"This cat is actually armed and domineering!"

Sisir said in surprise as he looked at the white tiger who was fisting with him. His claws were covered with a layer of black substance.

"Hahahaha, is this interesting? keep coming"


One beast and one person turned into afterimages and collided together. Like cannonballs, the roar continued!

"Bang bang..." Air waves erupted, flying sand and rocks, and the earth was cracked. One man and one beast used the most primitive physical fighting, punching to the flesh!

Although Sisir does not know how to be armed and domineering, his monster-like physique and four years of training Crazy training has made his physical strength no less than that of this armed beast, or even stronger!

And he also has an advantage. He awakened the Haki of knowledge, which was during a battle with a group of orangutans a year ago. Awakening.

Half an hour later

"Huh...huh..." After a few heavy breaths, Sisir's shirt had already turned into strips of cloth. From time to time, you could still see hideous blood stains, which were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. On the opposite side, there were already The dying beast was breathing its last breath. Its body was slumped like a pile of rotten flesh, covered in blood.

"昳hahaha, it’s really fun! Cats are cats, and they won’t be able to survive this soon!"Looking at the white tiger Sisir who was about to expire, he said with unfinished content.

"Hey, this cat is pretty good-looking, so it should be delicious!"

At night, beside the bonfire, Sisile lay on the grass and patted his belly with satisfaction. Next to him was a pile of clean bones that had been chewed.

"It's been four years, and there is no stronger opponent on this island. It's time to go out and practice. I haven't really seen the Devil Fruit users in this world."

Thistle has decided to go to sea. Although he is still a little young, he feels that his strength should be enough, and there is no more powerful opponent on this island!

"Let’s start building the boat tomorrow!"

Thistle thought excitedly. After all, anyone who lives alone for four years will be lonely.

"That’s almost it, let’s start eating!"

Sisir stood up, took out the animal skin strips he had prepared and tied his eyes, walked into the forest and continued to practice!

Now his practice generally consists of exercising his body unshakably during the day, and fighting in the forest in the afternoon, and more. He went to the sea to fight with the Neptune type, and practiced the awakened Haki of knowledge and knowledge at night. His method was very crude, which was to go to the dangerous forest with his eyes tied to look for ferocious beasts.

A few days later, in the waters of Aite Wall

"Captain Sia, it seems we've gotten rid of those bastards from"Beasts"!"On a medium-sized two-sail pirate ship, a pirate on the observation deck shouted to the bottom.

"Ah, thank you for your hard work. hateful! I must get this thing back!"On the deck inside the ship, a three-meter-tall pirate captain with bulging muscles and a scar extending from the left forehead to the right chin, the pirate captain Sia said angrily. After speaking, he picked up the wine next to him. The bucket"Gulu...Gulu" started to drink


As soon as he opened the wine compartment,"bang dong", without any warning, Siya fell down and lay on the deck.

"Drunk again."

The pirates on the boat said calmly, each busy with their own business.

"Captain bastard, if you can't drink, don't drink. Now is not the time for you to be drunk. Get up quickly."At this time, a two-meter-tall and thin man walked out of the cabin, grabbed Sia's collar with his right hand and shook it, shouting

"Who the hell...ah, it's you, Telef, what happened?"Sia was about to curse after being woken up, but when he saw that it was his vice-captain, he immediately changed his face and asked.

Taylorfu looked helplessly at Sia, who looked confused, and suddenly regretted why he had boarded this ship in the first place.

"During this period of time, in order to avoid the"Hundred Beasts" pirate group, we have not stopped on any island. We are running out of food and water, and we need to find island supplies as soon as possible!"Telef said with a serious look on his face.

"Haven't you already gotten rid of those bastards from"Hundred Beasts"? Hurry up and go to the nearest island."

"Here’s the problem. According to the charts, the islands closest to us will take at least a week or more, and that’s without encountering any special circumstances."Lighting up a cigarette, Telef said uneasily. He knew that this was a new world known for its bad weather and sea areas, and special situations often occurred.

"There's nothing we can do about it. If that doesn't work, we can still hunt the sea kings."Siya now realizes the seriousness of the problem.

"No, there is another way, just... look!"Telef stretched out the wrist with three record pointers on his right hand and said:"These two directions are the routes I just mentioned, but there is another route here. According to the chart we obtained, it is a very dangerous beast. island!"

I saw three record hands on Taylor's wrist. Two of them were pointing motionlessly in their respective directions. Only the rightmost pointer pointed to the southeast, but it kept shaking.

"This beast island may have had major events that affected its magnetic field, or its magnetic field may be unstable, etc. In short, it is a dangerous island."Telef carefully analyzed

"So how far is this beast island from us?"Xia asked directly,

"Two days."

Xia stood up with a smile, looked at the rushing of the sea and said heroically:"Then there is nothing to hesitate about. No pirate would be afraid of going to a dangerous island. Just go there! Turn the rudder, target, Southeast Beast Island"

"Oh ho!!"

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