Thistle has entered the treasure house of Saint Lunivor, which is as big as two football fields. There are mountains of Bailey, gold, agate, pearls... countless treasures scattered throughout the treasure house like garbage.

"Tianlong people are really rich!"

Even Sisir, who never cared about treasures and only focused on strength, was a little jealous and lamented how rich the Tianlong people were.

"Captain, won't we take it?"Lafitte asked excitedly with his eyes shining brightly.

"Forget it, we can't bring much treasure with us at all. Things that improve our strength are the key. It's really a mistake. If I had known better, I would have gone to the West Sea and got the castle fruit."

Sisir looked at the treasures in the entire treasure house and said with a little pity. After saying that, he took back his mind. The purpose of coming this time is to enrich the foundation of the pirate group in the future.

"Find the devil fruit."

Although Lafitte was very reluctant to give up, he also knew that what Sisir said was reasonable. He came to his senses and ordered Saint Runevor with dull eyes.

Saint Runevor walked into the treasure house, rummaged for a while and took out a box. After walking back,

Thistle opened the box and saw a fruit covered with spiral patterns inside. After closing the box, he asked:"Is there only one?""

After Lafitte relayed the story, Saint Runewall replied dully:"I will give devil fruits to slaves to eat and let them perform their abilities, or throw them into a water tank to see if they are unable to be eaten by piranhas. There's one left"

"Doesn’t your family have any powerful Devil Fruit as a background?"

"There used to be a Phantom Beast Devil Fruit, which was given by my father to CP0, who was loyal to the family, more than thirty years ago, and helped him get to the top, but that loser died at the hands of a pirate named Rocks."

Speaking of this, the dull Saint Runewall showed an angry expression on his face. It is conceivable that even an idiot like him still cares about the so-called family heritage.

Although Thistle was disappointed, he still collected the fruits. , nodded to Lafitte.

Lafitte immediately began to give new hypnosis and instructions to Saint Runewall.

Holy Land Marie Joa, the surrounding areas were already filled with flames, and shouts of killing resounded everywhere. Of course, the center There is still no impact between the government buildings in the area and the flowers in the deepest part of Pangu City.

Then there is the palace area where the Tianlong people live, which is relatively peaceful. Although there are a large number of slaves making trouble, there are more Holy Land garrison troops defending and suppressing it.

"Come on, let's all fight out together!"

"You must get out of this hell!!"

"Damn it, it would be great if we could capture the Celestial Dragons as hostages!!"

"Burn! Kill! Hahaha"

"Everyone, follow me!"

The person standing in front of the slaves was Fisher Tiger. After rescuing the Colosseum, he came to the area where the Celestial Dragons lived and liberated many slaves.

The guards of the Celestial Dragons also immediately protected the Celestial Dragons. People's safety comes first, when the slaves want to take revenge again.

The Tianlong people have been protected in their respective palaces by many guards, and the Holy Land garrison troops also arrived quickly, leaving them no chance to touch the Tianlong people.

At this time, the Tianlong palace area The streets are filled with fierce battles. The slaves want to leave here, and the garrison cannot let these slaves go if they want to live. Both sides are fighting for their lives.



"Hit, hit, hahaha."

A gunshot rang out in the street, startling the guards who were gaining the upper hand and forcing the slaves into another interface, not because of anything else, but because the shooter was Holy Dragon Runewall.

"Saint Runival, why are you out? We will take care of the slaves here immediately. In order to prevent them from disturbing you, we will escort you back."

A garrison man who looked like a small captain ran over nervously and said with a flattering look on his face.

"Huh, it's just a group of low-level slaves, what's the big deal? Do you think the great Draco will be frightened by them? Didn’t you see that I just hit one?"

Saint Runewall said arrogantly, his expression extremely disdainful, but his eyes were a little dull.

"No, no, sir, of course you are powerful, your arrival makes those slaves extremely afraid, look! Let us already be close to victory!"

The squad leader broke into a cold sweat and hurriedly said flatteringly. Does he know how terrifying the Celestial Dragons are?

"Okay, I am going to Saint Fuasili, so get out."

Saint Runewall put away his golden musket and waved his hand.

"Ah, then be sure to let me take you there."

The team leader immediately said, if something happens to the Tianlong people here, everyone including himself will die.

"Go away, I have two CP0 protections, what do I want you trash for?"

Saint Runewall took out his musket, shot it, hit the squad leader in the abdomen, and walked away.

The squad leader covered his abdomen and knelt on the ground, not daring to groan in pain. He looked at St. Runewall riding away on the slave, behind him Followed by two men in white suits and strange masks

"Captain, are you okay?"

After Saint Rooneywall left, a few members of the defense helped the team leader.

"It's okay, continue to act, deal with the slaves here as soon as possible, and then go to encircle and suppress the slaves led by the fish man. This reminds us that the Tianlong people will not listen to us and stay in the palace."


After Saint Runivor left, he headed towards the nearest Palace of Saint Fuasili, followed of course by Sisir and Lafitte.

As he approached Saint Fuasili's palace, he could already see the outside. Seeing that there were guards all over the place, and seeing Saint Runevor riding a slave, someone immediately stepped forward.

"Saint Roonevale, why are you here? There are rioting slaves everywhere now. Do you want me to send someone to take you back?"

The guard who came forward bent down and said flatteringly.

"Get out of the way, I am here to find Saint Fuasili."

Saint Runewall walked straight into the palace. The guards did not dare to stop him and made way for them. The clever ones had already entered to report.


"Waste...waste! A group of slaves can't stand it!"

Before entering the main hall, I heard the curses and miserable screams of Saint Fuasili.

"Sir, Saint Runewall is here!"

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