Lu Jin in the stands gritted his teeth, his precious great-granddaughter was beaten like this.

It's all to blame for the immortal Zhang Zhiwei

! The disciples have no way

! At the end of the competition, this old puppet must know what it means to be strong and powerful

! Beat you with your apprentice's exercises

! I feel excited when I think about it!

The old heavenly master has a feeling that he wants to hide his face, and he feels that he has walked off the stage without seeing it, and goes to watch other arenas.

Aoki will be measured... Probably....

Lu Jin snorted coldly and left, he was going to give the Heavenly Master a hard time.

The Taoist priest in charge of being the referee was relieved when he saw the two bigwigs leaving.

He was really worried that Lu Jin would end up with Uncle Aoki, who in Longhu Mountain didn't know that Lu Jin was particularly precious to his great-granddaughter.

In other words, Uncle Xiao is really ruthless, and he doesn't pity the jade at all.

But why do I feel excited inexplicably!?

Aoki in the venue

is almost a little unable to get down, why is this girl so tough.

Wherever you fall, you can rest there.

I have to get up and continue to fight with myself...

Lu Linglong: "Aoki... I... Certain... To fight... Pour you!"

"Too... Grandfather... Say it must be... To be knocked down... You..."

Obviously, the strength to speak is almost gone, the nose is blue and the face is swollen, and the mouth and nose are bloody, but you just refuse to admit defeat.

Bai Shixue on the stage shouted:

"Linglong admit defeat! Don't fight anymore!" "Aoki, don't fight anymore, it's just a competition, why are you doing so hard

!" "Hidden Dragon in the stands had tears in his eyes

, Linglong! Linglong!" "Linglong! Don't give up

!" "Linglong! Defeat the Great Demon King of Aoki!"

"If you fall, who else can defeat him!".

The people on the field were instantly infected, and the weak little girl was not afraid of strong enemies, even if she was knocked down countless times, she had to get up again.

How strong! How brave

! How fearless!


an instant, everyone on the stage shouted.

"Defeat the Great Demon King of Aoki!" "Defeat the Great Demon King of Aoki!" "Defeat the Great Demon King

of Aoki!" Linglong suddenly had tears in her eyes: "Everyone is supporting me..."

, "Aoki

, I must defeat you!"


, he was still inarticulate just now, but now he is suddenly full of vitality.

Take advantage of this period of time, you have been using the Dragon and Tiger Breathing Technique to restore blood.

On the surface, she looks like an innocent beautiful girl, but in fact, she is a chicken thief in her heart.

"Aoki Great Demon King, I must defeat you!!

" Aoki: "..."

"Tell you an unfortunate news, you Aoki Daoye didn't use all his strength!"

Aoki's right fist appeared dense golden lightning, clenched his fist, and instantly rushed towards Lu Linglong.

Aoki's momentum was amazing, and he directly frightened Lu Linglong!

"You, you... Don't talk about martial arts..."

Aoki rushed to Lu Linglong and opened Lu Linglong's block with an uppercut, allowing her to open the middle door.

Aoki gave a hearty smile and showed a mouthful of shiny white teeth.

"Ora Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula Oula~"

The fist shadow in the sky covered Lu Linglong, and Lu Linglong's body hit the pendulum.

Everyone outside the arena gasped, what a brutal boxing technique, even the beautiful girl beat each other mercilessly.

How cold, how brutal.

The Taoist referee on the high platform touched a handful of sweat, worthy of Uncle Aoki, who was so different every time.

Aoki pulled Lu Linglong for a minute, and this minute Aoki completely healed Lu Linglong's injuries.

The ripple strong man is definitely a model of beating people and not going to prison in modern society.

With the power of Ripple, the Ripple powerhouse can use Ripple to heal others while injuring and maiming others.

Absolutely guarantee that the other party has been beaten and has not been injured at all.

Even the person who was beaten was healthier than before the beating!

Aoki's exercises, which incorporate the ripple breathing method, can also do this.

That golden lightning is a high concentration of life yuanqi!

It can heal injuries!

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