By the time Barrett stopped, the land within a kilometer radius was already shattered. Weibull's figure could no longer be seen, only a bottomless abyss.

"Where do you want to go?"

Barrett suddenly appeared in front of Miss Bajin who was trying to escape secretly.

"Big..Sir...."Miss Ba Jin has a look of fear on her face. Her biggest support has been easily eliminated. At this moment, she just wants to run as far as she can.

"Don't worry, your idiot"son" is not dead yet."Barrett showed his white teeth, which shocked Miss Ba Jin.

"Really..really...."Miss Ba Jin looked at Barrett with some surprise, but was glared at by Barrett and immediately stammered:

"That...Thank you very much....grown ups. Barrett smiled coldly:"

I just said that he is not dead yet, but......."


Miss Ba Jin’s wrinkled face immediately became panicked, but she immediately reacted and said repeatedly:

"I....We are willing to join the Fallen Angel Pirates, and it is an honor for us to join Lord Cecil."

Miss Ba Jin has a flattering look on her face. Survival is important at this moment.


From the abyss of the earth, a fat hand stained with blood stretched out. Weibull, covered in blood, climbed up extremely weakly.

"Really good resilience."A flash of light flashed in Barrett's eyes.

He knew very well how heavy his shot just was. Even if the"Seven Lords of Hell" were hit so hard by him, they would lose the ability to move in a short time.

But this Weibull........

It’s a good fighting force!!

Barrett thought secretly

"Mother....I....I can't beat him."

When Weibull saw Barrett, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. His head shrank and he said in fear.

"Stupid son, who asked you to take action just now?"

Miss Bajin hit Weibull on the head with his cane and shouted angrily:"This is Mr. Barrett, the leader of the Fallen Angel Pirates who avenged Whitebeard."

She was really frightened just now. If the fallen angels hadn't deliberately subdued them, the two of them might have been corpses by now.

"ah?!! They killed Blackbeard to avenge their father?"Weibull's big blood-stained face was full of surprise.

"Yes, so they are not enemies, got it, stupid son."Miss Bajin continued

"oh oh.....Turns out they are good people...I got it mom."Weibull had a runny nose and nodded naively.

Barrett crossed his arms and looked at Weibull with interest. As for Miss Ba Jin, the old woman, she was just a tool to make Weibull obey.

"Take a rest on the island and come back with me to meet the captain later."Barrett said calmly.

Miss Ba Jin immediately bent down and nodded respectfully:"Yes, everything is subject to your orders."

It's just that when he lowered his head, his eyes seemed to be calculating something.

The New World, the original Blackbeard Sea area, Cosicily Island.

With the rule of the Fallen Angel Pirates, there are rarely armed fights on the islands of the New World.

Pirates The conflicts between them will be resolved on the sea. Few pirate groups dare to cause trouble on the island, just because all the islands in the New World have planted the black-winged skull flag. (Except for the desert island) The towns on this island also Similarly, in the past two years, residents have enjoyed unprecedented peace. They don't have to worry about sudden pirates, as long as they"pay taxes" on time every year.

In the bustling town, the bustling streets are full of people coming and going, full of laughter and laughter. Lovers' fight, children's running........

In a pub on the corner of the street, several tables of guests were sitting, drinking, bragging, chatting and making a lot of noise.

"I heard that Princess Zixi’s birthday is coming soon. It would be great if she could go to Demon King Island to celebrate."

"What are you thinking, you alone are worthy of meeting Princess Zixi?"

"Humph, I told you that it’s not possible......."

"However, thanks to Lord Thistle, the new world can be so peaceful."

"For Lord Sisir and for Princess Zixi, cheers!"



In the lively tavern, there was only one table that seemed out of place. Two men were quietly eating the food on the table.


The small wing door of the tavern was pushed open

"Welcome, may I ask?...ah....."

The tavern owner nodded politely and smiled. Suddenly he saw the person coming. His eyes widened in disbelief. He was speechless for a moment.

"pull....Lord Lafitte!!"

After a while, the owner of the tavern exclaimed. In an instant, the entire tavern became quiet, and everyone looked over subconsciously.

"Lord Lafitte!!!"

""Blood God" Lafitte!!!"

"I...Am I not dreaming?....."

Wearing a black top hat, dramatic makeup, and twirling his cane, Lafitte appeared in the tavern, looking evil and elegant.

Lafitte smiled slightly, not caring about everyone's surprise, and walked towards the incompatible table with step steps.

The two men also put down their knives and forks and looked directly at Lafitte, who was approaching.

"You don't mind if I sit here...."

Lafitte smiled evilly and sat down without waiting for their reply.

The owner of the tavern very"smartly" gave him a set of tableware, and everyone else in the tavern slowly left.

Although I am very grateful to the Fallen Angel Pirates for bringing peace, I can't help but feel awe when facing them.

"Why are you here?"

One of them, a man wearing a black fur coat, with a slicked back hair and a transverse scar on his face, and smoking a cigar, asked politely.

"Of course I'm here to find you....Shah Crocodile."

Lafitte poured himself a glass of Fenjiu and looked at the man with an evil smile.

This man was the former"King Shichibukai""——""Sand Crocodile" Crocodile.

And the unsmiling, tight-lipped, muscular man next to him is none other than Daz Bones, codenamed Mr.1, Superman.——Cut the fruit quickly.

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