
Yellow light appeared on the wall of Zhengzhi Gate. The light gathered and Kizaru's tall and thin figure appeared.

"This is………Ah... something big is going to happen. It's so scary."

Looking at the scene inside the Gate of Justice, Kizaru's eyes narrowed and he put away his usual cynicism, but his tone was still the same vulgarity.

"This kind of headache should be reported to the Warring States Marshal."

Kizaru took out a phone and called,"Moxi...Moxi...huh?" what happened? He looked at the phone carefully again and said,"

Oh, I got it wrong.""

Naval Headquarters, Marinefando, Marshal's Office

"What did you say? Polusalino!"Warring States stood up and looked nervous. He held the phone with his mouth wide open and shouted in disbelief.

"Although it is difficult to accept, Marshal of the Warring States Period, Impel City has indeed disappeared."

Kizaru also understood Sengoku's current mood, and didn't care about his tone, and said firmly again.


The phone bug suddenly fell into silence, and even General Kizaru felt that a storm was about to come.

"Was it destroyed?"Zeng Guo's nervous voice came out. Now he hopes that Impel Down City will be destroyed, hoping that the worst situation will not happen.

"……Although I don't want that to happen, Marshal, there are only the remains of warships here, and there is no sign that the impel city has been destroyed."

Kizaru looked at the scene in front of him with rare seriousness and said in a calm tone.

Inside the Gate of Justice, there were several huge whirlpools and rapids, and the waves were rolling, but only the wreckage of some warships could be seen, not even a piece of the impel city. piece

"…Huh...huh……"Sengoku's heavy breathing came from the phone bug. You can imagine how angry, anxious and nervous he is now.……

"Come back immediately and report to Wulaoxing that there is going to be chaos in the sea."

Sengoku said solemnly, and immediately hung up the phone after saying that.

Holy Land, Mariejoia, World Government Building.

I just received the report from Sengoku. He has managed the sea calmly for many years. Even Mariejoia was invaded with ease. The five old stars who dealt with it couldn't help but yelled at Zhan Guo.

"What do you think about this?"After hanging up the phone, Wu Laoxing, who was wearing a black suit, white curly hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on his left face, was the first to break the silence.

"First, block the signals in Impel City so that it cannot contact the outside world. Instead of destroying Impel City, the only option is to……"

"Take Impel Down away!!!"

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a dark red suit, no tie, blond hair, a golden beard, and a scar on his chest, said solemnly after pondering for a moment.

"Who could it be?"Wulaoxing Zou Mei, who was wearing a dark blue suit, had long straight white hair and a long beard, thought about it.

"Could it be a golden lion?"

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a dark green suit, had a bald head with a figure-eight beard, and a birthmark on his forehead, said.

"Wasn't the island that fell in the North Sea some time ago confirmed to be the base camp where the Golden Lion has been hiding for many years? The golden lion should……"

Wu Laoxing, who was wearing a white Taoist robe, had a bald head, wore glasses, and held the first generation of Onitsuru in his hand, said.

"The only one who can take away Impel Down in the hands of Magellan is the Golden Lion. It seems that nothing happened to the Golden Lion. He abandoned his base camp and attacked Impel Down! We were fooled by him!"

The long-bearded Five Old Star analyzed with an ugly expression. He originally thought that the golden lion would lose its base camp because something happened, but now it seems that it is probably just a means to attract the attention of the world government.

(After plundering the Golden Lion's fruit, Sisir took off the Golden Lion's two famous swords and destroyed the Golden Lion's body like Indygo.)

"Yes, now there is trouble, he probably wants to gather his men in Impel Down City."

The bald five-old star with a birthmark said seriously.

"Order CP0 to search for the whereabouts of the Golden Lion with all efforts"

"The news about Impel Down cannot be hidden!"

The blond Five Old Star said with a gloomy face.

"There is no way, this matter cannot be hidden, it seems that the Shichibukai will make up for it as soon as possible."

The white curly-haired Wulaoxing said calmly, and after speaking, he looked at the other four people.

(The author checked the information: According to Eiichiro Oda SBS, Crocodile had served as the King of the Shichibukai between the ages of twenty and twenty-five.

Crocodile was forty-four years old when Luffy went to sea. Considering this time period, the birth date of the system of King Shichibukai is set in 1498 in this work.

Of course, it might just be a system at that time, and now there are only Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Hawkeye.)

(If the analysis is wrong, please forgive me. After all, the comic does not specify the time, and the author can only analyze it by himself.)

"Yes, if the Golden Lion really conquers the prisoners in Impel Down City, another overlord will be born in the sea, and there will be even more chaos. The power of the Shichibukai must be strengthened!"

The other four Five Old Stars also nodded in agreement. The power to suppress the sea is indeed going to be strengthened.

(If the navy strengthens its power, the world government is afraid that it will be disobedient in the future.)

"Let the Navy find candidates for the Shichibukai as soon as possible!"

"Until CP0 finds the whereabouts of the Golden Lion and knows his purpose, we can only wait and see what happens!"

The long-bearded Wulaoxing sighed helplessly.

The office fell into silence again. Soon, Warring States received the order from Wulaoxing.

"Complete the Shichibukai as soon as possible!!"

"Damn it, do we really have to rely on these pirates to suppress the sea?"Sengoku pounded the table unwillingly, but he could not refuse the World Government's order.

Soon after, the situation of Impel Down City was announced at the naval meeting, as well as the World Government's speculation and the order to supplement the Shichibukai.

Although everyone was Full of indignation, especially the representatives of the hawks wanted to go to war with the Golden Lion, but they could only sit down without finding the Golden Lion.

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