Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the atmosphere in the Whitebeard Sea became more and more depressing. Even the pirate groups and rats from the underground forces who took advantage of the situation tacitly stopped their invasion and waited for the war to come.

On this day, the wind was beautiful, the sky was cloudless, and the sea was calm. It was a rare good weather in the New World.

The menacing Whitebeard Pirates had also joined together with more than thirty of their pirate groups a day ago to form a huge fleet and attack the deserted island where Blackbeard was.

On an unknown desert island, pirate warships were parked on the coastline one after another.

On the coastline, there are also a series of black, large-caliber heavy artillery, aimed at the sea.

Thousands of ferocious pirates were scattered on the bay, gathering in groups around piles of bonfires.

Some were barbecuing meat, or eating haphazardly, and many people gathered together to gamble, compete in strength, laugh and curse, and make a lot of noise.

But beside them, there are all kinds of weapons………

"Guys, keep your spirits up, those guys from the Whitebeard Marine Corps may appear at any time.………"

Blackbeard stood on the temporary high platform, raised his cup high, and shouted to all the pirates:

"So don’t let me get drunk, don’t let someone kill you in a daze, I can’t afford to embarrass that person."

"Once the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates are destroyed, the position of"Four Emperors" will belong to our Blackbeard Pirates!"


"Destroy the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"The Yonko belongs to our Blackbeard Pirates!!"

The pirates stood up and raised their weapons, shouting excitedly.

The Four Emperors!

Once upon a time, this was a big mountain that weighed on the heads of countless pirates in the New World. Now it will be stepped on and replaced! How can they not be excited?.At the same time, on the sea some distance away from the desert island, more than thirty pirate ships of various colors were floating here and did not continue sailing. The Moby Dick, which was originally surrounded by stars, was also missing. There was no trace.

Time passed slowly...

The Blackbeard Pirates, who were originally passionate and full of fighting spirit, gradually lost their blood as night fell, their fighting spirit was worn away, and they lost the momentum they had during the day!

This may be a rush, decline again, exhaustion three times………

The night is getting dark.

Over the sea, the moon and stars were sparse, and on the dark sea surface, only the waves could be heard. The coast was covered with a hazy silver gauze.

But there were still bonfires burning.

In order to prevent the Whitebeard Pirates from attacking in the middle of the night, many people were arranged to keep vigil, but most of them had fallen asleep deeply due to the strength of the wine, and they were snoring one after another.

In the center of the island, Blackbeard, Poison Q, Ed Drago and others were eating barbecue, laughing and cursing without any nervousness.

"Chloe, relax, stop being so alarmed.……"

Blackbeard grabbed a piece of meat with bones and threw it high to Crowe who was standing on the top of the tallest tree, staring at the sea and said:"There are people watching at all times, don't worry."

"Captain, it's not easy to find Marco with those crew members. It's better to be careful.……"

After catching the roasted meat and taking a few gentle bites, Crowe did not relax his vigilance and was still paying attention to the sea.

Crowe is aware of the flaws in his captain's character. Ed Drago's cadres are also a group of"careless" guys. He is the only one who has to pay attention at all times.

"What you said makes sense, but after all, there are special lookouts responsible for guarding, so you can't always maintain a tense state.……"

Jumping up to the treetop and handing Crowe a glass of wine, Blackbeard said with a smile.

Ever since Crowe joined the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard has been quite satisfied with him!

Although Crow is not the strongest among his men in terms of combat power, his intelligence, carefulness, prudence, and layout are unmatched by anyone. He is his most trusted right-hand man!

Time passed bit by bit, and on the dark sea, the stagnant fleet suddenly began to move forward. Although the speed was not fast, it was silent.………

But the Moby Dick, which disappeared at first, suddenly appeared from the sea on the other side of the desert island, and dozens of figures silently set foot on the desert island.

Without realizing it, he eliminated several security personnel posted here and slowly headed towards the island.

In the empty and silent desert island, except for the burning of the bonfire, there was only the conversation of Blackbeard and the others, but Crowe's brows gradually wrinkled.


Although it seemed like there was nothing, Crowe always felt that something was wrong, and there was a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart. The domineering power of the Observation Color was open, and he could sense every corner, but his Observation Color could not cover the entire desert island, so he could only" It sounds like it's about half the diameter

"wrong!"Clo jumped down from the treetop with a serious face.

"What's wrong?"When Blackbeard and the others saw Crowe like this, they also dispersed their sense of sight, smell, and color, but found nothing.

"We have fewer people!"Claude said with certainty.

"What's the meaning?"Gaspard didn't react for a moment.

" means the Whitebeard Pirates have arrived."Du Q said in a deep voice.

Blackbeard's eyes turned cold, and he didn't doubt Crowe's judgment at all. He stood up and was about to loudly remind the crew to be alert, but………


"Kill these bastards!!"

"The trash of the Blackbeard Pirates……"

"Revenge for daddy!!"

"Ah...ah ah……"

"Damn it... Where did these guys come from!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy...ah!!"

"Bastard... fight back! Those bastards from the Whitebeard Pirates are here!"



On the coastline, the sudden loud shouts of killing made the faces of Blackbeard and others change. Before the artillery fire arranged on the coastline had time to blast out a single shell, the Whitebeard Pirates had already made a surprise attack on the island!

"hateful!"Blackbeard gritted his teeth and was about to walk towards the coastline.……

""Fire Fist" huge flaming fist roared from the forest on the other side of them. The trees along the way were engulfed in flames, and the fire illuminated all around.

Blackbeard and the others immediately jumped away to avoid it. Blackbeard looked over with gloomy eyes...

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