The New World, Sphinx Island, is the hometown of Whitebeard Edward Newgate. It is also the place where the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates retreated after the failure of the battle for the Four Emperors.

"Marco, no, Ace is missing!"

Wearing a pink kimono, a red cloth tied irregularly around his waist, and heart-shaped lipstick on his lips, Izo, the captain of the 16th Squadron, burst into Marco's room with an anxious look on his face.


Marco, who was wearing flat-rimmed glasses, suddenly stood up:

"Didn't he say that Ace should not know about the public execution?"

"Maybe Ace overheard someone talking about it accidentally. Now is not the time to talk about this. What should we do?"Izo asked eagerly.

Marco's expression was extremely ugly. When they learned that Luffy was going to be publicly executed, they immediately issued a hush order because they were afraid that Ace would find out.

It's not that they are selfish, but that There is nothing they can do at all. Not to mention the current Whitebeard Pirates, even when their father was still alive, they didn't dare to say that they could save people from the hands of that monster Sisir!

To save people is to risk death. They can't Watching Ace die, not to mention, the current Whitebeard Pirates can't afford any blow, so they can only hide it from Ace, but………

"Go save people!"Marco said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

"They can ignore Straw Hat Luffy, but Ace is their partner, and the Whitebeard Pirates will never risk the life or death of their companions!


Although he knew that he might never come back, Yi Zang agreed without any hesitation, just because Ace was their partner!

The sea seemed to be the calm before the storm, and even the Blackbeard sea area was strangely calm. down………

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

On Demon King Island, a temporary execution platform has been erected in the large square of the port fortress, which is very similar to the original execution platform of the navy.

The forts are distributed throughout the fortress, looking full of murderous atmosphere.

At the outermost edge of the square, there were more than tens of thousands of clone legions, each of them well-equipped and expressionless.

Behind them are a total of ten thousand elite pirates gathered by each team. Although there are not many in number, they have all experienced hundreds of battles and have at least mastered a kind of domineering force!

On both sides of the square, there are hundreds of tall"war machines"!

The entire momentum is more majestic and intimidating than the original navy.………

On the Shampoo Islands, countless people, pirates, nobles, and human traffickers gathered in front of the large screens that were set up early.………

"Why hasn't it started yet?……"

"I can't wait any longer"

"have a look!! There’s a picture!"

"Wow! This is the Fallen Angel Pirates! It's too spectacular, right?……"

"Those pirates look so scary!"

" come there are so many"tyrant" bears!"

The moment the scene of the Execution Square appeared, the crowd kept admiring the dense firepower of the fortress, the uniform legion, the menacing tens of thousands of pirates, and the hundreds of tall"tyrant" bears on both sides of the execution platform.!

Not only the Chambord Islands, but all over the sea are paying attention to this execution. Also at the Navy Headquarters, a group of naval generals looked at the picture on the screen with ugly expressions.

"Damn pirate!"

"The Fallen Angel Pirates have grown so powerful."

"Thistle...Fallen Angel……"


Qing Zhi didn't say a word, but from his clenched fists with bulging veins, you could see that he was not at peace in his heart at this time!

"step on... step on……"

In the picture, in front of the execution platform, five figures slowly walked out

"That... that's it!!"

"The Fallen Ten Troops……"

"Captain of the first team——"Yin Yue"Fan Oka!""

"Captain of the Seventh Army——"Soraka the Unicorn!"

"Captain of the Eighth Army——"Juice Witch" Charlotte Smoothie!"

"Captain of the Ninth Corps——""Thousand Hands" Charlotte Cracker!"

"Captain of the Tenth Squadron——"Poison Dragon Champion" Chisas Basas"

"It's...the captains of the Fallen Angel Pirates!"

"Only five captains came……"

The five team captains stood still with relaxed expressions. At the same time, six figures slowly walked up to the middle of the execution platform.

"Another... someone appears again!"

"Look...look! Those are...the Seven Lords of Hell!!!"

"The arrogant monarch——Daryou Telef!"

"Angry Monarch - West Asia!"

"Jealous Monarch - Bundy Waldo!"

"The Lazy King——Hiryuu of the Rain!"

"The Gluttonous King——Charlotte Katakuri!"

"The lustful monarch——Gion!"

"Oh my God! Only five captains came, but six"Seven Lords" appeared"!"


Unlike the captain, the momentum of the six"Seven Monarchs" is still terrifying even across the screen!


"The"Celestial God" of the Fallen Angel Pirates appears!"

Below the execution platform, four gorgeous seats have been set up.


""Blood God"——Lafitte!"

""The proud god"——Baloric Redfield!"

""The appearance of the four God of War"Dagrath Barrett!" caused the entire square to burst into cheers, and their momentum soared into the sky!

"oh!! Ah!!!"

"Lord Enel!!"

"Lord Ryder!!"

"Lord Lafitte!"

"Lord Barrett!!"

The four people sat down calmly, with different expressions, but powerful. Even if they were just sitting there calmly, their power overwhelmed the entire audience. Even through the screen, the people watching did not dare to breathe!

"step on... step on……"

On the execution platform, footsteps sounded, and the square fell silent for an instant.

Everyone in front of the screen held their breath, watching with anticipation and awe. The man who suppressed the contemporary era, made everyone frightened, even overpowered the Navy Headquarters, and made all forces in the sea retreat, was about to appear.………

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