Whether it was the Fallen Angel Pirates or the Navy, such a high-profile move certainly attracted the attention of all forces.

Wano Country, Ghost Island


There was a loud noise, and a huge crater was smashed into the cave. Kaido, who was holding the mace tightly, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of anger and ferociousness.

"Thistle, this is too much!

Kaido shouted angrily:"Since you want to start a war, I will stay with you until the end!""


""Fire" Jhin,"Pandemic" Quinn, and the new"Drought" Jace, also stood behind Kaido with ugly expressions.

I don't know where Kaido found the animal-type Elephant Fruit. —Ancient Species—Mammoth Form

"Gather all the troops for me. This time I will make sure there is no way for them to come back!"Kaido roared angrily.

"Yes, Admiral!"

As the"Three Disasters" of the Beasts Pirates, of course they will not be afraid of war, even if the target is the incomparably powerful Fallen Angel Pirates.

The New World, the Beehive, is the base camp of the Blackbeard Pirates, and it was also the headquarters of Locke back then. The lair of the Si Pirates

"Thief hahaha………"

Tiqi's eyes were gloomy, his face was distorted, and he let out a suppressed and rough laugh.

"Thistle...you are too impatient. Don't talk about me and Kaido. Even the navy will not let you get what you want."

"This time...it's not just us you have your hands on, thief hahaha……"

"I will let you know that there is a price to pay for arrogance!"

"You're right, Captain Teach, it's time to let Thistle know that he doesn't have the final say in the new world alone, hahaha……"Eddrago laughed at the top of his voice.

Gaspard, Poison Q, Saka and others all had bloodthirsty eyes and were extremely angry. Only Baiji Crow frowned and lowered his head in deep thought, with a solemn look on his face.

The Blackbeard Pirates and the Beast Pirates began to actively prepare for war. All territories began to shrink and their combat power quickly gathered.

For a time, the atmosphere in the new world became depressing, and it was terrifying that a storm was coming.…………

The next day, near the waters of Wano Country.

On the majestic sea, a fleet of more than a dozen ships sailed quickly through the wind and waves with a terrifying aura that kept strangers away, splashing layers of waves.

The ships in the fleet are roughly the same. Only five ships have canvases printed on them:"Five"、"seven"、"eight"、"Nine"、""Ten".

On the highest point of all the ships, there is a black-winged skull flag flying in the wind. It is the fleet group of the Fallen Angel Pirates.

"We can already see Wano Country."

Katakuri stood on the bow of the boat and looked into the distance, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and said calmly behind him

"oh? Arrive so soon?"

On the deck, Telef, Bassas, and Cracker put down the cards in their hands, and Akin stopped wiping the iron stick. Waldo opened his eyes, which were closed to repose, and Smoothie and Sola Ka also stopped communicating about cosmetics.

"There were no obstacles along the way. It seems that Kaido is ready to show off with us here."

Katakuri took two sips of coffee, with sharp eyes and a calm tone.

Taylor and Waldo walked to the bow of the ship and stood beside Katakuri on the left and right. Akin and others came behind them. Together we looked at the outline gradually appearing on the sea

"That's not right! One time solution."Waldo's pupils were bloodthirsty and he looked into the distance with murderous intent.

"Do you want to wait for Enel and Lafitte?"Crick looked at his brother

"Humph, no need! We are enough."Waldo answered unceremoniously.

Katakuri and Telef, the leaders, did not object. They both had absolute confidence in their own strength. This may be the confidence of the strong!

Don't say that the three"hells" The"Seven Lords", the five captains of the"Ten Fallen Teams", are all full of fighting spirit and full of confidence!

"That guy Kaido, together with the samurai of Wano Country, has concentrated all the combat power of Onigashima on Wano Country."

Katakuri opened his eyes and reminded. With his knowledge and domineering power, all the auras in Wano Country were clearly detected.

"Now that the battlefield has been set, there's nothing more to say……"

Taylorf stretched out his right hand and moved his index finger slightly, and the fleet group all broke away from the sea and floated:

"Go right in!!"


The crew members clenched their weapons and shouted loudly with fierce eyes. Their momentum broke through the sky, and the waves of the sea were crushed in an instant.………

The natural barrier of the country of Wano is like a mere fiction in front of Telef


Nine miles away, the buildings here have been bulldozed, and rows of dark gun ports have been built. Pirates and samurai in different clothes are clearly distinguishable.

Including samurai, tens of thousands of troops were gathered here.

Although the Beasts Pirates no longer have three troops: the Giver, the Pleasurer, and the Standby because of Cecil.

However, even the ordinary crew members are not weak at all. They all look strong and fierce, full of brutal violence.

"Kaido, this time we will deal with the Fallen Angel Pirates together. After we accomplish this, don’t forget what you promised me."

Wearing a crown, a mustache, and protruding teeth on both sides of his mouth, the sinister and vulgar looking man smiled at Kaido who was sitting on the ground drinking.

He is the shogun of Wano and also the The ally of the Four Emperors Kaido - Black Carbon Orochi.

Kaido picked up the wine gourd and took a sip. He opened the wine bottle and said lightly:"Don't worry, I won't break my promise.""

"That's good……"The Black Carbon Orochi smiled with satisfaction:"I'm curious as to why the so-called Fallen Angel Pirates made you so cautious."

Kaido ignored the Black Carbon Orochi, picked up the wine gourd, and drank. Already a little drunk.

Black Carbon Orochi didn't care, his face became extremely confident, and he smiled to himself:"However, as long as there are my warriors from the country of Japan and your Beast Pirates, no force will be our opponent.!"

Kaido glanced at the laughing Black Carbon Orochi, full of contempt and disdain, as if he was looking at a fool.

Suddenly, Kaido put down the wine gourd and looked up into the distance. He felt a surge of momentum rising into the sky, domineering, strong, and menacing!

"Admiral..." Yan Liangjin put down the phone and was about to report the situation, but was interrupted by Kaido waving his hand.

"Get ready for war!"

Kaido stood up with a mace in his hand, and the power of an ancient beast came out of his body. Even just a glance was terrifying!

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