Therefore, after learning of Morlek’s warning, Hua Shi Doulang would at least not grow up so wildly and develop the abilities he thought were good.

Combining his own system, he developed the abilities that suited him, so that he could maximize his own strength!

Hua Shi Doulang had such a goal of his own, and he kept striving for it.

As for Skuvara, who was also a bodyguard and a dog owner, it was really painful.

Skuvara opened his essence hole and became a Nen ability user, just by chance.

Not to mention that his Nen ability had been developed and cultivated by him early on.

It was to control the dogs he raised.

As an operator, he had such an ability, so it could be said that he had basically no potential.

This was the end of his life.

Therefore, he had a very difficult time practicing the basic four elements of Nen.

What’s more, he himself was not interested in this. He just wanted to make money, raise dogs and live a small life with his girlfriend.

He never thought about becoming stronger.

Therefore, even if Morlek gave him the conditions and knowledge to practice, he only practiced for a while.

After learning that the family had settled down and that all the enemies were almost dead, he relaxed again.

In this regard, Molek said that everyone has their own aspirations, and good words can hardly persuade a damned ghost.

He respected Skuvara’s choice.

However, the other party wasted his good intentions, so it would be unreasonable not to do something.

So, Skuvara was arranged to be Hua Shi Dou Lang’s sparring partner.

Whenever Hua Shi Dou Lang had some gains and improvements, he would come to Skuvara for a fight.

Well, in name, it was a fight, but in fact, it was used as a sandbag.

Skuvara was beaten unilaterally.

Every time they fought, he was beaten black and blue, and fell to the ground wailing.

His own dogs licked his wounds and swallowed the bitter fruit silently.

It’s not that he had never thought about finding someone to do justice.

But this matter was originally arranged by Molek’s bodyguard leader, and he couldn’t refuse.

As for the boss, let alone let Molek give it all.

What’s more, he was also happy to make his guard team stronger.

Of course, he didn’t care what kind of method was used.

For this reason, if Skuwara, who had no way to uphold justice, wanted to avoid being beaten, or to be beaten less painfully, he had to pick up the practice method given by Molek again.

As for Molek himself, he was refining his amazing temperament while digesting those martial arts and experience.

This takes a certain amount of time to slowly wear out.

In this way, the entire Nosra family fell into a trend of advocating martial arts. Almost everyone is practicing seriously, and the development of the Kame-sennin school is just around the corner~!

Congratulations, Coca-Cola!

If the Kame-sennin had a spirit in this world, he would definitely feel very gratified.~~~

In this way, time passed slowly. In the blink of an eye, more than half a year had passed, and it was the end of 1997.

In the past six months, Light Nosra relied on the divination ability from Nion. He successfully connected with the Leeds family, gained a lot of wealth and status, and began to become famous.

However, this reputation was not a good one.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the news about divination gradually spread.

Many underworld families who envied and envied him maliciously slandered and defamed him behind his back, and they were quite displeased with him.

But Light Nosra was completely unmoved.

He knew very well that as long as Nion’s divination ability was in his hands, he would not lose power.

Those malicious slanders and defamations made him lose a hair, let alone the lucrative benefits.

Of course, there were some greedy and jealous stupid guys who sent killers and underworld members to assassinate him, kidnap Nion, and so on.

The guys who assassinated him were all blocked by Dazo.

As for the assassins who kidnapped Nion, even Light Nosra felt a little sympathetic to their plight.

It is said that they were all captured alive by Molek and used as their toys.

Well, in Molek’s words, they were used as objects for his training and experiments…….It sounds like this is not a good ending.

In addition, Wright Nosla was smart enough to go to the Leeds family to cry and seek help.

With the help of the Leeds family, the disturbance was quickly settled.

Wright Nosla got his wish and made further progress, and he no longer had to be worried about by his fellow gangsters.

However, for the sake of safety and for his own safety, and as his family business and stalls grew bigger and bigger, Wright Nosla hired two more bodyguards after Molek’s judgment.

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