"Rumble...boom! Bang!!"



"boom! Bang bang!!"

As night falls, there are fewer and fewer giants in Elbaf, and they fall into a pool of blood one by one. There are knife marks, abyss, and scorched earth everywhere.


There was a violent thunder in front of Enelu, and a female giant, covered in black and with black smoke coming out of her mouth, fell in front of him.

However, even though his face had lost all life, he still had a strong fighting spirit and an unyielding will, and the weapon in his hand did not let go until death!

The posture before falling was that of taking an offensive step!

"A bunch of stupid idiots……"

Ainilu's face was arrogant and cold, but a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes:"However, your bravery is recognized by this god!"

"I am very happy to have opponents like you!"

Elbaf has reached the end of his rope. More and more giants have fallen. There are not many warriors left, but not a single giant has flinched!

Similarly, Orion and Loki are also struggling.The shaking of the earth and the mountains did not stop for a moment, and the whole sea area was trembling!

"That’s it, the strongest fist!"

The mountain-like rock giant is covered with rich domineering power. The power coming from the sky distorts the atmosphere, the world trembles, and the earth under its feet is crushed layer by layer.


At this time, Prince Loki's body was covered in blood, the sword in his hand was broken, his armor was shattered, his expression was ugly and painful, and his breath was weak. He had obviously reached the end of his strength.

"boom! bang……"


"Boom, boom、、"

Facing Barrett's overbearing and powerful punch, Loki, who could not avoid it, could only grit his teeth and cross his hands in front of him to block.

He only felt a huge force coming towards him, and there was a sound of bones breaking in his arms.

Loki's eyes widened and he vomited blood. He was irresistibly blown away by the powerful force, and his blood formed a parabola in the air.


Barrett controlled the rock giant and immediately chased after him. The ground he stepped on couldn't help but shake.

"Boy, this is the result of opposing the Fallen Angel Pirates!"

Barrett looked at Loki lying in a pool of blood with a ferocious smile.

"Ahem... you... these bastards... are not going to end well.…"

"For the glory of... giant...……"

Loki vomited blood and stood up tremblingly, with an angry and painful look on his face. He roared unwillingly and threw a final punch with strong conviction.

"Too bad... you can't see it!"

"Boom boom!!"

The violent collision resounded through the island, and the air waves hit the surrounding areas, rolling up a black storm.………


Loki's huge figure finally fell down, with a firm expression on his face and an extremely ferocious expression.

"Damn...the glory...of...the giant...man...can't...be...……"

Before I finished speaking, I reluctantly lost my last breath of life.


Olian's eyes were filled with tears. He looked at Loki's fallen body in pain and shouted miserably.

"Orion, I've said it before, you will regret your stubbornness."

Ryder stood in the ruins not far away with his bat umbrella sword and said calmly.

"I'm going to kill you! Orion

's pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes, his face was crazy and twisted, he ignored Lafitte and rushed towards Barrett madly.

Obviously the desperate situation of the giants and the death of Loki made Orion completely collapse Crazy!

"Giant King, I am your opponent."

A huge slash struck Orion, with Lafitte's ghostly figure blocking the front.

"Get out of here!"

Olian punched in anger, directly blasting the scarlet sword energy, and then continued to slap Lafitte with his backhand.

"That’s almost it…blood food!"

Lafitte smiled evilly, and turned into an afterimage above Orion's head. Scarlet aura flashed, and vampire bats emerged from the blood.

Even the remaining blood on Orion's body formed bats flying out..There are thousands of them, flying all over the sky, covering the sky above Orion, looking creepy.


All the bats flew towards Orion. Although they couldn't break his dominance, they still annoyed him.

"Get out of here! Get out of here!"

Olian punched hard, and dozens of bats were smashed into pieces, turning into a rain of blood. But after a while, new bats formed and flew back, and the cycle started again... so that Orian had to maintain his domineering defense and physical strength all the time. , domineering, huge consumption!


The red and black slashing blade flashed past, and struck Orion together with the bat. Sparks flew in the staggering iron weapons.……


Lafitte took advantage of the victory and pursued him, with a cold light flashing in his eyes and an icy murderous intent. After Orion's domineering power was further weakened, the blazing sword suddenly thrust out, shining with brilliance in the air.


In Orion's disbelieving gaze, the extremely sharp staff knife pierced his throat.


Olian's eyes were about to burst, and he punched Lafitte. Lafitte did not dodge, but continued to stab forward with cold eyes.



Lafitte was blown away, but at the same time, the staff knife in his hand completely penetrated Orion's throat.

Lafitte smashed into the ruins, spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, but with a victorious smile on his lips.

Orion covered his bleeding throat with both hands, and backed away with an angry face.


Orion wanted to speak, but his throat was pierced and he could no longer speak. Instead, he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

"Goodbye, Orion." Ryder looked at Orion calmly and said lightly.

"Bang! boom……"

With a loud noise, Giant King Orion finally fell!

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