Aoki shook his head and got on Xia He's motorcycle.

"Don't fight! Don't fight

!" "If Senior Brother Lingyu found out, he would be angry

!" "It's not like me, I will only feel sorry for Senior Brother!" Xia

He's head jumped with green tendons, how could this kind of green tea speak more professionally than himself.

"You can't fucking be

a GAY, right!?" If this guy is a GAY, it is definitely an attack, and Zhang Lingyu is suffering.

One is sunny and cheerful, and the other is cold and elegant.

It's not impossible to look at it this way, Xia He wiped his nose.

Luckily, the nosebleed didn't come down....

Aoki thought she was preparing for a fight, after all, Bruce Lee's signature move was to wipe his nose.

"It's all said, don't fight!Why don't you understand

?" "Take out your mobile phone, let's add a WeChat, and I'll send you some good health..."Xia He looked puzzled: "What are you going to do?"

Aoki: "Don't do it! Just send some photos of

Zhang Lingyu!" As soon as he heard that it was a

photo of Zhang Lingyu, Xia He took out his mobile phone and ran over to add WeChat with Aoki.

Aoki posted a lot of photos of Lingyu, first of all, single photos, mostly taken secretly.

Whether it is framing or Zhang Lingyu's state, it is very natural.

Obviously, they were all secretly taken, and she said that you are not GAY?

But she couldn't laugh when she saw the back, it was all photos of Zhang Lingyu being hugged by beautiful female tourists.

Xia He: "This stinky cow nose !!

" "I'm angry with the old lady!! Aoki: "

Don't be angry, don't be angry! Life is a play, don't be angry with your body."

"This is a bit excessive, obviously I don't want to be entangled by these vulgar fans, but Longhu Mountain also needs to eat."

"However, I think Senior Brother Lingyu can still refuse. "

It's not like me, if you give my sister-in-law a good health, I will only feel sorry for my sister-in-law..."

How did Longhu Mountain come out with such a slut, isn't it a misfortune for the master?

Xia He: "Don't talk nonsense, if you have anything to say, the old lady has to go back to sleep!"

Aoki: "Be a spy in the whole sex and send me information regularly."

Xia He raised his eyebrows: "Why? Just because you are Zhang Lingyu's junior brother?"

Aoki shook his mobile phone: "Just because I can send you Zhang Lingyu's astringent picture to show you!" Xia

He was a little nervous, coughed, and covered up his embarrassment.

"Ahem... It's not that it doesn't ... It's not enough!"

Aoki played with his mobile phone and asked tentatively, "Otherwise, I'll help you find out Senior Brother Lingyu's attitude towards you now."

"I look at you, and you're still in love with Senior Brother Lingyu..."

"Come to think of it, you are still as guarded as jade, but your hands and feet are not clean.

Xia He suddenly exploded: "Whoever has unclean hands and feet! Who has unclean hands and feet!" Aoki

did not refute, he spoke with facts.

He sent another photo to Xia He, Xia He opened it and saw that the photo was a picture of his previous mess with Zhang Chulan!

Aoki: "Sister-in-law, you don't want your nephew to be known by Senior Brother Lingyu!"

Xia He suddenly slapped his palm at Aoki, and the pink Qi wrapped his palm, obviously using his natural ability.

Aoki smiled dumbly: "I've been guarding against you for a long time!" The

golden light turned into crystals and wrapped Aoki's body surface, blocking the pink Qi from the outside.

"If I don't guard against you, how dare I get so close to Xia He, the all-sex bone scraper!"

"It's still the same sentence, you are honest as a spy, and I will send you something related to Senior Brother Lingyu." "

If you don't agree, I'll send a photo of your hairy hands and feet to Senior Brother Lingyu.

"I must be very disappointed when I think of Senior Brother Lingyu! Since then, he has officially become a monk, and he is not close to women, and he has lived for the rest of his life.

"Hmph, bad woman! Unlike me, I only feel sorry for my brother!" Aoki

set the motorcycle on fire and rode away.

Xia He roared angrily: "Stinky Taoist, that's my motorcycle!" Aoki

didn't reply: "No, it's my motorcycle!".

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