Zhang Chulan

: "This means that I still have a chance to win you

!" "Zhang Lingyu! This is my last Qi

!" "30-second limited-time Thunderbolt Member!" The

current thorn stimulates Zhang Chulan's body, greatly increasing Zhang Chulan's speed and strength.

Zhang Chulan's figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, the hand full of electricity pressed on Zhang Lingyu's head.

The current burst out, Zhang Lingyu let out a scream of pain, and Zhang Chulan suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood and fell towards Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu was thrown to the ground like this, and neither of the two could get up.

Zhang Lingyuqi couldn't use it, he couldn't defend with golden light, and even his speed and strength had dropped significantly, and he couldn't dodge Zhang Chulan's attack at all.

Celestial Master: "Tsk... Chu Lan, this kid is really dead... Forcibly squeezing the Qi from the body will lead to the loss of the original source. Aoki

: "Compared to this, Senior Brother Lingyu's brain doesn't know if it has been damaged by electricity."

Aoki rolled over and entered, checking the pulses of the two.

Zhang Lingyu's pulse was still strong and powerful, that is, Yang Wulei irrigated his brain, and he fainted directly.

Fortunately, Zhang Chulan doesn't have much Qi left, and the current is not strong, otherwise it will be a tragedy.

Zhang Chulan was more miserable, her pulse was meager and her body was stimulated by the current many times, and she was not damaged a lot.

Aoki looked at the Heavenly Master: "They all fainted, both were defeated, and they couldn't get up again."

Celestial Master: "Alas, these two children... Why are they all working so hard. "

Fude, let's count it as a draw

between the two!" "Aoki, help the two of them heal their injuries, don't die here." "

A poison can't be transported, and it is forcibly resisted with the flesh.

One is not enough to cultivate, forcibly transporting Qi, damaging the body in exchange for strength.

The Celestial Master sighed and turned to leave....

Aoki charged the two for a while, then grabbed one of their legs and dragged them out of the arena.

threw the two of them on a bed, took a photo, sent it to Xia He, and then turned around and closed the door and left.

I will only feel sorry for my sister-in-law and send my sister-in-law some good health.

Zhang Lingyu's Zhang Chulan's competition amazed everyone, it turned out that Zhang Chulan was so powerful.


Lu Linglong received shocking news, Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan drawn.

The dealer takes it all

! All the people who bet on Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan to win have lost cleanly!

The opening is Hidden Dragon, in order to avoid being shot seven times in the back and committing suicide, Hidden Dragon This kid doesn't know where to run.

Lu Linglong: "Hua'er, lose clean!" "All the pocket money is lost!" "Fang Jinhua: "How much do you buy Zhang Lingyu?"

Lu Linglong: "All the pocket money

this month..."Lu Jinhua: "You are really a cowhide!"

Lu Linglong: "Hua'er

, I will rely on you for my living expenses next month...",


I refuse!".

The next day, the Heavenly Master's Mansion decided to try again.

Zhang Lingyu: "Zhang Chulan, I'm going to you~

" Zhang Chulan: "Zhang Lingyu, who's afraid of whom!"

The two swung their fists in slow motion, Zhang Lingyu deliberately missed, and deliberately sent his face to Zhang Chulan's fist.

Zhang Lingyu: "Ah! What a strong strength!" "

This punch is strong enough and strong enough, even the avenue has been worn out, how can I~ not lose

~" "I, Zhang Lingyu, am convinced~" "Ah! I want to ~ be knocked down~"

Zhang Lingyu

slowly fell to the ground, Zhang Chulan's face twitched, but the play had to continue.

Zhang Chulan dragged the sky with his right hand, and faced the ground with his left hand, showing an independent golden rooster.

"Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world!"

"Stepping on yin and yang, I am the only one in the ninefold heaven!" "

Damn Aoki, what a bad script!

The master is too, and he actually agreed to Uncle Aoki's nonsense.

I don't know how the master persuaded Zhang Lingyu to let him give up his identity as the heir of the Heavenly Master.

Isn't Zhang Lingyu thin-skinned? Why are you willing to cooperate with acting!

Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan staged a competition, and Zhang Lingyu's acting skills were even more exaggerated than Feng Baobao's.

Everyone had black lines on their faces, knowing that it must have been the Heavenly Master who ordered them to do this.

Even so, what can they do?

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