"hurry up!!"

"Did you hear that? Come on!!"

"You wasted the Lord God’s time and ate everyone in your village."





On the top of the mountain, a dozen ferocious little monsters were cracking their whips in a mighty manner.

Directed dozens of men and women to move stones.

In the center, a 'crack-pap-pap-pap' sound sounded.

A palace made of rocks and bones has already taken shape.

Behind the palace, there is a dark cave that exudes a cold atmosphere.

Maybe it’s what they call the"gods" inside."


A rat demon with a mouth full of fangs, gray skin and big eyes, turned around with a spear in his hand and shouted.

I saw the tall figure of Sisir, walking step by step.

The pace was not slow, coupled with the occasional Looking at the surrounding scenery.

It looks like I am on an outing.


More than a dozen little demons discovered Sisir.

"Such strong energy and blood..."

"Eat him!"

"Dedicate him to your lordship."

The little demons kept swallowing their saliva and looked at Thistle greedily.

The humans who were carrying the stones looked over with sympathy.

"Which of you is Yamashita, the parent of a person named Suzuko?"

Sisir's calm voice sounded, but it gave people an inexplicable majesty.


A scrawny woman with messy hair raised her hands.

Even though he was very afraid of the monsters around him, he still couldn't help but reply to Sisir's words.

It seems to be an instinctive drive.

A fear of life!

"Um? Where is her father?"

Sisier asked with a frown.

"my husband...Last month..was..."

The woman was shaking with fear in her eyes

"We were eaten by us!"

A devil-like monster said with a proud smile:

"Now, you are also ours"


All the monsters around him laughed and looked at Sisir with even more intense eyes.

The woman looked sad and desperate, and her body was shaking constantly.

"Human beings, die!"

The little demons couldn't help it anymore, drooling, and rushed towards Sisir.


A domineering momentum suddenly broke out, the atmosphere stagnated, the sky trembled, and the clouds rolled.

Trees, flowers, and everything , all 'bent' down.

They all seemed to be surrendering to the irresistible will of even heaven and earth!

The monsters lay on the ground in fear, their expressions twisted, and their skin cracked inch by inch.


"Bang.. Bang..."

At a certain moment, all the monsters shattered like glass and turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

As for the group of humans, although they all felt a sense of pressure, there was nothing strange about them.

Overlord color and domineering!

Back then, the red-haired man's domineering power was able to cause damage to entities.

Thistle's current domineering look can easily overwhelm these monsters.

"who is it?!"

With a cold shout, a handsome and evil-looking man with red pupils rushed out of the cave.

"I've only heard of the three burrows of a cunning rabbit"

"Unexpectedly, there is also a rabbit demon who likes palaces."

Qianye looked at the man's red eyeballs, the down on his neck, and the two long ears on his head.

He knew it was a rabbit demon.


"god...Lord God!!"

The group of humans knelt down with a plop, their bodies tense, obviously afraid of this rabbit demon.

And this rabbit demon is the 'god' in their mouths’

"Human, did you kill my men?"

The rabbit demon looked at Thistle arrogantly.

Thistle's domineering look just now did not have a large range, so he did not feel the terrifying domineering power.

"A rabbit that has transformed into a human form. I wonder how big it is in its original form? Can it be eaten?"

Thistle looked at the white-haired rabbit demon, and seemed to think of a certain dog demon.

After the monster dies, it will return to its original shape, and its size should be quite large.


It's enough for a meal!

"Human, what are you talking about? The rabbit demon was furious:"

A mere human wants to kill a god?""

"Do not want big...."


Sisir pointed casually, and the black light directly penetrated the rabbit demon's eyebrows.

The black light continued to shine into the palace.


A huge crater was blown out of the palace, and many humans were affected.

Under Sisir's curious gaze, the rabbit demon man fell to the ground with an arrogant expression on his face.

His whole body became shiny and suddenly grew bigger..In an instant, it turned into a rabbit corpse as tall as a three-story house.


"This...the Lord God is dead?!!"

"That's a monster, can't you tell?"

"Of course I know, but...."

"If the monster dies, then shall we?..."

Those humans looked at Sisir with deep fear in their eyes.

Sisir ignored them, dragged the rabbit demon corpse with one hand, turned and left.

The girl named Suzuko invited him to eat fruit.

He got rid of the rabbit demon and saved her mother.

From now on the two will be clean!

It's that simple.

Thistle is not a holy mother, nor is she a good person who will come to help the villagers eliminate demons.

Monsters eat people, what does it have to do with him?

The law of the jungle is the principle that Sisir has always believed in.

If he hadn't eaten Lingzi's two fruits, he wouldn't have done these 'superfluous' things.

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