Feng Baobao glanced left and right, turned around and walked away.

When he was halfway through, Feng Baobao suddenly turned around, and the king was also startled, thinking that this melon baby was going to himself again.

After Feng Baobao took the broken shovel, he turned around and left.

Everyone on the stage was also confused, they didn't expect this girl to be so wild.

Wang Ye: "At first, I thought that this girl was also Zhuge Qing's brainless fan.

"But she wears a costume that is all the same, buries people very professionally, and often stays with you Zhang Chulan..."


Okay! Zhang Chulan! Sun thief, you are very good at playing!" Zhang Chulan

was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect Feng Baobao to be so wild.

"Wang Ye, what's going on?" Fude Dao Chang, as the referee of this field, saw that the situation was a little wrong, and immediately reminded Wang Ye, "If you need it, I can postpone the competition!" "If

there is any hidden secret, the Heavenly Master's Mansion can help you uphold justice."

Wang Ye: "It's okay, just compare like this."

"Senior Brother Fude, I haven't seen you for so long, you have grown so tall! Give me something to eat, I'm starving to death, I haven't eaten for several meals!" "Fude

: "You're dizzy, what kind of occasion is this? Do you want us to watch you eat?"

"Hurry up and compete, I'll give you some food after the fight."

Wang also pointed at Zhang Chulan: "It's a competition! I'm going to compete with him to see who can eat better! No

!" Fude grabbed the fence with both hands and crushed the edge of the wooden fence: "I see that you are deliberately finding fault, and I don't pay attention to it at all!"

Looking at the flying sawdust, Wang also swallowed.

What's going on?

How do you feel that the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain I have met recently are all strong men who are more than 1.8 meters tall and fierce, and all of them have extraordinary momentum.

The king also took it from his heart: "Then forget it..."

The old heavenly master: "Fude, give this kid some steamed buns, otherwise this little villain will definitely give their old man a complaint against me." Wang

Ye: "Thank you, Heavenly Master, please prepare a three-person service for Senior Brother Fude

!" "Aoki, let's talk

about it!" "Why do you have to talk about it at this time?" Aoki was puzzled, but still tumbled off the fence.

When the meal arrived, Wang also sat cross-legged, grabbed the steamed bun and ate it in a big gulp.

Aoki sat cross-legged, looking at the steamed bun pickles in front of him, wondering whether to pack them.

Seeing that Zhang Chulan was indifferent, Wang also glanced at him.

"Don't be stunned! Eat! If you don't eat, I'll shock you to death!" Zhang

Chulan: "Okay..."

Zhang Chulan didn't have an appetite, he picked up the steamed bun but didn't want to eat it, and put it back.

Zhang Chulan: "Wang Daochang, why are you participating in this conference!"

Wang Ye: "This is really not something that can be explained clearly in one or two sentences

..."Aoki needless to say, Zhang Chulan, do you know what divination is all about?" Zhang Chulan

: "I don't know..."Wang

Ye: "The past cannot be changed, but the future can be changed, this is a basic law."

"Warlocks are awesome, but in the end they are just predicting a few future directions.

"Even so, stealing the Heavenly Secret will still be punished by God, and any divination will harm the warlock himself.

"Of course, this damage depends on how much the information obtained from the divination affects the changes in the world.

"Let's say I calculate that the outcome of the next two-color ball will have little effect on me, because it will only change the selection of one of the nouveau riche in the world. "

I calculated the direction of this conference, and I almost died. "

I found that there are two main branches of fate, one is you Zhang Chulan

, and the other is you Aoki!" "I couldn't be sure that the other person was your Aoki's, but when you transmitted it to me that night, my warlock ability was suddenly activated, and I saw that vague figure clearly. "

It's you, Aoki!" Wang

also sighed suddenly, and collapsed backwards, looking rotten.

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