Holy Land: Mariejoia, in Pangu City, the pinnacle of the Red Continent.

On the empty throne, Im closed her eyes tightly and said nothing. The only sound in the empty hall was the crisp tapping sound of her fingers.

There was no emotion on the noble and cold face, and no trace of domineering was released, but it made people feel as suffocating and oppressive as a mountain, and the atmosphere seemed to have stagnated.

The five old stars who used to have high status and control the power of the world are now lined up in a row, lowering their noble heads, kneeling on one knee under the stairs like servants.

I don’t know how long the five of them had been kneeling. Im didn’t say anything. They didn’t dare to make the slightest move.

"Thistle, you finally declared war!"

Im opened Qiu Shui's majestic eyes and whispered to himself in a cold voice.

Im had never put Sisir in his eyes before, even if Sisl forcefully rescued Smuji and killed him at the Navy Headquarters. When Garp was around, she didn't even take Cecil to heart.

Instead, she paid more attention to people like Shirahoshi, Luffy, and Blackbeard.

But! Ever since Cecil was at the Navy Headquarters, five powerful monsters killed him with great force. When"Cyborg Kong" was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Im was alerted.

After the formal battle with Sisir, he regarded him as his"only enemy"!

Even now, his strength has once again achieved a breakthrough, and he is against Sisir is still very afraid

"How is the situation now?"

Im asked coldly like a superior god.

"Lord Im, Donghai and Paradise were temporarily suppressed by the navy, but....."

The blond Five Old Star had cold sweat on his forehead and gritted his teeth and said:

"The South China Sea, the West China Sea, and the North China Sea have been thrown into chaos by the rebels, and are now almost out of control."

"Especially with the participation of countless pirate groups, many participating countries are not very obedient."

Wulaoxing with white curly hair added.

A cold light flashed in Im's cold pupils, but his face was still so calm and unusual.

Senhan's murderous intention made Wulaoxing tremble all over.

"The G1 branch was attacked by the Fallen Angel Pirates led by"Thunder God" Eniro and"War God" Barrett, and CP7 has been sent to support them." said the five old stars with long beards

"The Navy headquarters was also attacked by pirates led by"Blood God" Lafitte......."

"What about Cecil?"

Wulaoxing, who had a birthmark on his forehead, was interrupted impatiently before he finished speaking.


"No action has been taken yet....."

Wulaoxing, who had a birthmark on his forehead, was stunned for a moment, and quickly said respectfully


Im's eyes finally looked at the five old stars under the stairs.

The five of them were like knives at their throats, their heads buried even lower, and they were sweating profusely.

"Is it because Sisir didn't make any move, or did you find no trace of him?"

Im looked at Wulaoxing coldly.

"Yi....Lord Im, Sisir...We can't get close to his whereabouts at all......"


Wu Laoxing, who had a birthmark on his forehead, explained nervously.


Before he finished speaking, an irresistible force made him float up.

"Lord Im....."

Wulaoxing, who had a birthmark on his forehead, struggled with his limbs in panic, and his eyes became extremely frightened.

I saw that his whole body was shrouded in a weak white halo at this time, and he was slowly floating towards Im like a puppet on strings.

The expressions of the remaining four Five Old Stars became more nervous, and their pupils were also filled with anxiety.

"I don't want to hear these excuses."

Im stared at Wulaoxing with a birthmark on his forehead with cold eyes, and slowly contracted his palms.


Before Wu Laoxing, who had a birthmark on his forehead, had time to beg for mercy, his expression instantly became extremely ferocious, his eyes bulging, revealing deep despair.

The bones made a cracking sound, and the body shrank rapidly, as if it was being pinched hard by a giant.

The face was twisted and ferocious, painful, pleading, desperate, but unable to make a sound.

The twisted and compact body was gradually covered by white light. Finally, when the entire head was covered, Im opened his clenched palms.


The white light bloomed like fireworks over the hall, gorgeous, brilliant and dazzling........

But the figure of the Five Old Stars with a birthmark on his forehead also disappeared without a trace along with the fireworks.

The dignified talker of the world government, the Five Old Stars at the top of the sea, are being crushed to death like ants at will.

The eyes of the remaining four people flashed a hint of sadness, but it was quickly replaced by nervousness and fear.

"Since I can choose you to manage this world, I can also take it back at any time."

Im seemed to have done a trivial thing, and still said coldly:

"If I hear these incompetent excuses and nonsense again....."

"I don't mind another batch of 'Wulao Xing'’"

"Did you hear that clearly?!"

"yes!! Lord Im!!"The four five old stars hurriedly replied

"I will do my best to investigate Sisir's movements, and send the Holy Land garrison to support the navy. The CP organization and the Draco Guards will be stationed in the Holy Land."

Im gave the order calmly.

"yes! Lord Im!!"


Im stood up and walked down the stairs, his steps gradually disappearing into the hall.

After a long time, the four five old stars took a deep breath and stood up slowly, as if they had survived the disaster.

"It seems that the most critical factor in this war that is enough to overthrow the World Government is the monster Thistle."

"Master Im's attitude is already very clear."

"First send the garrison to support the navy, and then let the Warring States come together to discuss"

"good! This time is the biggest disaster since the establishment of the government"


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