
"boom...Boom boom...."

"boom! Boom!!"

"Woo woo、、、"


At this time, a bloody massacre was going on happily in the city.

The entire city lord's palace was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and the protagonist of this massacre was the newly resurrected seven-man team.

Fifteen years of sleeping, too much hatred and grudges, a few people showed no mercy. From children to women and children, innocent or not, they all became victims of their city lord's wrong decision back then.

At this time, Mangu walked alone into the most luxurious building in the city lord's palace.

That!! It was the last dish of this feast, and it was also the last sacrifice that Mangu made for himself. At this time, inside the building,.......

"Lord City Lord! Leave quickly! Those demons have broken in!!"

A man dressed as a guard knelt down and said in a panic to an old man in luxurious clothes.


This old man is the lord of this city, and he was also one of the culprits who designed Man Gu and others to be beheaded.

Fifteen years ago, he still vividly remembers the terror of the Seven. It was an organization that even every country was afraid of.

It was fear of that power that led to the birth of the original conspiracy, but he never could have imagined that the seven people they killed would resurrect and find him.


"ah!! It turns out to be here! It’s been such a long time!"

Just when the city lord was about to speak, the door to the room was suddenly opened, and outside the door, a handsome young man wearing white shoulder armor walked in leisurely.

The moment he saw the city lord, The young man showed an expression of surprise and greeted him warmly, without any sign of hatred.

"ah!! out...Appeared!! Where are the guards? Where have all the guards gone?"

This young man is naturally Mangu. Looking at the old city lord in front of him, Mangu showed no intention of showing an angry expression just because he had chopped off his head.

"oh! You said those guys, you shouldn't be able to wait."

As he spoke, Mangu stepped aside a little, and the old city lord and the soldier looked out the door.

They saw no one in the corridor, but they saw countless feet floating in the air, and their heads were all squeezed into the ceiling. Obviously, those who are already dead cannot die anymore.

"How...how could this happen?!"

The soldier looked at Barbarian Bones in horror.


Man Gu raised his right hand and moved the joints of his fingers, making a 'click' sound.


The city lord said in panic and got out of the way:

"Is this the big spear you want?"


""My Barbarian Dragon"

Barbarian Bone showed a joyful expression and walked over step by step.

"Give it back to you, I'll give it back to you...."

The city lord stuttered a little.

However, Mangu ignored the city lord and happily walked towards Manlong and grabbed it.

This made the city lord even more frightened, because it took three strong men to carry the wild dragon back.

Now, he was lifted up by Man Gu with one hand.

"oh! correct! Thank you too! You seem to be taking good care of my wild dragon, look at it! Still shining!!"

Man Gu laughed happily, and then he put the Barbarian Dragon on his shoulders and got used to the weight of the Barbarian Dragon.

"I...I'll give it back to you, I...I don't care if you are an undead or not! How about I hire you? How about I hire you as my retainer? Just help me conquer the world together."

The city lord saw Mangu's happy look and took the opportunity to propose recruiting Mangu.

Although the guard next to him was worried and wanted to stop him, he was stopped by the city lord's eyes. He had no choice but to do so. Human beings are stupid to a certain extent. There is no cure.....

Perhaps, he really wanted Man Gu to expand his territory for him, but if Man Gu had this intention, he would have helped a city lord to rule the countries as early as fifteen years ago.

Or perhaps, he was just trying to appease Man Gu and waited until he got the right opportunity to trick him again. However, Man Gu was simple but not an idiot and could not be deceived again.

"Hello!! I said, you should know, I will let someone inform you."

After hearing the words of the city lord, Mangu's expression suddenly became extremely dull, and there was no trace of wavering on his face.

"Well....notify? ? ?"

The inexplicable question made the city lord stunned for a moment. He didn't remember much about the notification. Maybe it was because he was old, or maybe he was too panicked and had forgotten about it.


Seeing the stunned city lord, Man Gu reminded him mercifully, hoping that this old guy could remember

"Brain? ?"

Obviously, the reminder is still useful. A look of horror suddenly appeared on the old city lord's face.

Obviously, he also remembered the so-called notice.

"Wash your neck and wait for me!!"This is what he heard from his own guard.

"yes! Because having your head chopped off is a very unpleasant thing!! so......"

As soon as the words fell, the person moved, and the huge wild dragon penetrated the neck in an instant


A shrill wail came from inside the building. It was the despair before death, and even more the unwillingness after death.

Outside the building, the seven-man team with amazing hearing showed bloodthirsty smiles after hearing this sound. At the same time, the massacre in their hands became even more joyful........

Barbarian Bone waved the Barbarian Dragon in his hand, and in the eyes of a general wearing armor with fearful eyes, he chopped off his head with a knife.

Behind them, the faces of the seven-man team standing were full of excitement and joy, because this general was the last person to be killed in their revenge massacre.

"well...Finally solved it, so tiring!!"

Seeing the old man's head falling down, Snake Gu stretched his body comfortably, but there was no hint of tiredness in his tone.

"Snake bones! Why are you so tired like this? It’s so shameful."

Mist Bone on the side joked.

"Hey Hey hey! Say something stupid, I'm not like you, I just stand there and spread poison."

Snake Bone picked up the bowl, took a sip of wine and said

"Revenge has been completed! Big brother! Have you really decided? ?"

At this time, Lian Gu inexplicably asked something that no one understood. Under everyone's confused gazes, only Man Gu understood what Lian Gu meant.

"Refining bones! What do you want to say!"

Although he knows what Lian Gu means, Man Gu still wants to hear what Lian Gu wants to do.

"Senior brother, you should know, are we really going to surrender to that guy named Sisir like this? ?"

The seven-man team fell into silence. They are a group of lawless guys. Similarly, being able to roam around freely and kill people at will is the most enjoyable thing for them. Being controlled by others is obviously not their wish.

Senior Brother Mangu said that The man is very strong, incredibly strong.

However, the few people who have never seen this are obviously a little unwilling to do so.

"Refining bones!"

Man Gu took a deep look at Lian Gu and said calmly:

"You haven't met that man yet. When you meet him, you won't have such thoughts."

"His power is beyond your imagination!!"

"Our life and death may just depend on his thoughts."

"Therefore, it is best to throw away those naive 'delusions' as soon as possible."

Mangu's words shocked everyone.

How could they not know how strong and proud Senior Brother Mangu is? They have never seen Senior Brother be like this....Fear, yes! Just be afraid of someone.

How strong is that man named Thistle?


Mangu raised his head and drank a bowl of wine, with a complicated look in his eyes.

He doesn't want to surrender to others either, but....

Thistle was so powerful that he didn't even dare to resist!

Thinking about the domineering momentum that makes the world tremble, Mangu feels weak.

"Na na!! It doesn't matter to me. It was my senior brother who brought me out in the first place. Senior brother, your decision is my decision!! Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Snake Bone said calmly.

"Haha, I am becoming more and more curious about the Sisir who resurrected us."

Sleeping Bones smiled coldly.

"If it is really as strong as Senior Brother says, of course we have no choice but to surrender."

Mist Bone said hoarsely.

"now that...in this way...I believe in Senior Brother."

Lian Gu nodded helplessly.

As for Fierce Bone and Yin Gu, two big guys, thinking was not their specialty at all, so they remained silent.

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