A blazing pillar of flames sprayed into the sky, as if it was going to penetrate the sky. The terrifying power blasted through the center of the island, and the flames melted the rocks.

The divine dragon's breath did not end there. After being penetrated by melt in the middle, it continued to sweep across. Wherever the hot breath passed, the islands shattered and the rocks burned and disappeared.


A black pterodactyl, wrapped in flames, soared into the sky from the army of beasts, and kicked the island with a dark kick.



A huge roar resounded through the sky, the clouds scattered, invisible shock waves raged in the sky, and the island continued to shatter.

"So...so good!"

"The island...the island was blown to pieces!!"



The Beast Legion and the Wano warriors cheered. Many people swallowed their saliva and roared excitedly.

"It’s just the power of Piao Piao Fruit, but here we have Captain Kaido, the"Four Emperors", and Master Three Disasters!!"

"We are the Beast Pirates, we have nothing to be afraid of!"

"The Admiral is right behind us!"


"But just seven monarchs dare to challenge us?!!"

"Come on horseback!"

Many cadres in the Hundred Beasts Legion loudly encouraged them. Their arrogance, which was originally frightened by Telef, suddenly returned to its peak!

"The arrogant monarch——Daryou Telef!"

The black pterosaur's sharp eyes looked at the man who had left the bow of the ship and was floating in the sky with a"dead wood" in his hand.

"Momo - a hundred times the gun!"

A cannonball exploded and shot out, growing in size along the way. When it reached the sky above the Beast Legion, it was already as big as half a town!

"Huh, don't underestimate us!"

The"Orochi Imperial Court Fans" behind the black charcoal snake rushed out with seven people holding samurai swords. Their swords intertwined and slashed out with blazing brilliance.


"Black Tan Double Sword Style·Ghost·Baqi"

"Yagyu Ittoryu·Hoshiyue Slash"




Dozens of brilliant sword lights flashed on the super giant cannonball, and with a crisp sound, it split into pieces and exploded over the legion! The violent explosion was deafening, and the overwhelming air waves formed wind pressure, causing the beast legion to stagger around. , the shock wave destroys everything around

"Jealous Monarch - Bundy Waldo!"

No matter how violent the wind pressure was, the dragon hovering in the air remained unmoved and looked at Waldo with majestic eyes!

"Ah……"Waldo looked at Kaido with a sneer in his eyes, his eyes met, full of provocation.

Kaido opened his dragon's mouth angrily, and the hot temperature increased sharply:"Go to hell, Hot Breath!"


The heat of the storm roared and exploded, the atmosphere was distorted by the high temperature, and the blazing light illuminated the fleet ships.

"The extremely dark sword light of"Itto Style·Armed·Ephi Wind Crow" seems to swallow up the light, and the sharp sword energy rages across the sky, splitting the heat with unparalleled power.

Telef stood in front of the floating fleet. , standing with a sword across the board, with a man in charge, even the offensive of"Four Emperors" Kaido was blocked! The fleet ships slowly landed, although Kaido's face was ashen, but he did not make any more moves, hovering in the air, As if waiting for the war to begin


"That's... In addition to Telef and Waldo, there are……"

"The Gluttonous King——Charlotte Katakuri!"

"Captain of the fifth team—Ajin!"

"Captain of the Seventh Army—Soraka!"

"Captain of the Eighth Squadron—Charlotte Smoothie!"

"Captain of the Ninth Squadron—Charlotte Cracker!"

"The captain of the 10th Squadron—Chichas Basas!"

"Three"Seven Lords of Hell" and five captains?……"

"hateful! You don't even have a"god", so you dare to attack us, the Beast Pirates. You underestimate us!"

"The Fallen Angel Pirates are so self-righteous!"

Under the gaze of the Beast Legion and the samurai, the members of the Fallen Angel Pirates quickly jumped down and stood opposite them.

Although the number was only more than 10,000, in addition to the core cadres, there were hundreds more who were executed in public , the brilliant"war machine", hundreds of grotesque legions of artificial animal-type ability users!

Battle-experienced crew members of various teams, as well as well-equipped and fearless clone armies…………

The powerful momentum is no weaker than that of the Hundred Beasts Legion. Except for the slight lack of high-end combat power, it can even suppress the Hundred Beasts Legion in other aspects!

Kaidolong opened his eyes and roared fiercely without any unnecessary nonsense:


At this time, there was no need for any politeness. Telef pulled out the dead wood and shouted with the same cold eyes:


"oh oh!!!"

The earth was shaken by the earthquake, and the smoke and dust were billowing. The two sides collided like two torrents!



"Go to hell, Fallen Angel Pirates!"

"You bastards of beasts, go to hell.……"

"Boom boom!!"


The war started in an instant, with blood and flesh flying everywhere in an instant, roars, screams, and roars... could be heard all the time.

At the same time, at the entrance of the new world, the naval forces led by the three generals also entered the new world.………

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