
Just when Sisir was also surprised, there was an explosive roar in the black fog, the cracked earth exploded into pieces, and the fog disappeared.

Barrett appeared there with his upper body naked and breathing heavily, looking at Thistle with angry eyes.

"Little brat, don’t do this if you can, and fight me openly and openly."Barrett yelled.

"Well, grant your wish."Thistle stood up, crossed his hands and looked at Barrett, with an obvious intention to let him make the first move.

"The strongest fist!"

Barrett actually had quite a lot of armed domineering power, and he rushed over with his fists covered.

"Arms, Mysteries, Six Kings Spear"


The two collided, the ground became ruins, and the aftermath destroyed everything around them.

Barrett was defeated and was knocked ten meters away, leaving long traces on the ground.

""Armed Judgment"

This time, Thisisle didn't give Barrett a chance to get up. He immediately followed up and punched Barrett in the abdomen while he was lying on the ground.


Barrett's eyes protruded, the whites of his eyes rolled up, he vomited blood, and was beaten to the ground.

Sisir's black wings spread wide, flying into the air, and a black light appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Hell·Infinity·Magic Light Wave"


The hands continuously blasted out black light waves, the earth shattered, dust and smoke filled the sky, and the fighting island was completely bombarded into rubbish.


Barrett was covered in blood. He fell from the dust in the sky and lost consciousness. If he fell, he would be food for the Neptune class.

"All things are led by heaven."

Sisir stretched out his hand to pull Barrett over, held it in his hand, and flew towards Taylorf and others.

"Captain, this, this solves it……"Choate looked at Thistle in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face.

As a pirate who has been at sea for many years, he has heard of Barrett's name. He is absolutely as strong as a monster, but just now he was unable to fight back in the hands of Sisl, and he was defeated in a short time.

"Although the gap was huge, it was only because Barrett consumed so much physical strength and domineering energy that he could resolve it so quickly."

The Red Earl is the one who knows the most about the battle just now. The three of them besieged Thistle, and Barrett can be said to be the main force. Moreover, the combined rock giant's domineering power and physical strength were too much.

It seemed that he had just blasted through the black fog. , will result in Sisir being solved in a short time.

You must know how terrifying Sisir's recovery power is. His physical strength and combat power can be said to have been at their peak.

"Let's go, Telef, go to another island, those prisoners will also start the elimination round."

Sisir led everyone back to Impel Down City.

Impel Down City Jailer Canteen

"Captain, come on, let's go"

"Hahaha, drink!"

"Barrett, stop being so straight-faced and do this"

"Waldo, I didn’t expect you to join. I’m really surprised."

"Huh, didn’t you join in too? Didn’t you never associate with anyone at first?"


Everyone in the Fallen Angel Pirates, the newly joined Red Earl, Waldo, Barrett, and the prisoners of Infinite Hell held a banquet in Impel Down City.

Barrett lost to Cecil and kept his promise to join, on the condition that he would challenge Cecil at any time.

As for Waldo, the madman, he saw the power of Thistle and the potential of the Fallen Angel Pirates, and demanded revenge on the World Government, and Thistle agreed.

The prisoners of Infinite Hell have unlocked the Sea Tower Stone and seen the power of Sisir. No one dares to cause trouble.

"Kids, let’s eat and drink. After you’re full, tomorrow will be the knockout round for the division team!"

Sisier raised the barrel and said with a smile.

"Everyone is treated equally, and the strong are respected! The winner becomes a cadre! The loser is speechless!"


"Hahaha, with my strength, I will definitely become a cadre!"

"I won’t lose!"

Lafitte, Eniro and others are also full of fighting spirit. They will also participate in this knockout competition. If they don't show their strength and only rely on their qualifications, how will they convince the public in the future!

The next day, above the windless sky, ten people The desert island is floating, and Impel City is in the middle of the archipelago. On the top of Impel City, there are Sisir, Red Earl, Barrett, Waldo, Baccarat, and Taylor. Everyone else

(including all the prisoners in Impel City) They were all engaged in a fierce battle on the island. The three Red Earls all showed their strength yesterday, and everyone knew that it was not their peak strength and there was no need to participate anymore.

Baccarat was not a combatant, Telef needed to maintain the islands, and the Sith I will personally appoint a captain position, and those who are dissatisfied can challenge it later.


"Click... click……"

Fierce battles are taking place on all the islands. Sisir wants to select the mainstays of the Fallen Angels in the future. His expectations are very high. He would rather be short-term than excessive. He must at least have the strength of a lieutenant general to be qualified for the position of captain.

"Captain, what mode do you want to use?"Bacara asked.

Many pirate groups have different divisions. For example, the Beasts Pirates: Under the Admiral, there are three disasters, then there are the six volleys, then the real fight, and the others are the bestowers, barbarians Overlord, pleasurer…………

The Whitebeard Pirates are divided into sixteen teams. Except for the first few captains, the others are not very strong. They are only rear admirals. Whitebeard protects them very well.

The Big Mom Pirates are the most complex. Her management is more like a country than a pirate group. In addition to the four dessert generals, the children of Big Mom manage their respective islands and are called"ministers". They are the combatants who join.

Of course, there are also pirate groups like the Red Hair Pirates, which are not divided into divisions but only have officers, ordinary crew members, and trainee crew members.

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