"this world?"

Thistle frowned slightly.

To be honest, he was a little dissatisfied, because the combat power of this world is a bit low compared to the pirate world. Let's put it this way, it is Inuyasha's father-Inu Admiral.

At his peak His strength is almost that of a general!

Even with some of his special abilities, he is only a general at most.

What's more, in addition to Inu General.

The other so-called great monsters, such as Oyakata, the leader of the ocelot clan, Flying Monster Moth, Dragon Bone With these skills, I'm afraid it's only the strength of a lieutenant general.

It's too crotchless!

What Thistle wants is to challenge the strong.

But in this world, Thistle can't think of a so-called 'strong'.

(Inuyasha and Hai The thief's combat prowess is indeed incomparable, which can be seen from the fact that General Inuyasha died at the hands of an ordinary human.)

(Even if he was seriously injured at that time, you must know that the lord's soldiers in Inuyasha are only the most powerful. Ordinary humans are incomparable to the elite soldiers of the pirate world)

"Now that you're here, let's take a look around."

Thistle thought with a shrug.

After all, this is a new world. It's nice to see it. Just relax. What's more

, Thistle also felt that the 'purple energy' in his body when he first traveled through was still slowing down. He is recovering.

There is no guarantee that he can travel through the time and space tunnel again for the time being.

You know, even with his current strength, without the protection of the 'purple energy' in his body, he will definitely die in the time and space tunnel!

Otherwise, how could he Did he come here covered in blood, seriously injured and unconscious?

"Let's eat something first."

Sisile felt hungry, licked the corners of his mouth, and said:

"I don’t know which one tastes better between monsters and sea kings?".......

"Zi... Zi..."

On the huge barbecue grill, a huge pig demon was sizzling oil, and the aroma was overflowing.

This is a high-level monster that Sisir found on another mountain range.

Being from the same group, Sisir chose the largest one to roast and eat.

As for the others, they were either dead or scared away.

Thistle didn’t care either.

"tear apart——"

"good! It's more chewy than the Neptune type and lacks some umami."

Bite the pig monster meat with big mouthfuls, not caring about the monsters running rampant in the forest.

Countless pairs of evil eyes lit up in the darkness, staring greedily at Sisir.

If they were not afraid of the dangerous aura that Sisir unconsciously exuded, they would have Already swarmed

"Unfortunately, I forgot to bring some wine."

Sisir secretly regretted.

In his dark space, he only placed a few devil fruits, as well as the first generation of ghosts, the seven-star sword and other gadgets.’

"InuYasha's world...."

Sisir swallowed a mouthful of roast meat and thought:

"It seems like you can go to a modern city, which is interesting"

"Moreover, there is a company called Totosai and Gray Blade Shop, which seem to be able to make good weapons."

Thinking of this, Thistle seemed to be interested.

The modern city is such a familiar yet unfamiliar environment. Thistle wanted to take a look.

As for building another weapon?

That's because, even the 'Supreme Sharp Sword' The Twelve Skills' is no longer suitable for the current Thistle.

The swordsmiths in the pirate world cannot meet the requirements of Thistle in this regard.

However, in the world of Inuyasha, it seems that the swordsmiths are even better!

I hope I can create one for myself. A good knife

"That’s it, let’s make a good knife first"

"Then go back to the city and take a look"


Thistle laughed happily.

The bold and domineering laughter shook the surroundings, causing many monsters who were ready to move to have their livers and gallbladders split, and they fled in all directions.

In this forest, which is like a forbidden area for humans, Sisir sat alone eating barbecue. No monster dared to cross the pond.

Early the next morning, Sisir went down the mountain.

He doesn't know yet, what time is it in Inuyasha's world now?

"It would be great if the dog general is not dead and can be captured as a mount."

Sisir thought darkly.

With Sisir's speed, it didn't take long before he arrived at an ordinary village.

After a thorough investigation, he found that they were really ordinary, and they were all villagers without any power.

However, The environment of the village is quite good.

The houses are well-proportioned, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. Outside the village are acres of green rice fields. It looks very comfortable.

The arrival of Sisir caused quite a stir.

After all, he is three meters tall. His body is nothing in the world of pirates.

But here, it is enough to attract attention.

"Monster.. Monster.."

"Woo woo——"

"Help, there are monsters."

When the villagers saw this figure, they were all frightened and fled quickly.

There was only one little girl standing in the middle of the road, with her big innocent eyes open, staring curiously at this

"Big brother, you are so tall."The little girl looked up at Cecil

"Little girl, aren't you afraid of me?"

Thistle lifted up the little girl's collar and said with a grin.

"Why are you afraid of big brother?

The little girl asked innocently:"Is the eldest brother a bad person?""

"of course! Sisir smiled and said:

"I'm a pirate"

"Even the most evil monster is not even half as good as me"

"Little girl, are you afraid? The little girl looked at Xisier for a while and smiled sweetly:"Don't be afraid of Lingzi, big brother is not a bad person.""


Thistle put down the little girl and walked straight into the village.

And the little girl named Suzuko was jumping up and down behind Sisir.

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