"Chirp - chirp——"

"Boom boom……"


Rows of"war machines" opened their mouths, and lasers shot out, bombarding the battlefield indiscriminately, forcing the Beast Legion to temporarily avoid the edge!

If it weren't for the powerful firepower of the"War Machine" and the addition of the artificial animal legion, I'm afraid it would be impossible to withstand the"Six Sons of Volley" from the beasts."

"Wei ha ha ha...poisonous dragon!"

The venom on Bashas's body was low, corroding the ground, and sprayed out surging dragon-shaped venom at the swooping Pteranodon.

"Troublesome guy."

The Pteranodon dodged to avoid it, but the poisonous dragon turned around as if it was conscious, and continued to pounce on"Fire Disaster" Jin. The Pteranodon's eyes turned cold, and the flames on its body suddenly burst out, and it was completely wrapped in the blazing flames. Unable to dodge and rush towards the poisonous dragon



The red flame pterosaur penetrated the poisonous dragon, and all the venom around it was burned and evaporated by the flames, and it kicked Bassas with unabated force.

"Wei ha ha ha... the first of the three disasters, comegood!"

Bashas clenched his fist excitedly, covered with rich domineering force, and smashed it out hard, colliding with Yan Liangjin's right foot.

"boom! Boom boom……"

Violent roars resounded all around, and both of them took a few steps back. The shock wave shook the earth, and the two stared at each other fiercely.

"Get out of the way!"

The new"Drought" Jace looks taller than the original Jack, and his style is equally arrogant and reckless. He turns into a huge mammoth and smashes the biscuit soldiers fiercely.

Cracker quickly jumped aside with a playful and relaxed expression. , said with a smile:"That can't be done, defeat me if you have the ability"

"Snapped! Snapped!"

While clapping, countless biscuit pieces appeared around the cracker, quickly merging into biscuit soldiers, raising their weapons to kill the mammoth.

"You annoying piece of trash, get out of here!"

The giant mammoth with rough skin and thick flesh resisted the chops of the biscuit soldiers, swung its thick trunk, and smashed the rows of biscuit soldiers like a steel whip. On the other side of the battlefield, a strange scene appeared. Several people were covered in wounds. The ice-covered pirates frantically attack their companions around them, and those attacked soon turn into the same"icemen""

"Haha... you have seen how powerful my uncle's"Ice Ghost" virus is.、、"

""Epidemic" Quinn danced strangely, holding a cannon-like weapon in his hand, and excitedly pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, a huge shadow enveloped Quinn's head, and without any hesitation, Quinn disappeared quickly

A huge round hammer hit the spot, and the earth shattered and trembled!

"I didn’t expect that you, a fat man covered in fat, would be so slow to react."

The round hammer slowly shrank and became an ordinary size. Ah Jin held it on his shoulder casually and looked at Quinn with fierce eyes.

"Yoyo~~Don't look at me like this~My body is all muscles~"

Quinn danced, singing a strange rap, and there were two younger brothers singing and dancing with her.

"Captain of the Fifth Squadron——""Ghost King Kong" Ah Jin!"

"Your men~~ are all infected by my"Ice Ghost" virus~ Aren't you going to save people~ Yoyo~"

"A bunch of useless trash, they will die if they die……"

Akin turned the iron crutches in his hands and walked towards Quinn, his steps getting faster and faster, and he gradually started running:

"Also, your singing is too ugly. Shut up!"


The earth roared, sand and rocks flew, and dust and smoke rose everywhere.……

"Unreasonable guy!"

Quinn saw his little brother who was smashed into pieces. He looked at Ah Jin angrily. His body expanded rapidly. After a while, a huge Brachiosaurus appeared on the battlefield.

"oh? Are you serious?……"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Ah Jin's mouth, and the muscles of his body also began to swell, and his hair grew rapidly to cover it.……


A huge King Kong kept beating its chest, sounding like a war drum, and its aura was inexplicably fierce!

"Stinky monkey!"

"Dead lizard!"


A unicorn flew into the air, and a white light shone down. A large number of members of the Fallen Angel Pirates were baptized. They immediately felt their physical strength continuously gushing out, and their injuries recovered quickly!

"Ha...that troublesome woman!"

Sasagi, one of the"Six Sons of the Sky", has sharp teeth, wears a military hat with two horns on his head, wears wooden clogs, and holds a long knife. He looks at the unicorn in the sky with a ferocious smile.

After Soraka's blessing, The combat power of the Fallen Angel Pirates has been greatly improved!


Sasaki jumped into the sky, slashing through the air towards the unicorn with a murderous slash!

"Clang! boom……"

An equally blazing slashing blade came from below, and Sasaki's slashing blade exploded in mid-air, arousing violent air waves, and circles of shock waves rippling in the mid-air.

"snort! Captain of the Eighth Legion—Charlotte Smoothie."

Sasaki looked at the woman standing in front of him and said word by word with interlocked sharp teeth.

"Let me be your opponent!"

Smoothie said with a lazy expression and cold eyes.


"Kill you!!"

"Clang!! Bang bang、、、"

Figures intertwined in the air, the sound of swords clashing was heard endlessly, fire was splashing, air waves were circling and oscillating...

Among the beasts legion below, a man wearing a bright red horn helmet, suit and leather shoes took the lead in attacking the fallen angel formation, destroying Each"war machine""!

"Destroy all these"war machines" first!"

This person is none other than Fozzie Fu in"Six Sons of the Sky", a man who is not inferior to the Three Disasters.




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