Aoki blinked when he heard this, and looked at the old heavenly master.

Celestial Master: "Go, if you don't get cured, I'll peel your skin."

Aoki got up slightly: "Look at it, I'll do something, don't worry."

Lu Jin: "Exquisite girl, give Aoki a way."

Lu Linglong glared at Aoki, and then gave Aoki a place.

Aoki walked up to Lu Lin: "I'm sorry, Brother Lu, I didn't control my strength and hurt you."

Lu Lin shook his head: "There are no eyes in your fists and feet, injuries are inevitable, Aoki, you don't need to blame yourself."

"Even if you don't have the power to heal my arm, I won't blame you.

Aoki scratched his head: "Don't worry, Brother Lu, this little injury is easy to treat." "

I'm going to start, you have to bear with it. Golden

electricity surged on Aoki's body, and Aoki transformed into the "Super Saiyan Third Stage".

Aoki pulled Lu Lin up and punched Lu Lin's abdominal cavity.

Five Qi Five Organs Ripple Golden Light Forging Technique: Ten Success Strength!!

everyone's eyelids jumped, this is treatment or murder, and the fist is not in the abdominal cavity.

Lu Linglong: "Ah!! brother, don't you die!"

Lu Linglong was just about to rush over, but Lu Jin grabbed her shoulder and held her shoulder.

Lu Jin: "Linglong, don't get excited, your brother is fine!".

Aoki withdrew his fist: "Brother Lu, spit out all the air in your lungs with your feelings, and breathe with your feelings."

Lu Lin only felt that all the air in his abdomen was spit out, and he involuntarily breathed according to a special way of breathing.

The Qi that Aoki transmitted through his fist seemed to activate his own body, and the Qi in his body quickly decreased, turning into some kind of strange life force.

I only heard the crisp sound of Lu Lin's arm bones, and the muscles expanded, instantly shattering the sleeve of his right arm.

Lu Lin was full of surprises, recovered, and all recovered.

Originally, the comminuted fracture needed to be treated by a top medical master, and it was recovered so quickly.

It's just that I feel that this arm is too thick, and the whole unicorn arm.

Aoki: "The arm has healed, and it will probably remain congested for a day, and the arm will slowly return to normal.

Lu Lin: "The way to spit out just now was..."Lu Lin

stopped asking, it may be a secret that the sect does not pass on, and it is not appropriate to inquire too much.

Aoki: "I originally planned to call it "Muscle Hunk Tuna Technique", but Master didn't think it sounded good, so he helped me polish it.

"This is a spitting kung fu to strengthen the body, and if you cultivate it as an alien, you will continue to consume your cultivation to strengthen your body.

"There are gains and losses, it depends on how you choose!" Lu

Lin: "Such a precious thing..."Aoki

waved his hand: "It should be regarded as compensation for you, if you can't be cured, the master is afraid that he will pick my skin."

Lu Lin's expression was solemn: "Aoki, I will never pass on this exercise."

"Whatever you want, anyway, the things are given to you, how you use it, it's up to you." "

Aoki doesn't care, he himself is more tolerant of the exercises he creates.

Water is impermanent, and so is the practice.

Many people will fall into a bottleneck when they reach a certain level of cultivation, probably because the exercises have reached their limit, or the exercises are not suitable for them.

However, there are not many people who have the ability and courage to modify the cultivation method, and most of them can only pick up people's wisdom and change to a higher upper limit of practice.

Then I fell into a new bottleneck, and then I changed the exercise.

And so on, jumping from one cage to a larger one.

The more you jump, the bigger the cage, and the more you jump, the stronger the cage.

Aoki likes to build his own cage and expand the cage little by little.

For Aoki, it's not a cage, it's a house.

Engaged in infrastructure, Aoki is professional.

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