The sea is now completely lively. First, the revolutionary army has set off rebellions in kingdoms all over the world. Now the red hair and white beard are showing signs of war with the navy. The sea is boiling.

"It's the end of the world!!"

"The Navy will definitely destroy the evil ones, and they will definitely destroy the white beards and red hairs!"

"Hahahaha, this is a good opportunity, kids, let’s go sailing!!"

"Will Whitebeard and Red Hair join forces to attack the Navy? I don’t know if the world government will sit still, I’m really looking forward to it!!!"


"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Torebol sold our arms to the revolutionary army at a low price."

In the Royal Palace of Dressrosa, Doflamingo heard the latest information reported by Torrebol, and he put his hands on his head in excitement and laughed wildly.

"Now, spend more money, the revolutionary army will not be the opponent of the world government, and there is no benefit to us doing this."

Torebol shook his body, shook his nose twice, and looked at Doflamingo in confusion.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. As long as it can bring trouble to the World Government, it is the greatest benefit. And Torrebol, do you think Whitebeard and the others will act so simply?"

Doflamingo looked in the direction of the sea and smiled.

"Now, what do you mean, the white beard and the red hair have other purposes?"

"Must have!"Doflamingo said with certainty:"But what does this have to do with us? The ones who have a headache are those guys in the Holy Land, baaaaaaaaaaaa."

Holy Land Marie Joa, the Five Old Stars are also discussing the current situation of the sea.

"White Beard, Red Hair, and the Revolutionary Army are making trouble together. Do you think they are in an alliance?" said Wulaoxing, who was wearing a black suit, with white curly hair, a loose white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face.

"With Whitebeard's personality, he wouldn't make alliances with others, but he might cooperate or help for some reason."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a dark blue suit, had long straight white hair, and a long beard, said lightly.

"No matter what, don't be careless. There is no problem with the red hair and Aokiji leading the team, but if Whitebeard really makes trouble, Garp and Akainu can't stop it."

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a dark red suit, no tie, blond hair, a golden beard, and a scar on his chest said.

In terms of strength, Garp can be evenly matched with Whitebeard, but if Whitebeard is on the sea, If you really want to cause trouble, a few sea earthquakes can sink the G5 branch to the bottom of the sea.

"Yes, let CP0 also be dispatched to defend Whitebeard, but I feel that Whitebeard and red hair are not the point. They are all distracting us. The revolutionary army is the key. They definitely have some conspiracy!"

Wulao Xing, who was wearing a dark green suit, had a bald head (only the top of his head), a splayed beard, and a birthmark on his forehead, said with a heavy face.

"No matter how rampant the pirates are, it is only in the New World that the revolutionary army is the government's enemy. No matter what the revolutionary army is plotting, we cannot relax and must send combat forces there."

Wearing a white monk's robe, with a bald head and glasses. The only man among the Five Old Stars who is not wearing a suit and has a beard. He is holding the Onei Shodai in his hand. His shoes are not leather shoes like the other four, but clogs. The five old stars, who were suspected to be samurai from Wano Country, said in a low voice.




"Attached to this is the decision of the Five Old Stars, the highest authority of the World Government. CP0 sent a general to support the G5 branch. The Red Earth Continent Defense also sent a large number of combat forces to the four seas to suppress the revolutionary army.

New World, All Nations Cake Island

"Mama Mama, what on earth are the white-bearded old man and the red-haired boy arguing about?"

Big Mom, who was lying on the throne and eating snacks, was also surprised by Whitebeard's actions. If Kaido provoked the navy, she would not be surprised at all.

"Boom yo, mom, no matter what their purpose is, Whitebeard's territory is definitely not well defended now. Do we want to take action?"

Carrying a giant machete on his back, wearing a mask with a fur hat and a round eye and a triangular nose, combatant Bobin asked, shaking his head. Bigumam took a bite of snacks, thought for a while and smiled:"Mama Mama, no need, that old guy with white beard will not fight with the navy."

Although Big Mom is cruel and unreasonable, she is not an idiot. She knows that even if there is a battle between Whitebeard and the Navy, it will not last long.

New World, Wano Country

"Wow wow wow, white beard and red hair are actually going to war with the navy, and I can't participate."

After Kaido received the news, he hugged the barrel and cried bitterly.

"I cried when I was drunk today!!"

"Admiral, they shouldn't be able to fight."

""Fire disaster" Jin said lightly.

"Hurry up and find all the generals of Kozuki Oden for me. If the factory is destroyed again, I will kill you."

Kaido yelled angrily. He also wanted to go to the G5 battlefield. War is his favorite thing, but this time he was held back by the remnants of Wano Country.

"Angry again!!"

The whole world was attracted by the actions of White Beard and Red Hair.

Of course, Sisir also got the news. Sisir had stopped practicing and was focusing on everything in the Red Earth Continent with Lafitte.

"Captain, is this all the noise the fishman made in order to go to the Holy Land, Marigioa?"

Lafitte looked at the newspaper and asked in confusion.

"Although I don’t know how Fisher Tiger did it, it shouldn’t be wrong. Holy Land Mariejoia can be said to have the least combat power now."

Thistle nodded and said affirmatively.

Although it was not mentioned in the comics of his previous life, Thistle felt that this was reasonable. Without the restraints of the Revolutionary Army, white beard and red hair, how could Fisher Tiger be there? Troubles at the World Government Headquarters

"Lafitte’s attention, the action may only take place in these two days!"

Sisier said seriously to Lafitte.

"Step... step……"

"Don't worry, Captain, he won't hold you back."

Lafitte waved his cane and said confidently


Thistle and the others were not kept waiting for too long. Not long after Whitebeard and the others arrived at the branch, on the bottom of the Red Continent that night, Thistle had already sensed the aura of a person.

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