 50, this is where the shipbuilding and coating are done

"昳Hahahaha, then I’ll trouble you, boss. I’ll pick up the boat in two days."

The 14-year-old Sisir has reached two meters in height. His body looks tall and well-proportioned, and his aura is more powerful than two years ago.

Sisir has completed the stage of training and has become stronger. The purpose of this time is It's just a test of the gap between him and the strongest man in the world.

This was a decision he made when he was still on the island, so this time he didn't bring anyone with him, just the sailors on the ship, including The navigators all came here by force.

Firstly, because Sisir felt that their domineering power needed to be cultivated for a while. Secondly, except for West Asia, the current strength of the other three people was not satisfactory to Sisir. Thirdly, this battle Thistle can't take care of them

"Don't worry, sir, I'll make sure your boat is well coated in two days."

Hearing what the boss said, Thistle started sightseeing with confidence, and came to the famous Shampoo Islands in the world of One Piece.

On the Shampoo Islands, near the Navy Headquarters, there is the world's largest mangrove"Archiman Mangrove""Since the roots of the trees are always exposed on the water, the Shampoo Islands are formed.

The whole island is composed of 79 trees (all numbered), and there are towns and facilities on each tree. People make up these 79 islands. The archipelago is called the"Champaign Islands".

The regional divisions of the Shampoo Islands are also very clear, based on the numbers on the trees: Nos.

1 to 29 are illegal areas such as human trafficking shops;

Nos. 30 to 39 are amusement parks;

40 Number 49 is the tourist area, selling souvenirs;

Number 50 to 59 is the shipyard, with painters;

Number 60 to 69 is the access area for the navy and government;

Number 70 to 79 is the hotel street and other places.

Chambord Islands The biggest feature is that the roots of the Yarkman mangrove secrete special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands due to the air to form bubbles, and then flies into the sky.

Because bubbles are only suitable for the Yarkman mangrove trees. Once the bubbles leave the climate range of the Shampoo Islands, the resin component will explode because it cannot fully exert its power.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles...bubble culture penetrates Everywhere in Shampoo Island!

Sisir is currently going to the amusement park in area 30. He has been in the pirate world for so long and has never had a good time to relax. This time is just a holiday before the war.

When he comes here, It's like coming to Disneyland in a previous life, with Ferris wheels and roller coasters、……All recreational facilities are available here


This time Sisile really let down all his guard and played with all the facilities of interest in the amusement park. This time he really looked like a 14-year-old boy.

With two skewers of takoyaki in hand and a fun jazz hat I bought on my head, I spent the entire day relaxing at the amusement park.

In the evening, I found a hot spring and took a good bath. Then I went to the casino and lost hundreds of millions of beli before going back to the hotel to rest.

"Hahahahaha, I’m really happy today!"

This is the first time Six Years since Cecil came to this world to let go of everything and have fun. Although it's a bit childish, I have to say that I'm really happy.

It's just a little bit worse than fighting with Crane and Jack. , but these are two completely different kinds of"Happy!""

"Um? Why has my power of knowledge become stronger?"

Sisile habitually released his domineering energy before going to bed. Suddenly he found that the area covered by the domineering energy was even further, and he could even faintly feel the color of some emotions.

"昳hahahaha, after playing for a whole day, I actually broke through the domineering power of seeing and hearing, 昳hahahaha!"

Sisir laughed happily. He has never slacked off in his knowledge and domination. He has been practicing day and night for two years.

Although he has made rapid progress, he felt that he had reached a bottleneck a few months ago and his speed slowed down.

Finally today, Without even knowing about this, a breakthrough was made! Is this the so-called combination of work and rest?

With a happy mood, Thistle quickly fell asleep.

The next day, Thistle decided to go to No. 1 Play around in the illegal zone of the area, and stop by the auction house to see what goodies there are.

If yesterday's playground was paradise, then this illegal zone can be said to be hell.

This is a gathering place for devils and a paradise for criminals. Human traffickers, bounty hunters, pirates...everyone is a mixed bag.

You can see ferocious maniacs killing people in the street, organized human traffickers catching lone pedestrians, and crime can be seen everywhere.

Thistle is here now, in As soon as he entered Area 1, he felt countless prying eyes looking at him, some were greedy, some were indifferent, some were cruel, and some were gloating about others' misfortune.…………There is just no sympathy!

"Hey hey hey, there's another prey!"

"He is quite strong and handsome. The ladies like him the most. He should be able to sell for a good price."


Several traffickers have already begun to laugh excitedly

"However, he seems familiar. I feel like I have seen him somewhere before."

Of course, some people looked at Thistle in confusion, frowning and thinking hard.

Thistle didn't care what any of them thought, and walked directly towards the auction house.

"Hey, boy, do you know where this is?"

A big man with a scar and a group of fierce-looking people, all holding weapons, surrounded Sisir with a ferocious smile.

"Get out of here, I'm in a good mood today, don't get in the way."Sisier replied coldly before he could finish his words.

"If you are looking for death, come to me, catch him, and live."The scarred man was furious and took the lead in slashing at Sisir.

"What a hassle."

Sisir frowned and complained impatiently.

""Lanjiao·Storm" was kicked out by Sisir with countless slashes, and he rushed towards the surrounding human traffickers like a storm.



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